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Game on June 17, 2024 at 22:51, 1 player
1. 48 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aiinwy   H4    30    30   waying
 2. ehiortv   8A    95   125   overthin
 3. deeiklo   B6    72   197   dovelike
 4. acefisv   F1    73   270   cavefish
 5. adeimty   1A    48   318   etymic
 6. aegiint  12B    24   342   kainite
 7. ?deiswx   C3    74   416   dewaxes
 8. beeimpr  11D    36   452   bemire
 9. anooptu   E4    34   486   potato
10. aadeghn  13A    35   521   hedge
11. egjlnor  H11    36   557   rejon
12. abefntu  13H    32   589   jubate
13. adflosu   J6    33   622   faulds
14. acenosu   8J    33   655   uncase
15. ilprrtu   N2    30   685   irrupts
16. agloorz  F11    47   732   mirza
17. agnooru  14J    28   760   orang
18. glnooqu  L10    28   788   quota

Remaining tiles: gllno

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7318 Filesunshine12  0  2:20  -740   48     1.7318 sunshine12  0  2:20  -740   48 

On 1st draw, WAYIN(G) H4 30 --- WAY to journey [v]
Other tops: YAWIN(G) H4 30
Other moves: N(O)WAY H8 28, WAN(E)Y H4 28, WAN(E)Y H8 28, WAN(K)Y H4 28, WAN(K)Y H8 28

On 2nd draw, OVERTHIN 8A 95 --- OVERTHIN too thin [adj]
Other moves: OVERHIT I9 70, HAVIOR 5G 24, THRAVE 5E 24, THROWE 4D 24, WHITER 4H 24

On 3rd draw, DOVELIKE B6 72 --- DOVELIKE resembling or suggestive of a dove [adj]
Other moves: KIDEL I8 32, KILD I8 31, KID I8 30, KILO I8 30, KOEL I8 30
KID 7G 26 sunshine12

On 4th draw, CAVEFISH F1 73 --- CAVEFISH a sightless fish [n]
Other moves: FACTIVE E5 60, VESICA A1 39, CAVIES 3C 36, FACIES 3C 36, FASCI C11 35
FIVES I1 22 sunshine12

On 5th draw, ETYMIC 1A 48 --- ETYMIC pertaining to a word's etymology [adj]
Other tops: MEDIACY 1A 48
Other moves: EDACITY 1C 45, MICATED 1D 45, DAYTIME C2 42, DECAY 1D 39, DICEY 1D 39

On 6th draw, KAINITE 12B 24 --- KAINITE a mineral salt [n]
Other tops: TANGI C11 24, TINGE C11 24
Other moves: NEG E4 23, TEG E4 23, TIG E4 23, AKING 12A 22, EKING 12A 22

On 7th draw, DEW(A)XES C3 74 --- DEWAX to remove wax from [v]
Other moves: I(N)DEXES C3 69, WEX C7 51, WEXED C5 51, WEX E4 50, DIX(I)TS E4 49

On 8th draw, BEMIRE 11D 36 --- BEMIRE to soil with mud [v]
Other moves: EPIMER 11E 34, REBITE E4 34, MIB E4 32, REBIT E4 32, REMET E4 32

On 9th draw, POTATO E4 34 --- POTATO the edible tuber of a cultivated plant [n]
Other moves: ATOP D3 29, OOP E4 26, POA E4 26, POO E4 26, POT E4 26

On 10th draw, HEDGE 13A 35 --- HEDGE to surround with a hedge (a dense row of shrubs) [v]
Other moves: HANGED J6 33, HENGE 13A 31, EANED 13B 30, HAGDEN 13H 30, HANGED 13H 30

On 11th draw, REJON H11 36 --- REJON a bullfighting lance [n]
Other moves: JOLE I3 31, JOG I3 27, REJON I1 27, JOE I3 25, JOL I3 25

On 12th draw, JUBATE 13H 32 --- JUBATE maned [adj]
Other tops: ENUF I4 32
Other moves: AUF I5 26, BEAUT I3 26, FOB A7 26, NEF I5 26, TEF I5 26

On 13th draw, FAULDS J6 33 --- FAULD a piece of armor below the breastplate [n]
Other moves: FADOS 12K 32, ALODS 14J 29, ODALS 14J 29, DOF I5 28, FADO 12K 28

On 14th draw, UNCASE 8J 33 --- UNCASE to remove from a case [v]
Other tops: UNCOES 8J 33
Other moves: USANCE 8J 27, AEONS 14J 26, COOSEN 14F 26, CANSO K5 25, OCEANS K3 25

On 15th draw, IRRUPTS N2 30 --- IRRUPT to enter forcibly or violently [v]
Other moves: HIP A13 24, HUP A13 24, PIRL 12K 22, PURI 12K 22, PURL 12K 22

On 16th draw, MIRZA F11 47 --- MIRZA a Persian title of honour [n]
Other moves: ZA 12K 37, ZO O1 35, WAZOO 4H 34, ZOO 14F 32, TZAR B1 31

On 17th draw, ORANG 14J 28 --- ORANG a large ape [n]
Other moves: GUANO M2 27, ANGORA 15A 24, ORGANA 15A 24, GAUN M2 21, GOON M2 21

On 18th draw, QUOTA L10 28 --- QUOTA a proportional part or share [n]
Other moves: GLUON M1 22, QUA 15D 22, GOON M2 21, HOG A13 21, HUG A13 21

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