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Game on June 22, 2024 at 22:39, 1 player
1. 22 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adioptu   H4    22    22   podia
 2. ?emnors   5E    86   108   mesotron
 3. aadenpt   F2    65   173   tapenade
 4. abelnst   K4    70   243   notables
 5. fiiimnr  J10    32   275   firm
 6. ailoort   E5    79   354   motorail
 7. ?ehquuy   L1    64   418   queyn
 8. ?aeostw  14D    81   499   towages
 9. aeiorvw  15A    41   540   waver
10. aeglrtu   1L    42   582   quag
11. eeinory   2J    38   620   yourn
12. deiouvx   8K    48   668   boxed
13. abgiist   D6    33   701   tibias
14. deilntu   2A    68   769   untilted
15. cefijln   A1    51   820   juice
16. cefhinv   1G    41   861   feh
17. ceginou   N8    28   889   eugenic
18. ehklorv  L10    34   923   holk

Remaining tiles: egirvz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7311 Filesunshine12  0  0:32  -901   22     1.7311 sunshine12  0  0:32  -901   22 

On 1st draw, PODIA H4 22 --- PODIUM a small platform [n]
Other tops: PUTID H4 22
Other moves: PATIO H4 20, PUTID H8 20, ADOPT H4 18, ADOPT H8 18, PODIA H8 18

On 2nd draw, MESO(T)RON 5E 86 --- MESOTRON a subatomic particle [n]
Other tops: MONO(M)ERS 5E 86, NEMORO(U)S 5E 86, (H)ORMONES 5D 86, (I)ONOMERS 5E 86, (M)ONOMERS 5E 86
Other moves: AM(A)RONES 8H 80, A(L)MONERS 8H 80, MONS(T)ERA 8A 80, PROM(I)NES 4H 74, PROSEM(A)N 4H 74

On 3rd draw, TAPENADE F2 65 --- TAPENADE a spread made with black olives, capers, and anchovies [n]
Other moves: PATINAED 7E 63, PANTED 4A 31, PENTAD 4A 31, PANED 6B 29, PATED 6B 29

On 4th draw, NOTABLES K4 70 --- NOTABLE a person of distinction [n]
Other moves: BRANTLES J4 64, INSTABLE 7H 64, NEOBLAST K3 60, STONABLE K3 60, ABLETS 10A 30

On 5th draw, FIRM J10 32 --- FIRM to become stable [v] --- FIRM unyielding to pressure [adj]
Other moves: FINI J10 30, FIRN J10 30, FIN J10 29, FIR J10 29, INFIRM E8 27

On 6th draw, MOTORAIL E5 79 --- MOTORAIL a train system [n]
Other tops: MOTORIAL E5 79
Other moves: OBITAL 8J 27, BALOO 8K 24, BALTI 8K 24, BIOTA 8K 24, BLART 8K 24

On 7th draw, QUEYN L1 64 --- QUEYN a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: QU(E)YN L1 62, Q(U)EYN L1 62, QU(E)EN L1 50, QUEA(S)Y 10B 48, QUE(A)N L1 48

On 8th draw, TOWA(G)ES 14D 81 --- TOWAGE the price paid for towing [n]
Other moves: TWASO(M)E 13B 79, SOMEW(H)AT 13H 76, TWASO(M)E 14G 73, STOWA(G)E M5 71, STOWA(G)E G9 65

On 9th draw, WAVER 15A 41 --- WAVER to move back and forth [v]
Other tops: VOWER 15A 41, WIVER 15A 41
Other moves: AWMRIE 13H 40, RIVA(G)E H10 36, WAVE 15A 36, WERO 15E 36, WIVE 15A 36

On 10th draw, QUAG 1L 42 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other tops: EQUAL 1K 42
Other moves: QUAT 1L 39, TEGULA D6 29, BAGEL 8K 27, BARGE 8K 27, BEGAR 8K 27

On 11th draw, YOURN 2J 38 --- YOURN yours [pron]
Other moves: ERYN(G)O H10 36, OBEYER 8J 36, BEERY 8K 33, BONEY 8K 33, BRINY 8K 33

On 12th draw, BOXED 8K 48 --- BOX to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v]
Other tops: DUX 15G 48
Other moves: OXES G2 45, XIS G3 42, EXO G8 41, EX G8 40, VEX G1 40

On 13th draw, TIBIAS D6 33 --- TIBIA a bone of the leg [n]
Other moves: TIBIA D6 30, AGITAS 10A 27, BIGA D6 27, BI(G)G H12 27, BIGA 1G 26

On 14th draw, UNTILTED 2A 68 --- TILT to cause to slant [adj] --- UNTILTED not tilted [adj]
Other moves: LADEN 7J 22, LATED 7J 22, NALED 7J 22, NIDES G1 22, NIDUS G1 22
LADEN 7J 22 sunshine12

On 15th draw, JUICE A1 51 --- JUICE to extract the juice (the liquid part of a fruit or vegetable) from [v]
Other moves: FUJI A1 45, NEIF 1G 40, NIEF 1G 40, CUIF A1 39, FUNICLE A1 39

On 16th draw, FEH 1G 41 --- FEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: NEIF 1G 40, NIEF 1G 40, HIC 1G 38, FEN 1G 32, FIE 1G 32

On 17th draw, EUGENIC N8 28 --- EUGENIC pertaining to eugenics [adj] --- EUGENICS the genetic improvement of a race by selective breeding [adj]
Other moves: AGONE 7K 25, CO(T)ING I3 25, INCAGE 7H 24, CANOE 7J 22, GUINEA B10 22

On 18th draw, HOLK L10 34 --- HOLK to howk [v]
Other tops: HOKE L10 34, HOVEL L10 34, HOVER L10 34
Other moves: HONK 12L 32, HOVE L10 32, HIKE D1 30, HOVEL L11 30, HOVER L11 30

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