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Game on June 22, 2024 at 01:26, 1 player
1. 75 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deoptwz   H7    42    42   towzed
 2. ?emootx  I10    38    80   oxime
 3. abejntu   J6    44   124   junta
 4. adeilno  11E    26   150   index
 5. ?eehrrr   E6    60   210   cherrier
 6. allnosy  15D    44   254   onlays
 7. acilotu   8J    33   287   noctua
 8. effilps   G1    73   360   piffles
 9. abilort   1G    36   396   parboil
10. dginrsu   N1    34   430   suring
11. aeeikmo   F2    43   473   koi
12. aaeggos   8A    30   503   agoges
13. adeilmn   N8    84   587   unmailed
14. beinopt  O11    44   631   boite
15. aeeitvw   3I    32   663   weaver
16. aaderty   2I    35   698   ay
17. aeiptuv  13C    28   726   parev
18. ehiiqrt   F6    34   760   his
19. cdenrtu   A5    63   823   uncarted

Remaining tiles: eiqt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7290 Filesunshine12  1  1:13  -748   75     1.7290 sunshine12  1  1:13  -748   75 

On 1st draw, TOWZED H7 42 --- TOWZE to haul [v]
Other moves: TOWZED H3 40, TOWZED H4 40, TOWZED H8 40, TOWZED H5 38, TOWZED H6 38

On 2nd draw, OX(I)ME I10 38 --- OXIME a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: OX(I)M I10 37, ZEX 10H 35, MOOTE(D) I8 34, MOOTE(R) I8 34, Z(A)X 10H 34

On 3rd draw, JUNTA J6 44 --- JUNTA a political or governmental council [n]
Other moves: BEJANT 14H 31, JUBA J7 29, JUBE 14F 29, BENJ J12 28, JUBA G6 28

On 4th draw, INDEX 11E 26 --- INDEX a type of reference guide at the end of a book [n] --- INDEX to provide with an index [v]
Other moves: NAILED 8J 24, ALONE K4 23, DOLINA K1 23, DONA K5 23, DONE K5 23

On 5th draw, (C)HERRIER E6 60 --- CHERRY ruddy [adj]
Other moves: HERE(S) 15E 34, HER(S)E 15F 34, (T)EHR J12 33, (F)EH J12 32, (P)EH J12 32
RE(S)H 15G 31 sunshine12

On 6th draw, ONLAYS 15D 44 --- ONLAY something laid over something else [n]
Other tops: ALLOYS 15D 44
Other moves: LYSOL 15G 38, ALLONS 15D 35, LAYS 15F 35, LLANOS 15D 35, LOYS 15F 35
ALLOYS 15D 44 sunshine12

On 7th draw, NOCTUA 8J 33 --- NOCTUA a type of moth [n]
Other moves: ACULEI 8A 27, CAUTEL 8A 27, NAUTIC 8J 27, CITOLA K1 25, ACUTE 8A 24

On 8th draw, PIFFLES G1 73 --- PIFFLE to babble [v]
Other moves: PIFFLES G2 72, SIF J12 34, EF J13 30, IF J13 30, SLIPE 8A 30

On 9th draw, PARBOIL 1G 36 --- PARBOIL to cook partially by boiling for a short time [v]
Other moves: BIPOLAR 1E 33, PROBIT 1G 33, BIO F2 31, BOI F2 31, OBI F1 30

On 10th draw, SURING N1 34 --- SURE to be security for [v]
Other moves: DINGER 8A 30, DINGES 8A 30, DIRGES 8A 30, DUNGER 8A 30, GRIDES 8A 30

On 11th draw, KOI F2 43 --- KOI a large and colorful fish [n]
Other moves: KI F2 37, KO F2 37, MEE F2 31, MOE F2 31, MOI F2 31

On 12th draw, AGOGES 8A 30 --- AGOGE tempo in old Greek music [n]
Other moves: AGOGE 8A 27, GOGO K5 24, SOG E2 24, SAGO K5 22, GAGA K3 21

On 13th draw, UNMAILED N8 84 --- MAIL to send by a governmental postal system. [adj] --- UNMAILED not sent by mail [adj]
Other moves: MEDALING B1 78, MEDCINAL L5 76, MELANOID C3 76, MALIGNED B4 66, EMAILED 14I 32

On 14th draw, BOITE O11 44 --- BOITE a nightclub [n]
Other moves: NITE O12 31, NOTE O12 31, TINE O12 31, TONE O12 31, BIDE 15L 30

On 15th draw, WEAVER 3I 32 --- WEAVER one that weaves [n]
Other tops: VIEWER 3I 32, WAIVER 3I 32, WAVIER 3I 32
Other moves: VAWTE 12A 30, WAIVE 12A 30, WEAVE 12A 30, WAITER 3I 26, VIEW 14A 25

On 16th draw, AY 2I 35 --- AY an affirmative vote [n]
Other moves: AERIFY 4C 32, DEIFY 4D 32, EDIFY 4D 32, RATIFY 4C 32, REIFY 4D 30

On 17th draw, PAREV 13C 28 --- PAREV made without meat or milk [adj]
Other tops: CAPTIVE L8 28
Other moves: PATIKI 2B 24, VAUTE 12A 24, VITAE 12A 24, ACTIVE L7 22, OPIATE C8 22

On 18th draw, HIS F6 34 --- HIS the possessive form of the pronoun HE [pron]
Other tops: HES F6 34
Other moves: EH J13 30, HEITIKI 2A 28, QI 14B 26, HARO D12 24, ITCHIER L6 24

On 19th draw, UNCARTED A5 63 --- CART to convey in a cart (a two-wheeled vehicle) [adj] --- UNCART to take off a cart [v]
Other moves: UNCRATED A4 62, UNDERACT A3 62, UNTRACED A4 62, CRUDE 12A 32, EDUCTOR C3 24

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