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Game on June 16, 2024 at 23:37, 1 player
1. 38 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deiovx   H8    44    44   vitex
 2. deginry  11D   102   146   redyeing
 3. ?abdeno   D8    78   224   boardmen
 4. ahiorwy  15C    45   269   anyhow
 5. aelmntu   C3    79   348   nutmeal
 6. denostt  14F    76   424   snotted
 7. deeopsu   5A    72   496   outspeed
 8. acemrru   A4    42   538   morceau
 9. aefiklr   6F    92   630   flakier
10. agjosst  15K    45   675   sojas
11. aehintw  B10    45   720   hiant
12. aeginpv  A12    41   761   peag
13. ceinrrw   D1    30   791   wrens
14. abflorr   1A    30   821   flow
15. aiilqtz  14N    46   867   za
16. iorttuv   K1    20   887   vuttier
17. begiloq   2F    40   927   oblique
18. cgiiior   M1    35   962   orgic

Remaining tiles: ii

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7305 Filesunshine12  0  0:50  -924   38     1.7305 sunshine12  0  0:50  -924   38 

On 1st draw, VI(T)EX H8 44 --- VITEX a genus of tropical plants [n]
Other tops: VI(B)EX H8 44
Other moves: EXODI(C) H3 42, EXOD(O)I H3 42, EX(O)DOI H3 42, OXIDE(S) H3 42, OX(H)IDE H3 42

On 2nd draw, REDYEING 11D 102 --- REDYE to dye again [v]
Other moves: REDYEING 11G 76, DREEING 11E 36, DERIG I9 28, DERING I9 28, DINER G9 26

On 3rd draw, BOARD(M)EN D8 78 --- BOARDMAN a board member [n]
Other moves: BANDERO(L) D6 72, BANDORE(S) D6 72, BONDA(G)ER D4 72, BONE(Y)ARD D5 72, DEBONA(I)R D4 72

On 4th draw, ANYHOW 15C 45 --- ANYHOW in any way whatever [adv]
Other moves: WHINY 15A 42, WARBY 8A 39, HIYA G9 33, HORNY 15A 33, HOYA C7 33

On 5th draw, NUTMEAL C3 79 --- NUTMEAL meal made from nuts [n]
Other moves: UNMANTLE J7 64, TELEMAN 14A 40, AMENE 14B 34, EMULATE 14D 34, ENEMA 14B 34

On 6th draw, SNOTTED 14F 76 --- SNOT to blow the nose [v]
Other moves: DEENS 14B 30, ETENS 14B 28, STENO 14B 28, TEENS 14B 28, TSADE 10B 28

On 7th draw, OUTSPEED 5A 72 --- OUTSPEED to go faster than [v]
Other moves: DEEPS 15K 34, DOPES 15K 34, DOUPS 15K 34, PESADE 10A 31, DEEP D1 28

On 8th draw, MORCEAU A4 42 --- MORCEAU a short literary or musical composition [n]
Other moves: AMORCE A3 39, CREMOR A1 39, MACER 15K 38, COMAE A4 36, COMER A4 36

On 9th draw, FLAKIER 6F 92 --- FLAKEY resembling flakes [adj]
Other moves: FAKER 15K 48, FAKIR 15K 48, FREAK 6F 48, FAKED H1 42, FIKED H1 42

On 10th draw, SOJAS 15K 45 --- SOJA the soybean [n]
Other moves: GAJOS B10 41, JAGS D2 32, JOGS D2 32, SOJAS B10 32, JASS D2 28

On 11th draw, HIANT B10 45 --- HIANT gaping [adj]
Other tops: HAINT B10 45
Other moves: HANIWA N10 40, WHATNA N10 40, HWAN 5J 37, WHATS D1 36, WHENS D1 36

On 12th draw, PEAG A12 41 --- PEAG a form of currency once used by North American Indians [n]
Other moves: PAIN A12 38, PEAN A12 38, PEIN A12 38, PIAN A12 38, VAGINA N10 36
PEAN A12 38 sunshine12

On 13th draw, WRENS D1 30 --- WREN a small songbird [n]
Other tops: WINCER L1 30
Other moves: WEIR 5K 26, WEN 5K 24, ICERS D1 22, REWIN 5K 22, WE 5K 22

On 14th draw, FLOW 1A 30 --- FLOW to move steadily and smoothly along [v]
Other tops: BRAWL 1A 30, FLAW 1A 30, FORB 5K 30, FROW 1A 30
Other moves: ABAF(T) 10D 28, BARF 5K 28, FAB 5K 28, FOB 5K 28, BARF 13K 27

On 15th draw, ZA 14N 46 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: RIZA 2D 33, RIZ 2D 32, AIZLE K2 28, IZAR L3 26, LAZE K3 26

On 16th draw, VUTTIER K1 20 --- VUTTY (Devonshire dialect) dirty [adj]
Other tops: VIRETOT K3 20
Other moves: ARIO(T) 10D 18, OUTVIE K1 18, OUVERT K3 18, TRIVET K2 18, TROUT 5J 18

On 17th draw, OBLIQUE 2F 40 --- OBLIQUE slanting [adj] --- OBLIQUE to slant [v]
Other moves: BLIVE 1H 33, GLOVE 1H 30, OGIVE 1H 30, VOGIE 1K 30, BOLETI 4G 28

On 18th draw, ORGIC M1 35 --- ORGIC of the nature of an orgy [adj]
Other moves: CROG M1 33, ORC M1 29, ROC M2 29, RIG M2 27, ORGIC 12K 25

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