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Game on June 17, 2024 at 11:31, 11 players
1. 184 pts LongJump22
2. 143 pts Vuincunx
3. 106 pts Chelsea

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeefrtw   H4    32    32   fewter
 2. agilnot   4H    78   110   floating
 3. ?aeeflt   M1    72   182   frailtee
 4. abegost   K3    72   254   sabotage
 5. eeimoor   1J    30   284   roofie
 6. aahinnu   J8    32   316   aah
 7. bceioru   O4    24   340   grice
 8. aelnswz  11K    52   392   senza
 9. adeeorv   9A    64   456   overdear
10. ?disuuu  10E    32   488   ides
11. eeknoru  O11    42   530   akene
12. abiopru  11B    28   558   burp
13. adiortw  L10    31   589   weirdo
14. ilnopsy   A4    48   637   ypsilon
15. acdimnu  15G    36   673   mandioc
16. ahlmnou   B3    37   710   noah
17. gijmotu  14F    32   742   jut
18. iloqtuv  13I    48   790   quirt
19. gilmovy   C2    36   826   gym

Remaining tiles: ilouvx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8773 FileLongJump22  2  4:14  -642  184     1.8773 LongJump22  2  4:14  -642  184 
  2.8722 FileVuincunx    2  3:41  -683  143     2.8722 Vuincunx    2  3:41  -683  143 
  3.7171 FileChelsea     2  4:12  -720  106     3.8814 Quincunx    2  1:56  -736   90 
  4.8814 FileQuincunx    2  1:56  -736   90     4.8717 Wuincunx    1  0:51  -784   42 
  5.  -  Fileqqqq2246    1  1:58  -778   48     5.8776 Zuincunx    1  1:11  -784   42 
  6.8717 FileWuincunx    1  0:51  -784   42            Group: advanced
  7.8776 FileZuincunx    1  1:11  -784   42     1.7171 Chelsea     2  4:12  -720  106 
  8.7672 Filequeen66     0  0:16  -798   28     2.7672 queen66     0  0:16  -798   28 
  9.7483 FileMycophot    0  0:36  -798   28     3.7483 Mycophot    0  0:36  -798   28 
 10.7728 Filemoonmonkey  0  0:54  -798   28     4.7728 moonmonkey  0  0:54  -798   28 
 11.7873 Filesicilianc5  0  1:11  -798   28     5.7873 sicilianc5  0  1:11  -798   28 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  qqqq2246    1  1:58  -778   48 

On 1st draw, FEWTER H4 32 --- FEWTER to set in a rest [v]
Other tops: WAFTER H4 32
Other moves: FETWA H4 30, FEWER H4 30, WAFER H4 30, WEFTE H4 30, AFREET H3 26

On 2nd draw, FLOATING 4H 78 --- FLOAT to rest or remain on the surface of a liquid [v] --- FLOATING the act of floating [n]
Other moves: GELATION 5G 68, LEGATION 5G 68, ANTILOG G9 63, TOTALING 7F 63, TRIGONAL 9G 62

On 3rd draw, F(R)AILTEE M1 72 --- FRAILTEE frailty [n]
Other tops: FETIALE(S) M1 72
Other moves: FEL(L)ATE G8 69, FEL(L)ATE I8 69, FE(L)LATE G8 69, FE(L)LATE I8 69, FALTERE(D) 9C 66

On 4th draw, SABOTAGE K3 72 --- SABOTAGE to destroy maliciously [v]
Other moves: BEFOG 1K 36, BAFTS 1K 33, BEGETS 8J 33, ABETS 8K 30, BEGO 8L 30

On 5th draw, ROOFIE 1J 30 --- ROOFIE a tablet of a powerful sedative [n]
Other tops: AMEER 8K 30
Other moves: EMIGRE O1 27, ROMEO L8 27, MOIRE G5 26, MEE J6 25, MOIRE J10 25

