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Game on June 22, 2024 at 11:17, 8 players
1. 272 pts Chelsea
2. 238 pts LongJump22
3. 197 pts Xuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ailnpst   H4    74    74   plaints
 2. ?beefgi   5D   102   176   feebling
 3. ?ailmmt   F2    73   249   malemiut
 4. ejnotux   4A    48   297   jute
 5. ahikrst   A4    48   345   jarks
 6. deeinrt   J4    64   409   indenter
 7. aceisuv   8J    39   448   navies
 8. adoopuw   G2    29   477   adobo
 9. aeginoz   O1   107   584   agonizes
10. aeefgor   B1    31   615   refuge
11. aaeeluw   1A    33   648   arew
12. cooprty   M3    30   678   prootic
13. aehouuw   L1    36   714   whoa
14. ceilruy   7A    25   739   key
15. aehquvy  K10    37   776   heavy
16. dinoqru   1H    27   803   indow
17. iilqstu  13I    58   861   qiviuts
18. lnnorux  12K    36   897   ax
19. bclnoru  N10    28   925   burton
20. cdllnru   3B    25   950   fud

Remaining tiles: cllnr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7220 FileChelsea     3  8:25  -678  272     1.8681 LongJump22  3  3:09  -712  238 
  2.8681 FileLongJump22  3  3:09  -712  238     2.8547 Xuincunx    5  6:49  -753  197 
  3.8547 FileXuincunx    5  6:49  -753  197     3.8480 Zuincunx    5  7:00  -753  197 
  4.8480 FileZuincunx    5  7:00  -753  197     4.8569 Wuincunx    0  1:05  -893   57 
  5.  -  Fileqqqq2246    1  1:21  -892   58     5.8716 Vuincunx    0  1:46  -925   25 
  6.  -  Fileuuuu2246    1  1:47  -892   58            Group: advanced
  7.8569 FileWuincunx    0  1:05  -893   57     1.7220 Chelsea     3  8:25  -678  272 
  8.8716 FileVuincunx    0  1:46  -925   25            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  qqqq2246    1  1:21  -892   58 
                                             2.  -  uuuu2246    1  1:47  -892   58 

On 1st draw, PLAINTS H4 74 --- PLAINT a complaint [n]
Other moves: PLAINTS H2 70, PLAINTS H3 70, PLAINTS H6 70, PLAINTS H7 70, PLAINTS H8 70

On 2nd draw, FEEBLI(N)G 5D 102 --- FEEBLE to make feeble [v]
Other moves: BEGIFTE(D) 9C 71, BEFINGE(R) 8D 66, BEF(R)INGE 8C 64, FEEB(L)ING 8B 64, FEELI(N)G 5E 40

On 3rd draw, MALEMI(U)T F2 73 --- MALEMIUT an Alaskan sled dog [n]
Other moves: MEALTIM(E) E4 72, MALMI(E)ST 10B 69, MEALTIM(E) F4 69, S(U)MMITAL 10H 69, IMMA(N)TL(E) J1 68

On 4th draw, JUTE 4A 48 --- JUTE a strong, coarse fiber [n]
Other moves: UNTAX 3C 40, NOX G1 39, TEX G1 39, TUX G1 39, EX G2 38

On 5th draw, JARKS A4 48 --- JARK a pass [n]
Other moves: KHATS 10B 38, KITHS 10B 38, HAIKS 10B 36, HARKS 10B 36, KARTS 10B 35

On 6th draw, I(N)DENTER J4 64 --- INDENTER one that indents [n]
Other tops: INTE(N)DER J1 64
Other moves: REMINTED 2D 63, SINTERED 10H 63, INDE(N)TER J1 62, I(N)TENDER J4 62, I(N)TERNED J4 62
I(N)DENTER J4 64 LongJump22

