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Game on June 17, 2024 at 21:17, 6 players
1. 345 pts LongJump22
2. 228 pts Quincunx
3. 210 pts Vuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ehlntu   H8    70    70   luthern
 2. aeefior  11H    24    94   heifer
 3. aeioprs  15H   110   204   soapier
 4. aadegis  10G    29   233   staged
 5. aceiotu   L8    24   257   codeia
 6. ?ajknoo  14J    54   311   jo
 7. aeglnot  12A    70   381   elongate
 8. ?aeilst   E5    82   463   eastling
 9. dehrruy   6A    75   538   hurrayed
10. eeiptvw   H1    51   589   viewed
11. egikoov   A8    36   625   evoke
12. aaaimos  B10    42   667   malis
13. aeinorw   8H    30   697   lonicera
14. aaiortu  15A    26   723   atria
15. cfnotuw  C11    38   761   wof
16. cgnotuz   7I    44   805   zo
17. binptux   M6    41   846   ibex
18. dgloptu   A1    39   885   plough
19. cdnqtuy   2F    36   921   quint
20. bcddnty  13K    31   952   baddy

Remaining tiles: cmnnt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8784 FileLongJump22  6  7:13  -607  345     1.8784 LongJump22  6  7:13  -607  345 
  2.  -  FileQuincunx    2  6:57  -724  228     2.8652 Wuincunx    1  1:25  -898   54 
  3.  -  FileVuincunx    2  5:10  -742  210     3.8859 Zuincunx    1  1:43  -898   54 
  4.7305 Filesunshine12  3  5:29  -752  200            Group: advanced
  5.8652 FileWuincunx    1  1:25  -898   54     1.7305 sunshine12  3  5:29  -752  200 
  6.8859 FileZuincunx    1  1:43  -898   54            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Quincunx    2  6:57  -724  228 
                                             2.  -  Vuincunx    2  5:10  -742  210 

On 1st draw, LUTHE(R)N H8 70 --- LUTHERN a type of window [n]
Other tops: LUTHE(R)N H2 70, LUTHE(R)N H3 70, LUTHE(R)N H4 70, LUTHE(R)N H6 70
Other moves: LUTHE(R)N H5 68, LUTHE(R)N H7 68, HUNTE(D) H4 24, HUNTE(R) H4 24, HU(R)TLE H4 24
LUTHE(R)N H8 70 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, HEIFER 11H 24 --- HEIFER a young cow [n]
Other tops: HEREOF 11H 24
Other moves: REEF I9 23, REIF I9 23, AFIRE I6 20, AFORE I6 20, FARE I7 19
HEIFER 11H 24 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, SOAPIER 15H 110 --- SOAPY containing or resembling soap [adj]
Other moves: OPERAS 15C 63, PRAISE 15D 63, PELORIAS 8F 61, POLARISE 8F 61, PAIRS 15D 60
SOAPIER 15H 110 LongJump22

On 4th draw, STAGED 10G 29 --- STAGE to produce for public viewing [v]
Other moves: EASED 12H 27, STADIA 10G 27, ADAGES N6 25, SADE 12J 25, SAGER N11 25

On 5th draw, CODEIA L8 24 --- CODEIA a narcotic alkaloid [n]
Other moves: AUCTION 14B 22, CADEE L8 22, CADET L8 22, CAUTION 14B 22, TIE 12K 22

On 6th draw, JO 14J 54 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other tops: JOCKO(S) 8J 54
Other moves: J(O) 14J 52, JOOK(S) N7 37, JAK(S) N8 36, JAUK 9F 36, JOUK 9F 36
JO 14J 54 LongJump22, Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Zuincunx

On 7th draw, ELONGATE 12A 70 --- ELONGATE to lengthen [v]
Other moves: TANGELO I2 62, LOCATE 8J 24, ACTON 8K 21, CAGE 8L 21, CANG 8L 21

On 8th draw, EASTLI(N)G E5 82 --- EASTLING easterly [adj]
Other tops: STEALI(N)G E5 82
Other moves: (B)LASTIER N8 81, AI(G)LETS N5 73, AL(B)ITES N5 73, A(B)LEIST N6 73, A(G)ILEST N6 73

On 9th draw, HURRAYED 6A 75 --- HURRAY to hurrah [v]
Other moves: HERRY F2 42, HURRY F2 42, HERYED A8 39, DECURY 8J 36, DERRY F2 36
HERRY F2 42 Quincunx
HURRY F2 42 Vuincunx

On 10th draw, VIEWED H1 51 --- VIEW to look at [v]
Other moves: TWELVE B9 40, WHEEP A5 39, WHIPT A5 39, PHEW A5 36, THIEVE A5 36
WHEEP A5 39 Vuincunx, Quincunx

On 11th draw, EVOKE A8 36 --- EVOKE to call forth [v]
Other tops: KIEVE A8 36
Other moves: HIKE A6 33, HOIK A6 33, HOKE A6 33, HOKI A6 33, HOOK A6 33
HIKE A6 33 Quincunx
HOOK A6 33 Vuincunx

On 12th draw, MALIS B10 42 --- MALI a member of the gardener caste in India [n]
Other tops: MALAS B10 42, MILOS B10 42, MOLAS B10 42
Other moves: OMASA 13B 37, SAMA 13A 37, SIMA 13A 37, SOMA 13A 37, AMAS 13B 33
MOLAS B10 42 Vuincunx
MALAS B10 42 Quincunx

On 13th draw, LONICERA 8H 30 --- LONICERA the honeysuckle [n]
Other moves: OWRIE D4 28, WANIER D1 28, WARIER D1 28, WARNER D1 28, CRAW 8L 27

On 14th draw, ATRIA 15A 26 --- ATRIUM the main room of an ancient Roman house [n]
Other moves: ATUA 15A 23, ORARIA D3 21, ATRIA D4 19, ORATE G2 18, WAIRUA 4H 18

On 15th draw, WOF C11 38 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: WOF 7M 29, FAWN 13K 28, FUNCTOR N2 28, WAFT 13K 28, FONE G3 27
FAWN 13K 28 Quincunx
FEW M7 26 sunshine12

On 16th draw, ZO 7I 44 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: CAZ 13K 35, GINZO 2G 35, ZOIC 2F 35, COZEN M5 30, ZONAE I7 28
ZO 7I 44 Quincunx, sunshine12, LongJump22

On 17th draw, IBEX M6 41 --- IBEX a wild goat [n]
Other moves: TEX M7 36, EX M8 34, OX 9L 34, PAX 13K 31, PINXIT 2G 31
IBEX M6 41 LongJump22
PAX 13K 31 sunshine12

On 18th draw, PLOUGH A1 39 --- PLOUGH to turn soil with a farm implement [v]
Other moves: POTED G3 27, PUTLOG L1 27, PAGOD 13K 25, GLOUTED 3C 24, PLODGE 3C 24
PLOUGH A1 39 sunshine12
OE M14 2 LongJump22

On 19th draw, QUINT 2F 36 --- QUINT a group of five [n]
Other moves: QUID 2F 34, QUIN 2F 33, QUIT 2F 33, CANDY 13K 29, CANTY 13K 27
QUINT 2F 36 sunshine12

On 20th draw, BADDY 13K 31 --- BADDY a villain [n]
Other tops: CADDY 13K 31
Other moves: BANDY 13K 29, CANDY 13K 29, BANTY 13K 27, CANTY 13K 27, BENDY 5G 26
BY 6J 24 sunshine12

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