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Game on June 15, 2024 at 18:41, 11 players
1. 428 pts Inkey
2. 269 pts vendanges
3. 256 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaelnop   H3    74    74   apnoeal
 2. bceimnr   6G    72   146   combiner
 3. eirsstw   3G    82   228   wastries
 4. aadgmou   5J    37   265   amadou
 5. ?aiillo   2J    25   290   auloi
 6. ainooqr   1N    45   335   qi
 7. aegorrt   8H    83   418   arrogate
 8. ehnnotu   1F    30   448   uneth
 9. ?aeiirt   2A    76   524   irisate
10. cdegiow   A1    39   563   widgie
11. adeklux   B6    50   613   xu
12. eiiosty   9L    27   640   oyes
13. aeiortu   D2    66   706   sautoire
14. eflnops  10L    42   748   nefs
15. aefijkn  11I    39   787   jink
16. aghootz   C9    39   826   azoth
17. cdeefly  D11    38   864   deely
18. cdlnopv  15D    33   897   ycond

Remaining tiles: bfglpvv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7924 FileInkey       4  9:42  -469  428     1.8840 LongJump22  3  4:16  -641  256 
  2.6258 Filevendanges   2  8:34  -628  269     2.8589 Zuincunx    3  5:27  -683  214 
  3.8840 FileLongJump22  3  4:16  -641  256     3.8703 Wuincunx    4  5:27  -715  182 
  4.8589 FileZuincunx    3  5:27  -683  214     4.8907 Quincunx    1  0:23  -852   45 
  5.8703 FileWuincunx    4  5:27  -715  182     5.8763 Vuincunx    1  0:41  -852   45 
  6.8907 FileQuincunx    1  0:23  -852   45            Group: advanced
  7.8763 FileVuincunx    1  0:41  -852   45     1.7924 Inkey       4  9:42  -469  428 
  8.6385 FileHammer22    1  1:32  -852   45            Group: intermediate
  9.6760 FileDiscus22    1  1:46  -852   45     1.6258 vendanges   2  8:34  -628  269 
 10.6232 FileJavelin22   0  0:27  -864   33     2.6385 Hammer22    1  1:32  -852   45 
 11.6710 FileShotPut22   0  0:57  -864   33     3.6760 Discus22    1  1:46  -852   45 
                                             4.6232 Javelin22   0  0:27  -864   33 
                                             5.6710 ShotPut22   0  0:57  -864   33 

On 1st draw, APNOEAL H3 74 --- APNOEA temporary cessation of breathing [adj] --- APNOEAL pertaining to apnea [adj]
Other moves: APNOEAL H2 70, APNOEAL H4 70, APNOEAL H6 70, APNOEAL H7 70, APNOEAL H8 70
APNOEAL H3 74 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, COMBINER 6G 72 --- COMBINER one that combines [n]
Other moves: AMEBIC 3H 30, CARBINE 3G 30, CARMINE 3G 30, CEMBRA 3C 26, CINEMA 3C 26
COMBINER 6G 72 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, WASTRIES 3G 82 --- WASTRY reckless extravagance [n]
Other tops: WAISTERS 3G 82, WAITRESS 3G 82
WAISTERS 3G 82 LongJump22
WISTS O4 51 vendanges

On 4th draw, AMADOU 5J 37 --- AMADOU a substance prepared from fungi for use as tinder [n]
Other moves: OGAM 5J 30, DUMA 5K 28, GAMA 5K 28, NAAM 5H 28, AGMA 2K 27
GAMA 5K 28 Inkey
DUMA 5K 28 LongJump22

On 5th draw, A(U)LOI 2J 25 --- AULOS an ancient wind instrument [n]
Other moves: A(R)IL 7J 21, A(X)IL 7J 21, LILA(C) 7K 21, O(D)AL 7J 21, O(R)AL 7J 21
AL(S)O 7L 14 Inkey