On 7th draw, NAVIES 8J 39 --- NAVY a nation's warships [n]
Other tops: VESICA 12H 39
Other moves: VICES 10B 34, CAVES 10B 32, CIVES 10B 32, NAEVUS 8J 30, NAIVES 8J 30
VESICA 12H 39 LongJump22
NAVIES 8J 39 Chelsea

On 8th draw, ADOBO G2 29 --- ADOBO a Philippine dish of fish or meat [n]
Other moves: BOW G5 27, WAB G3 26, PAW G1 25, POW G1 25, DAW G1 24
PAW G1 25 Chelsea, Xuincunx
POW G1 25 Zuincunx, Vuincunx

On 9th draw, AGONIZES O1 107 --- AGONIZE to suffer extreme pain [v]
Other moves: AGONIZE E9 86, MAGAZINE 2F 40, AGENIZE N2 38, AGONIZE N2 38, ZA H1 38
AGONIZES O1 107 LongJump22
AGONIZES O1 57 Wuincunx
ZA H1 38 Chelsea

On 10th draw, REFUGE B1 31 --- REFUGE to give or take shelter [v]
Other moves: FAG N1 28, FEARE K10 25, FEAR K10 23, FEER K10 23, FEG K10 23
FAG N1 28 Chelsea, LongJump22

On 11th draw, AREW 1A 33 --- AREW in a row [adv]
Other moves: AW A1 26, KEWL 7A 26, AWA N2 25, AWE N2 25, LAW N1 25
AREW 1A 33 Xuincunx, Zuincunx, Chelsea

On 12th draw, PROOTIC M3 30 --- PROOTIC an anterior bone [n]
Other moves: CRYPTO 11I 26, OCTOPI M3 26, CRYPT 11I 24, OY H1 23, PYE 7M 23
PROOTIC M3 30 Zuincunx, Xuincunx
OY H1 23 Chelsea

On 13th draw, WHOA L1 36 --- WHOA used to command an animal to stop [interj]
Other moves: HAO N1 28, HEW K10 27, AH N2 24, UH N2 24, AW H1 23
WHOA L1 36 Xuincunx, Zuincunx
HEW K10 27 Chelsea

On 14th draw, KEY 7A 25 --- KEY to provide with a key (a device used to turn the bolt in a lock) [v]
Other moves: FER 3B 22, FIR 3B 22, FUR 3B 22, YU N1 21, KEIR 7A 20
FER 3B 22 Chelsea

On 15th draw, HEAVY K10 37 --- HEAVY a villain [n] --- HEAVY having much weight [adj]
Other moves: HEY K10 27, HEAVY I10 26, YEAH E8 26, AY H1 23, QUAT 9C 23
HEAVY K10 37 Zuincunx, Chelsea, Xuincunx

On 16th draw, INDOW 1H 27 --- INDOW to bequeath [v]
Other moves: FID 3B 25, FUD 3B 25, QUIT 9C 23, FIN 3B 22, FIR 3B 22
INDOW 1H 27 Xuincunx, Zuincunx

On 17th draw, QIVIUTS 13I 58 --- QIVIUT wool of the arctic musk-ox [n]
Other moves: QIVIUT 13I 56, QUITS 10B 50, SQUIT D7 35, QUILTS 10A 33, QUISTS 10C 31
QIVIUTS 13I 58 qqqq2246, uuuu2246

On 18th draw, AX 12K 36 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: XI L12 36
Other moves: SOX O13 30, EXO 2B 24, FUN 3B 22, FUR 3B 22, OX 8C 22
XI 7E 9 Xuincunx, Zuincunx

On 19th draw, BURTON N10 28 --- BURTON a hoisting tackle [n]
Other moves: CONSUL O10 27, BOSUN O11 24, FUN 3B 22, FUR 3B 22, BOURN E7 21

On 20th draw, FUD 3B 25 --- FUD an old-fashioned person [n]
Other moves: FUN 3B 22, FUR 3B 22, RUND 15L 18, OUD K1 15, DRAD 3D 13

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