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Game on June 21, 2024 at 16:26, 12 players
1. 237 pts Pacific
2. 218 pts LongJump22
3. 90 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. afilrty   H6    84    84   frailty
 2. ?efiltx   8F    67   151   flaxiest
 3. abilnry   J3    73   224   brainily
 4. beeiios   4E    72   296   boiserie
 5. jmnorsu   E1    34   330   jumbos
 6. deikmru   1E    51   381   juked
 7. adeirtw   3J    29   410   bawtie
 8. dehiopr   M8    80   490   trophied
 9. ?aeenrz  15F   104   594   brazened
10. aaemnuu  N10    33   627   mean
11. deoprtw  L10    54   681   dowp
12. ahoqsst  O11    50   731   stash
13. aceoruv   O1    33   764   erev
14. agginor   2D    23   787   guga
15. aeilnot   D6    68   855   elation
16. cdinorv   5I    25   880   darn
17. acnootu  14A    23   903   noctua
18. egioquv  A11    45   948   quino

Remaining tiles: cegov

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.  -  FilePacific     2  3:41  -711  237     1.8639 LongJump22  2  3:17  -730  218 
  2.8639 FileLongJump22  2  3:17  -730  218     2.8501 Wuincunx    0  1:49  -896   52 
  3.7290 Filesunshine12  1  2:15  -858   90     3.8480 Zuincunx    0  0:27  -915   33 
  4.6993 FileArcticFox   0  3:54  -866   82     4.8646 Vuincunx    0  1:22  -926   22 
  5.8501 FileWuincunx    0  1:49  -896   52     5.8651 Quincunx    0  1:51  -926   22 
  6.8480 FileZuincunx    0  0:27  -915   33            Group: advanced
  7.6710 FileShotPut22   0  1:21  -920   28     1.7290 sunshine12  1  2:15  -858   90 
  8.6250 FileJavelin22   0  1:40  -920   28            Group: intermediate
  9.6760 FileDiscus22    0  0:34  -924   24     1.6993 ArcticFox   0  3:54  -866   82 
 10.6385 FileHammer22    0  0:58  -924   24     2.6710 ShotPut22   0  1:21  -920   28 
 11.8646 FileVuincunx    0  1:22  -926   22     3.6250 Javelin22   0  1:40  -920   28 
 12.8651 FileQuincunx    0  1:51  -926   22     4.6760 Discus22    0  0:34  -924   24 
                                             5.6385 Hammer22    0  0:58  -924   24 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Pacific     2  3:41  -711  237 

On 1st draw, FRAILTY H6 84 --- FRAILTY a weakness of character [n]
Other tops: FRAILTY H4 84
Other moves: FRAILTY H2 78, FRAILTY H3 78, FRAILTY H7 78, FRAILTY H8 78, FRAILTY H5 76
FRAILTY H4 84 Pacific, LongJump22

On 2nd draw, FLAXIE(S)T 8F 67 --- FLAXY flaxen [adj]
Other moves: TEXTIL(E) 11E 52, T(E)XTILE 11E 52, FIXE(D)LY 12B 38, (A)XE G8 37, EX G8 36
FLAXIE(S)T 8F 67 LongJump22
TEXTIL(E) 11E 52 Wuincunx

On 3rd draw, BRAINILY J3 73 --- BRAINILY in a brainy manner [adv]
Other moves: BRAINILY J5 67, BAIRNLY 12B 24, BALLY 10F 24, BARFLY 6E 24, BARFLY F5 24
BRAINILY J5 67 LongJump22

On 4th draw, BOISERIE 4E 72 --- BOISERIE wood paneling on a wall [n]
Other moves: BEES K2 22, BOREES 4H 22, IBERIS 4G 22, BERES 4H 20, BIROS 4H 20
BEES K2 22 Vuincunx, Quincunx

