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Game on June 20, 2024 at 08:24, 7 players
1. 526 pts fatcat
2. 156 pts LongJump22
3. 109 pts Zuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?elmttu   H4    20    20   mutate
 2. deeiors   I1    73    93   osiered
 3. eeeilor   1H    21   114   loerie
 4. enoortv   9F    67   181   overtone
 5. ahloprs   L3    78   259   alphorns
 6. accdeky   8A    66   325   yacked
 7. ?aensvw   N5    76   401   waveson
 8. aeghiot  O10    42   443   hogtie
 9. aiioprt   B2    30   473   atropia
10. giorstu   O1    34   507   trigos
11. aaeilnw   J4    36   543   new
12. aaaefgn  10B    36   579   ganef
13. adjlnou   A5    31   610   judy
14. aeilmnq   8J    32   642   airmen
15. aceilnu   5A    30   672   jounce
16. abdfiil  11D    29   701   alf
17. aaboquy  12A    64   765   quay
18. adiilxz  A12    42   807   qadi
19. bbiloxz   M3    38   845   xi

Remaining tiles: bbiloz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6449 Filefatcat      4 12:32  -319  526     1.8757 LongJump22  2  3:49  -689  156 
  2.8757 FileLongJump22  2  3:49  -689  156     2.8612 Zuincunx    3  2:18  -736  109 
  3.8612 FileZuincunx    3  2:18  -736  109     3.8728 Quincunx    0  1:06  -823   22 
  4.  -  Fileqqqq2246    1  1:44  -781   64     4.8682 Vuincunx    0  1:28  -823   22 
  5.8728 FileQuincunx    0  1:06  -823   22     5.8599 Wuincunx    0  1:48  -823   22 
  6.8682 FileVuincunx    0  1:28  -823   22            Group: intermediate
  7.8599 FileWuincunx    0  1:48  -823   22     1.6449 fatcat      4 12:32  -319  526 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  qqqq2246    1  1:44  -781   64 

On 1st draw, MUT(A)TE H4 20 --- MUTATE to undergo mutation [v]
Other tops: LUTE(U)M H7 20, L(U)TEUM H7 20, METTL(E) H4 20, MULET(A) H4 20, MUL(L)ET H4 20, MUTEL(Y) H4 20, MUTE(S)T H4 20, MUTTE(R) H4 20, MUT(U)EL H4 20, MUT(U)LE H4 20, MU(L)LET H4 20, M(E)TTLE H4 20, M(O)TTLE H4 20, M(U)TUEL H4 20, M(U)TULE H4 20, TEL(I)UM H7 20, TE(C)TUM H7 20, UM(W)ELT H3 20, (A)MULET H3 20
Other moves: LE(D)UM H8 18, MELT(S) H4 18, MELT(Y) H4 18, MET(A)L H4 18, MET(O)L H4 18
MUTTE(R) H4 20 fatcat

On 2nd draw, OSIERED I1 73 --- OSIER a European tree [adj] --- OSIERED covered with osiers [adj]
Other moves: EMEROIDS 4G 72, OREIDES 10B 72, OREIDES 10D 71, OSIERED 10B 71, OSIERED I6 69
REEDS 10E 17 fatcat

On 3rd draw, LOERIE 1H 21 --- LOERIE an African bird [n]
Other moves: EEL J4 18, LEE J4 18, LOERIE J6 18, LOOIE 1H 18, OORIE 1H 18
ROLE 1H 12 fatcat

On 4th draw, OVERTONE 9F 67 --- OVERTONE a higher partial tone [n]
Other moves: OVERTONE 9A 63, OVERMEN 4D 24, VENOMER 4D 24, TENOR J4 23, OVERTURN 5C 22
EVENT M1 16 fatcat

On 5th draw, ALPHORNS L3 78 --- ALPHORN a wooden horn used by Swiss herdsmen [n]
Other moves: RALPHS 8A 44, HARPS 8K 43, SPLASH 2E 40, SPLOSH 2E 40, SPORAL N9 40
HAP 8M 29 fatcat

