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Game on June 17, 2024 at 07:49, 14 players
1. 372 pts Chelsea
2. 249 pts fatcat
3. 131 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. fimnnos   H4    24    24   finos
 2. adeehlu   6G    68    92   unhealed
 3. aelqrtu   J1    35   127   equate
 4. deikosu   1H    36   163   skeed
 5. ailnpru   8E    61   224   purslain
 6. acfglor   3I    30   254   furcal
 7. aeehntt   4L    34   288   heat
 8. degintz   J8    37   325   adzing
 9. aeginor  10D    72   397   organize
10. aeimrvy   E5    56   453   vampire
11. eiostxy  11I    50   503   sixty
12. ?beirst  12A    87   590   breists
13. adegiou   2L    32   622   igad
14. eijnort  B10    56   678   jirre
15. abelnot   M9    30   708   bayonet
16. eeinort  15G    77   785   tenorite
17. ?cmooou  O10    60   845   comous
18. loopvwy  A12    34   879   boyo

Remaining tiles: lpvww

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7173 FileChelsea     3 11:05  -507  372     1.8773 LongJump22  1  0:50  -748  131 
  2.6447 Filefatcat      2  6:09  -630  249     2.8659 Zuincunx    0  0:43  -825   54 
  3.8773 FileLongJump22  1  0:50  -748  131     3.8872 Quincunx    0  1:03  -825   54 
  4.8659 FileZuincunx    0  0:43  -825   54     4.8717 Wuincunx    0  1:22  -825   54 
  5.8872 FileQuincunx    0  1:03  -825   54     5.8762 Vuincunx    0  1:46  -825   54 
  6.8717 FileWuincunx    0  1:22  -825   54            Group: advanced
  7.8762 FileVuincunx    0  1:46  -825   54     1.7173 Chelsea     3 11:05  -507  372 
  8.6760 FileDiscus22    1  0:29  -845   34     2.7766 HollyIvy    0  0:53  -852   27 
  9.6232 FileJavelin22   1  0:44  -845   34     3.7873 sicilianc5  0  1:15  -852   27 
 10.6710 FileShotPut22   1  1:02  -845   34     4.7728 moonmonkey  0  1:36  -852   27 
 11.6385 FileHammer22    1  1:45  -845   34            Group: intermediate
 12.7766 FileHollyIvy    0  0:53  -852   27     1.6447 fatcat      2  6:09  -630  249 
 13.7873 Filesicilianc5  0  1:15  -852   27     2.6760 Discus22    1  0:29  -845   34 
 14.7728 Filemoonmonkey  0  1:36  -852   27     3.6232 Javelin22   1  0:44  -845   34 
                                             4.6710 ShotPut22   1  1:02  -845   34 
                                             5.6385 Hammer22    1  1:45  -845   34 

On 1st draw, FINOS H4 24 --- FINO a very dry sherry [n]
Other tops: FOINS H4 24
Other moves: MINOS H4 20, FINOS H8 18, FOINS H8 18, INFOS H4 18, INFOS H8 18

On 2nd draw, UNHEALED 6G 68 --- HEAL to make sound or whole [adj] --- UNHEAL to disclose [v]
Other moves: HELED G3 29, HEADFUL 4D 28, HEEDFUL 4D 28, LEHUA G5 28, AHED G6 27

On 3rd draw, EQUATE J1 35 --- EQUATE to be regarded as equal [v]
Other tops: QUELEA J2 35
Other moves: LEQUEAR M2 34, QUALE J2 34, QUARE J2 34, QUATE J2 34, QUAERE M3 32

On 4th draw, SKEED 1H 36 --- SKEE to ski [v]
Other moves: DOEKS 1H 33, SOUKED 1F 33, DUKES G5 32, EQUIDS 2I 32, DEKES 1G 30

On 5th draw, PURSLAIN 8E 61 --- PURSLAIN a herb used in salads [n]
Other moves: PRIAL K3 24, LUPIN G5 22, POA 7G 22, POI 7G 22, PURLIN 3I 22