On 5th draw, JUMBOS E1 34 --- JUMBO a very large specimen of its kind [n]
Other tops: JOINS K2 34, JORS 5D 34
Other moves: JORS H1 33, JORS M1 33, JOSS H1 33, JUMBO E1 32, JUS M2 31
JORS M1 33 Zuincunx

On 6th draw, JUKED 1E 51 --- JUKE to fake out of position [v]
Other moves: JERK 1E 45, JUKE 1E 45, JURIED 1E 42, KEMB 3G 40, JERID 1E 39
JUKED 1E 51 Pacific

On 7th draw, BAWTIE 3J 29 --- BAWTIE a dog [n]
Other tops: WEIRD K2 29
Other moves: TIDEWAY 12B 28, TWIRED M8 28, BAWD 3J 27, RANDIER 7H 27, READMIT 3A 27

On 8th draw, TROPHIED M8 80 --- TROPHY to honor with a trophy (a symbol of victory) [v]
Other tops: (S)PHEROID L8 80
Other moves: EPHORI O3 42, HUPIRO 2D 38, HADE 5I 35, HARED 5I 35, HARD 5I 34

On 9th draw, (B)RAZENED 15F 104 --- BRAZEN to face boldly [v]
Other moves: NEEZE O1 72, NEEZE(D) O1 72, NEEZE(S) O1 72, (B)EEZER O1 72, (G)EEZER O1 72
Z(O)NER 14J 66 Pacific

On 10th draw, MEAN N10 33 --- MEAN inferior in grade, quality, or character [adj] --- MEAN to intend [v]
Other moves: ENEMA O1 30, MAA N10 30, MAE N10 30, NAME 5I 30, AMEN 5J 28

On 11th draw, DOWP L10 54 --- DOWP the buttocks [n]
Other moves: DOWT L10 48, POW L10 46, DOREE 14J 45, REWET 14J 45, ROWT L10 45
DREW O1 36 Pacific, ArcticFox

On 12th draw, STASH O11 50 --- STASH to store in a secret place [v]
Other moves: QATS O7 46, TASH O12 41, SASH 2K 35, TASH 2K 35, TOSH 2K 35
HO 14J 28 ArcticFox, ShotPut22, Javelin22

On 13th draw, EREV O1 33 --- EREV the day before a Jewish special day [n]
Other moves: COVARY 12C 28, CURVEY 12C 28, ARECA 5J 26, CARVY 12D 26, COVEY 12D 26
VEER O1 24 Discus22, Hammer22
COPES 11K 18 ArcticFox

On 14th draw, GUGA 2D 23 --- GUGA a young gannet [n]
Other tops: GORGIA 14A 23, GRINGA 14A 23, GR*NG* 14A 23
Other moves: GIAOUR 2A 22, RUGA 2D 22, AGGRO 14B 21, AGO 7M 21, IGNARO 14A 21

On 15th draw, ELATION D6 68 --- ELATION a feeling of great joy [n]
Other moves: TONALITE 11B 66, TOENAIL D5 62, AXLE I7 27, LATEN 5I 24, TALEA 5I 24

On 16th draw, DARN 5I 25 --- DARN to mend with interlacing stitches [v]
Other tops: ANDRO 5J 25, NARD 5I 25, RAND 5I 25
Other moves: DIVA 8A 24, CAIRD K2 23, AND 5J 21, ARD 5J 21, CODA 8A 21
DIVA 8A 24 sunshine12

On 17th draw, NOCTUA 14A 23 --- NOCTUA a type of moth [n]
Other moves: ACT 7M 22, TOUCAN C10 22, CANTO 14B 21, CONTO 14B 21, OAT 7L 21
CANTO 14B 21 sunshine12

On 18th draw, QUINO A11 45 --- QUINO a game of chance [n]
Other tops: QUINE A11 45
Other moves: FIQUE F8 37, OVINE A11 36, QUIM 3B 33, VINE A12 33, VINO A12 33
QUINE A11 45 sunshine12

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