On 6th draw, QI 1N 45 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: MAROON I6 18, AIRN 1H 17, INRO 1H 17, IRON 1H 17, MANOR I6 17
QI 1N 45 vendanges, Inkey, Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Zuincunx, Hammer22, Discus22

On 7th draw, ARROGATE 8H 83 --- ARROGATE to claim or take without right [v]
Other tops: GARROTE 1D 83
Other moves: GARROTE I8 66, ARROGATE 8C 60, AREG 7J 27, RAGER 7K 26, REGAR 7K 26
GARROTE 1D 33 Javelin22, ShotPut22
GRATE 1F 21 Inkey
GATER 1F 21 vendanges

On 8th draw, UNETH 1F 30 --- UNETH difficult [adv]
Other moves: HOTEN 1G 29, HOTEN 1F 27, THEN 1H 26, THON 1H 26, ETH 1H 24
HOT 9M 23 Inkey

On 9th draw, IRI(S)ATE 2A 76 --- IRISATE to make iridescent [v]
Other moves: AIRTI(M)E 2A 69, TRITIA(T)E N8 68, TRI(T)IATE N8 68, ABIRRITA(T)E J5 65, ABIRRI(T)ATE J5 65
(E)ATER 2B 16 Inkey

On 10th draw, WIDGIE A1 39 --- WIDGIE an Australian Teddy Girl [n]
Other moves: DOGE 1A 37, DOWIE 9K 32, WICE A1 30, DEG 1A 29, DOG 1A 29
WIDGIE A1 39 Wuincunx
WICE A1 30 vendanges
WIDE A1 27 Inkey

On 11th draw, XU B6 50 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: DUX 9K 42, DEX 9M 29, EXUDE 6A 29, EXUL 9J 29, RAXED J8 29
XU B6 50 Wuincunx, Inkey
EX 6A 25 vendanges

On 12th draw, OYES 9L 27 --- OYES a proclamation [n]
Other moves: YUS O4 25, OYE 9L 24, SOY 9K 24, YITES 9K 24, YITIE 9K 24
OYES 9L 27 Inkey, Wuincunx
YUS O4 25 vendanges

On 13th draw, (S)AUTOIRE D2 66 --- SAUTOIRE a heraldic design [n]
Other moves: RAT 7M 22, ARET 10K 21, ROUE 10K 21, ROUT 10K 21, TOEA 10K 21
UREA 10K 21 Wuincunx
ROTI C5 18 Inkey

On 14th draw, NEFS 10L 42 --- NEF an ornamental stand for table cutlery [n]
Other moves: NEF 10L 38, EFS 10M 37, FLOPS C9 37, TEFLONS N8 36, FELONS C9 35
NEFS 10L 42 Zuincunx
TEFLONS N8 36 Inkey

On 15th draw, JINK 11I 39 --- JINK to move quickly out of the way [v]
Other moves: JAK 11J 37, JAKE 11I 35, FAINE C9 33, FAIK 11I 31, FANK 11I 31
JINK 11I 39 vendanges
JAKE 11I 35 Zuincunx, Inkey

On 16th draw, AZOTH C9 39 --- AZOTH mercury [n]
Other moves: AZOTH E9 36, GAZOO 12F 36, ROZIT J8 34, ZIG J10 33, ZOO 12H 33
AZOTH C9 39 Zuincunx
ZOO 12H 33 vendanges
ZIT J10 32 Inkey

On 17th draw, DEELY D11 38 --- DEELY as in deely boppers, a hairband with two bobbing antennae-like projections [adj]
Other moves: FAY 3C 33, EELY D12 31, FEED D11 30, YEED D11 30, DEELY B11 28
FAY 3C 33 Zuincunx
DICEY J10 23 Inkey

On 18th draw, YCOND 15D 33 --- CON to study carefully [v]
Other tops: COPY 15A 33
Other moves: DOPY 15A 30, CLOY 15A 27, COLY 15A 27, CONY 15A 27, PLOY 15A 27
COPY 15A 33 Inkey
DIP C1 20 Zuincunx

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