On 6th draw, YACKED 8A 66 --- YACK to talk persistently [v]
Other moves: CACKY 10B 43, CAKEY 10B 41, DRACK 8K 41, DRECK 8K 41, DECAY G3 40
RACK 8L 32 fatcat

On 7th draw, WAVES(O)N N5 76 --- WAVESON goods floating after a shipwreck [n]
Other moves: SWA(R)VE N9 50, SWEV(E)N N9 50, SW(E)VEN N9 50, V(I)NEW 10B 41, NEWS J4 40
RAVE 8L 23 fatcat

On 8th draw, HOGTIE O10 42 --- HOGTIE to tie together the legs of [v]
Other moves: HOAGIE O10 39, GOATISH 2D 36, ACHIOTE C7 34, TAISH 2F 33, CHIGOE C8 32
OATH 10C 30 fatcat

On 9th draw, ATROPIA B2 30 --- ATROPIA a medicine derived from the deadly nightshade [n]
Other moves: PATIO O1 29, ATRIP 10B 27, PATRICO C3 26, APROTIC C2 24, ATOP 10C 24
PATIO O1 29 fatcat

On 10th draw, TRIGOS O1 34 --- TRIGO wheat [n]
Other tops: TRUGOS O1 34
Other moves: GUIROS O1 31, TRIGO O1 29, TRUGO O1 29, SUITOR O1 28, GUIRO O1 26
GUSTO O1 26 fatcat

On 11th draw, NEW J4 36 --- NEW existing only a short time [adj] --- NEW something that is new [n] --- NEW to renew [v]
Other tops: LEW J4 36
Other moves: ALEW 10C 30, ANEW 10C 30, LAW 10D 29, LEW 10D 29, NAW 10D 29
NEW 10D 29 fatcat

On 12th draw, GANEF 10B 36 --- GANEF a thief [n]
Other moves: NEF 10D 29, EF 10E 28, FRAENA 4A 26, FRAG 4A 24, FRENA 4A 24
GANEF 10B 36 LongJump22
EF 10E 28 fatcat

On 13th draw, JUDY A5 31 --- JUDY a girl [n]
Other moves: JA A1 29, ADJURE 5E 28, G*DJ* B10 28, JOL G3 28, JADE E5 24
JA A1 29 fatcat, LongJump22

On 14th draw, AIRMEN 8J 32 --- AIRMAN an aviator [n]
Other moves: LIMAN 11A 27, LIMEN 11A 27, MINAE 11A 25, KINEMA D8 24, QAT 13M 24
LIMAN 11A 27 LongJump22
QAT 13M 24 fatcat

On 15th draw, JOUNCE 5A 30 --- JOUNCE to move roughly up and down [v]
Other moves: JOUAL 5A 24, JOULE 5A 24, ALECK D4 22, CAULK D4 22, CLANK D4 22
CLUNK D4 22 Quincunx
CLINK D4 22 Vuincunx
CLANK D4 22 Wuincunx
GLANCE B10 18 fatcat

On 16th draw, ALF 11D 29 --- ALF an Australian yobbo [n]
Other moves: BAD 11C 24, ALF N13 23, FILED F2 21, FLIED F2 21, ALB N13 20
ALF 11D 29 Zuincunx
IF A1 20 fatcat

On 17th draw, QUAY 12A 64 --- QUAY a wharf [n]
Other moves: YAQONA D1 44, AQUAS 2E 36, BUOY 12A 36, AQUAE F1 34, ABY N13 31
QUAY 12A 64 LongJump22, fatcat, qqqq2246

On 18th draw, QADI A12 42 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other tops: QAID A12 42
Other moves: AX N13 38, XI M3 38, ZAX 3K 38, AZIDE F1 35, ZA A1 35
QAID A12 42 Zuincunx, fatcat

On 19th draw, XI M3 38 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: ZAX 3K 38
Other moves: ZEX F4 35, BEZ F4 34, L*Z F4 32, OX N2 31, XI C2 31
XI M3 38 Zuincunx, fatcat

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