On 6th draw, AAH J8 32 --- AAH to exclaim in amazement, joy, or surprise [v]
Other tops: NAH J8 32
Other moves: HAN J6 31, HIN J6 31, HINAU J10 31, HUN J6 31, AHA J9 30
HINAU J10 31 LongJump22

On 7th draw, GRICE O4 24 --- GRICE a little pig [n] --- GRICE to spot trains [v]
Other tops: GEBUR O4 24, GIBER O4 24
Other moves: OUREBI G6 23, ERIC L9 22, CORBE 2F 21, CORBIE I10 21, CORBE I10 20

On 8th draw, SENZA 11K 52 --- SENZA without [prep]
Other moves: WANZES 10C 51, SAZ 11K 48, SEZ 11K 48, LAZES 10D 47, NAZES 10D 47
WANZES L10 47 LongJump22, Vuincunx

On 9th draw, OVERDEAR 9A 64 --- OVERDEAR too dear; too costly [adj]
Other moves: RAZEED N9 36, READ 12L 36, ROAD 12L 36, DEAR 12L 34, REAVED L10 30
OVERDEAR 9A 64 LongJump22

On 10th draw, ID(E)S 10E 32 --- IDE a European freshwater fish [n] --- IDES a certain day in the ancient Roman calendar [n]
Other moves: DU(O)S 12L 31, DIS 10F 30, DI(S) 10F 28, D(A)S 10F 28, D(I)S 10F 28

On 11th draw, AKENE O11 42 --- AKENE a dry one-seeded fruit [n]
Other moves: REZONE N9 34, ZERK N11 34, ZONK N11 34, ZOUK N11 34, ANKER O11 30
AKENE O11 42 LongJump22, Wuincunx, Zuincunx, Quincunx

On 12th draw, BURP 11B 28 --- BURP to belch [v]
Other tops: BARP 11B 28, PROB 11B 28
Other moves: BAP 11C 26, BAP N13 26, BOP 11C 26, BOP N13 26, OPERA L9 26

On 13th draw, WEIRDO L10 31 --- WEIRDO a very strange person [n]
Other moves: AWED L9 29, AWETO L9 29, OWED L9 29, REDOWA L10 28, VIBRATO B9 28

On 14th draw, YPSILON A4 48 --- YPSILON the twentieth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: PLOSION A4 36, YPSILON 15G 36, POYSON 15H 33, POYSON A5 33, PYLON A6 30
YPSILON A4 48 Quincunx, Vuincunx

On 15th draw, MANDIOC 15G 36 --- MANDIOC a plant of the Manihot genus [n]
Other moves: CUDDIN 14J 32, CAMION 15H 30, MANIOC 15H 30, DAIMON 15H 27, AMIDO 15H 24

On 16th draw, NOAH B3 37 --- NOAH a shark (Australian rhyming slang - Noah's ark) [n]
Other moves: MOHUA 14F 34, OOH J4 31, AH B5 30, OH B5 30, MOHUA B1 29

On 17th draw, JUT 14F 32 --- JUT to protrude [v]
Other tops: JOT 14F 32
Other moves: GJU 14E 31, JO 14F 29, JOW 6F 29, BIJOU B11 28, OJIME 5D 28
JOT 14F 32 Chelsea

On 18th draw, QUIRT 13I 48 --- QUIRT to strike with a riding whip [v]
Other moves: LIQUOR 13G 35, LIQUOR D4 32, TORQUE 13J 30, QUITE 5D 28, QUOTE 5D 28
QUIRT 13I 48 Chelsea, Vuincunx, qqqq2246

On 19th draw, GYM C2 36 --- GYM a room for athletic activities [n]
Other moves: LYM C2 34, IVY C1 28, VLY C1 28, YOM C2 28, GLOM C1 26
IVY C1 28 queen66, Mycophot, moonmonkey, sicilianc5
MOY C1 26 Chelsea

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