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Game on June 14, 2024 at 22:58, 1 player
1. 61 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. hioprss   H8    28    28   sposh
 2. dioopsz  10F    40    68   zooids
 3. adeoruv   8H    89   157   savoured
 4. aaeilry   H8    39   196   sposhier
 5. adeeetu  11D    26   222   teads
 6. aaennoy   D8    24   246   yenta
 7. ?eimmnu   O1    89   335   undimmed
 8. aceilrt  15A    83   418   clartier
 9. acefinr   E3    81   499   fancier
10. eioortw   D1    35   534   write
11. bbenosw   1A    36   570   swowne
12. aaegilo   C3    28   598   gie
13. aeeprtu   A1    83   681   superate
14. ?binooy   B6    37   718   boney
15. aikllot   2J    40   758   kaolin
16. agiqtvx  14E    52   810   ax
17. bgilotu  12H    24   834   holibut
18. adgnoqv  N10    32   866   qat
19. dfjlnot   L1    38   904   jolt
20. dfghnov   N4    37   941   doh

Remaining tiles: fggnv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7339 Filesunshine12  1  1:27  -880   61     1.7339 sunshine12  1  1:27  -880   61 

On 1st draw, SPOSH H8 28 --- SPOSH slush [n]
Other moves: HORIS H4 24, SHIPS H4 22, SHIPS H8 22, SHOPS H4 22, SHOPS H8 22

On 2nd draw, ZOOIDS 10F 40 --- ZOOID an organic cell or body capable of independent movement [n]
Other moves: ZOOID 10F 39, ZOOIDS G10 35, ZOOID G10 34, ZOOS 10F 33, ZOOS G7 33

On 3rd draw, SAVOURED 8H 89 --- SAVOUR to taste or smell with pleasure [v]
Other moves: VOARS 11D 29, VROUS 11D 29, OREADS 11C 28, DEVA 11C 27, DOUARS 11C 27

On 4th draw, SPOSHIER H8 39 --- SPOSHY slushy [adj]
Other moves: AERILY 13C 34, RELAYS 11C 34, ALAYS 11D 32, LAYS 11E 30, RAYS 11E 30

On 5th draw, TEADS 11D 26 --- TEAD a torch [n]
Other moves: TADS 11E 24, DAES 11E 23, EAUS 11E 21, TAES 11E 21, TAUS 11E 21

On 6th draw, YENTA D8 24 --- YENTA a gossipy woman [n]
Other tops: ANYON 12A 24, HYAENA 12H 24, TENNY D11 24, TONEY D11 24
Other moves: ANNOYER M2 22, HENNY 12H 22, HONEY 12H 22, HYENA 12H 22, NYANZA F6 20

On 7th draw, UN(D)IMMED O1 89 --- DIM to reduce the light of [adj] --- UNDIMMED not dimmed [adj]
Other moves: UNM(A)IMED O1 86, H(Y)MENIUM 12H 84, IMMINU(T)E 13H 78, IMMUNI(S)E 13H 78, IMMUNI(Z)E 13H 78

On 8th draw, CLARTIER 15A 83 --- CLARTY sticky and dirty [adj]
Other moves: RECITAL E3 75, TALCIER E3 75, ARTICLE E2 73, CLARTIER M1 72, ARTICLE(D) 3H 70

On 9th draw, FANCIER E3 81 --- FANCIER one that has a special liking for something [n]
Other moves: FARCIN 2J 38, FECIAL B10 38, FERIAL B10 34, CAFE C7 32, FACIEN(D) 3I 30

On 10th draw, WRITE D1 35 --- WRITE to form characters or symbols on a surface with an instrument [v]
Other tops: WROTE D1 35
Other moves: WOOT D1 31, WRIT D1 31, WOOFIER 3B 28, WOOFTER 3B 28, TOWIER C3 26

On 11th draw, SWOWNE 1A 36 --- SWOWNE a fainting fit [n]
Other tops: SWOWNE 1C 36
Other moves: SEWN C3 35, SEW C3 33, BOWES C5 30, SWOBBER M2 30, BOWSE 13A 29

On 12th draw, GIE C3 28 --- GIE to give [v]
Other moves: ALEYE 8A 24, GI C3 23, AIGA N2 22, AGEE 14E 20, GAOL N1 20

On 13th draw, SUPERATE A1 83 --- SUPERATE to overcome [v]
Other moves: APERTURE M2 74, EPURATE(D) 3H 74, EPURATE 2F 67, APERTURE M5 62, UPTEAR 14E 30
PEER 14F 24 sunshine12

On 14th draw, BON(E)Y B6 37 --- BONEY having bones [adj]
Other tops: BIN(G)Y B6 37, BON(N)Y B6 37
Other moves: BO(N)NY B6 36, BO(R)NYL B10 32, YONI B6 32, YONI(C) B6 32, YONI(S) B6 32
BON(E)Y B6 37 sunshine12

On 15th draw, KAOLIN 2J 40 --- KAOLIN a fine white clay [n]
Other tops: KATION 2J 40, LAIK 14C 40
Other moves: OAK 14D 37, OIK 14D 37, KOEL 14F 36, KAE 14F 35, KAE G13 25

On 16th draw, AX 14E 52 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: XI 2F 50, QI F14 31, XI 3L 31, QAT 3I 30, TAXI 3I 29

On 17th draw, HOLIBUT 12H 24 --- HOLIBUT a flatfish [n]
Other moves: BIGOT 3G 21, GLOBI 3H 21, OBELI N6 21, BIO 3K 20, BOI 3K 20

On 18th draw, QAT N10 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QUOAD M11 30, QADI 4L 28, QUAD M11 28, QUAG M11 28, QUOD M11 28

On 19th draw, JOLT L1 38 --- JOLT to jar or shake roughly [v]
Other moves: JUDO M11 33, JUNTO M11 33, JOTA C12 31, JUD M11 31, JUN M11 29

On 20th draw, DOH N4 37 --- DOH a musical note [n]
Other tops: FOH 13K 37, HON F6 37
Other moves: OH N5 32, DOH 13K 31, HOE N6 31, FOH 2F 30, HO F6 30

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