On 6th draw, FURCAL 3I 30 --- FURCAL forked [adj]
Other tops: FULCRA 3I 30
Other moves: FULGOR 3I 28, FURCA 3I 28, CLOFF 4D 26, FUGAL 3I 26, FURAL 3I 24
FAG 7M 23 Chelsea

On 7th draw, HEAT 4L 34 --- HEAT to make hot [v]
Other moves: THANE 5J 33, THETA 5J 33, THETE 5J 33, THAE 5J 28, THAN 5J 28
HEAT 4L 34 Chelsea

On 8th draw, ADZING J8 37 --- ADZ to shape (wood) with an adz (a cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: ADZE J8 34, PIZED E8 34, ZIT 2F 34, ADZ J8 33, PIZE E8 30

On 9th draw, ORGANIZE 10D 72 --- ORGANIZE to form into an orderly whole [v]
Other moves: ORIGANE 9A 69, REAPING E5 40, NAGGIER 13G 24, ANE K10 23, ONE K10 23
REAPING E5 40 Chelsea

On 10th draw, VAMPIRE E5 56 --- VAMPIRE a reanimated corpse believed to feed on sleeping persons' blood [n] --- VAMPIRE to prey upon [v]
Other moves: RAMPIRE E5 44, RIMAYE L10 43, NERVY L8 41, REAMY L10 39, RIMY L10 37
REAMY L10 39 Chelsea

On 11th draw, SIXTY 11I 50 --- SIXTY a number [n]
Other moves: SIXTY L10 49, XYSTOI 12C 49, SEXY L10 47, XYSTI 12C 45, SIXTE 11I 44
SIXTY 11I 50 Chelsea, fatcat

On 12th draw, BREIST(S) 12A 87 --- BREIST (Scots) breast [n]
Other moves: BREI(S)TS 12A 86, BITS(I)ER 12B 83, BRIST(L)E 12B 83, BRIS(K)ET 12B 83, B(I)TSIER 12B 83
BITES 12A 35 fatcat
BE(A)TS 12A 33 Chelsea

On 13th draw, IGAD 2L 32 --- IGAD a mild oath [interj]
Other moves: QAID 2J 31, ABIDE A11 24, ABODE A11 24, GUYED M9 24, OBIED A11 24
GORED B10 22 Chelsea
BEAD A12 21 fatcat

On 14th draw, JIRRE B10 56 --- JIRRE (Afrikaans) an exclamation expressive of surprise, admiration, shock, etc [interj]
Other moves: OBJET A11 42, BENJ A12 39, JOINTER B6 32, JET 2F 28, JOT 2F 28
JOR B10 26 Chelsea
EEJIT C11 24 fatcat

On 15th draw, BAYONET M9 30 --- BAYONET to stab with a dagger-like weapon [v]
Other tops: BABE A12 30, BOBA A12 30
Other moves: BOAB A12 28, BAYLE M9 26, BOYLA M9 26, BAEL A12 22, BANE A12 22
BABE A12 30 Chelsea
BOAB A12 28 fatcat

On 16th draw, TENORITE 15G 77 --- TENORITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: BEEN A12 22, BEER A12 22, BEET A12 22, BENE A12 22, BENI A12 22
TENORITE 15G 77 LongJump22
TENORITE 15G 27 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, moonmonkey
ROTTEN 15J 21 fatcat
NETTER 15J 21 Chelsea

On 17th draw, COMOU(S) O10 60 --- COMOUS bearing a tuft of silky hairs [adj]
Other moves: COM(S) O12 54, MOC(S) O12 54, COMU(S) O11 51, COOM(S) O11 51, COO(S) O12 48
COM(S) O12 54 LongJump22, Zuincunx, Quincunx, Wuincunx, Vuincunx
MOC(S) O12 54 Chelsea
CO(S) O13 36 fatcat

On 18th draw, BOYO A12 34 --- BOYO a young man [n]
Other tops: BOWL A12 34
Other moves: TWO L11 24, BOOL A12 22, WO A14 20, YO A14 20, DOPY N6 17
BOWL A12 34 fatcat, Discus22, Javelin22, ShotPut22, Hammer22

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