Game on June 23, 2024 at 07:43, 16 players
1. 599 pts fatcat
2. 536 pts vendanges
3. 443 pts Chelsea
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 76 76 


4H 26 102 


M2 88 190 


11G 77 267 


K2 68 335 


9A 69 404 


A4 48 452 


8J 42 494 


C7 28 522 


D1 95 617 


14C 73 690 


15G 40 730 


12L 53 783 


2B 40 823 


O12 48 871 


1A 36 907 


J6 33 940 


10E 31 971 


12A 42 1013 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
fatcat 4 11:58 -414 599 1.8588 LongJump22 3 4:22 -800 213
vendanges 4 21:10 -477 536 2.8516 Zuincunx 1 0:11 -965 48
Chelsea 4 11:02 -570 443 3.8647 Wuincunx 1 1:32 -973 40
LongJump22 3 4:22 -800 213 4.8716 Vuincunx 1 1:53 -973 40
5. -
uuuu2246 0 1:55 -961 52 5.8746 Quincunx 0 1:45 -989 24
Zuincunx 1 0:11 -965 48 Group: advanced
queen66 1 0:28 -965 48 1.7233 Chelsea 4 11:02 -570 443
moonmonkey 1 0:43 -965 48 2.7624 queen66 1 0:28 -965 48
Mycophot 1 0:59 -965 48 3.7647 moonmonkey 1 0:43 -965 48
sicilianc5 1 1:14 -965 48 4.7423 Mycophot 1 0:59 -965 48
Wuincunx 1 1:32 -973 40 5.7640 sicilianc5 1 1:14 -965 48
Vuincunx 1 1:53 -973 40 Group: intermediate
Javelin22 1 1:01 -977 36 1.6451 fatcat 4 11:58 -414 599
Discus22 1 1:16 -977 36 2.6714 vendanges 4 21:10 -477 536
ShotPut22 1 1:29 -977 36 3.6250 Javelin22 1 1:01 -977 36
Quincunx 0 1:45 -989 24 4.6752 Discus22 1 1:16 -977 36
5.6626 ShotPut22 1 1:29 -977 36
Group: not rated
1. - uuuu2246 0 1:55 -961 52
On 1st draw, BRIDLER H4 76 --- BRIDLER one who restrains [n]
Other moves: BRIDLER H2 72, BRIDLER H3 72, BRIDLER H6 72, BRIDLER H7 72, BRIDLER H8 72
BRIDE H4 22 fatcat
BIDER H4 22 vendanges
On 2nd draw, BEWRAP 4H 26 --- BEWRAP to wrap completely [v]
Other moves: WAGER G9 25, GAWPER 5C 24, WARP G9 24, AWE G8 23, PAWER G9 23
WAGER G9 25 fatcat
On 3rd draw, (S)APIENCY M2 88 --- SAPIENCY sapience [n]
Other moves: CYANI(S)E 11C 82, CINE(R)ARY 10B 68, CYANIDE(D) 7C 68, CYANIDE(S) 7C 68, ADENY(L)IC 7G 66
CAN(T)Y N1 31 vendanges
YAWN J2 18 fatcat
On 4th draw, OSTEOID 11G 77 --- OSTEOID uncalcified bone matrix [n]
Other moves: OSTEOID L9 75, OSTEOID N9 75, WOODIEST J4 66, OSTEOID(S) 2F 62, DIETS N1 32
DICES 8K 27 fatcat
DICTS 8K 27 vendanges
On 5th draw, DERATION K2 68 --- DERATION to free from rationing [v]
Other moves: IDEATION 6C 63, TAENIOID 6B 63, TAENIOID 6D 63, ATONE N3 31, TOD N4 31
DINT N1 28 vendanges
ICED 8L 24 Chelsea, fatcat
On 6th draw, SOFTWARE 9A 69 --- SOFTWARE written or printed data used in computer operations [n]
Other moves: FORWASTE 9A 66, SOFA N4 46, SOWCAR 8J 45, ROWTS N1 39, OWTS N2 37
WORST N1 36 vendanges
STRAW 10F 35 fatcat, Chelsea
On 7th draw, HOVELS A4 48 --- HOVEL to live in a small, miserable dwelling [v]
Other moves: FEH N6 39, FOH N6 39, FOLIES A4 39, HELIOS A4 39, HOLIES A4 39
HOVELS A4 48 fatcat, Chelsea
HOVES A5 33 vendanges
On 8th draw, PONCEY 8J 42 --- PONCEY effeminate [adj]
Other moves: PINKEY L10 38, PAWKY E7 34, PYA 10B 34, PYE 10B 34, YAE 10B 34
YEA 10B 34 Chelsea
AWAKEN E8 26 fatcat
CAY 8M 24 vendanges
On 9th draw, AUFGABE C7 28 --- AUFGABE a set experimental task in psychology [n]
Other tops: BAA 10B 28
Other moves: BORA 10F 27, BORE 10F 27, BA 10B 25, BE 10B 25, OB 10E 25
OB 10E 25 Chelsea
RUB 10H 23 fatcat
HABU 4A 18 vendanges
On 10th draw, COTE(A)UX D1 95 --- COTEAU the higher ground of a region [n]
Other moves: (A)UXOCYTE O3 70, EXECUTO(R) 13C 68, EXECUTO(R) 13A 67, (S)OX N4 65, OXER(S) 10E 61
(S)OX N4 65 Chelsea
OX 10E 55 fatcat
EXO(N) D12 37 vendanges
On 11th draw, STOLLEN 14C 73 --- STOLLEN a sweet bread [n]
Other moves: ONST N2 28, COLLETS 1D 27, EONS N1 26, LOST N1 26, LOTS N1 26
STOLLEN 14C 73 LongJump22
LOST N1 26 vendanges
TONS N1 26 Chelsea
CLOSET 1D 24 fatcat
On 12th draw, IMAGE 15G 40 --- IMAGE to form a likeness of mentally [v]
Other tops: IMAGO 15G 40, OMEGA 15G 40
Other moves: IMAGE E3 37, CAMOGIE 1D 36, MAGE 15H 35, MAGI 15H 35, MEGA 15H 35
IMAGE 15G 40 Chelsea
OMEGA 15G 40 LongJump22, Wuincunx, Vuincunx
MAGE 15H 35 vendanges
MAG 15H 32 fatcat
On 13th draw, SITZ 12L 53 --- SITZ a type of hip bath [n]
Other moves: ZOBUS 12A 52, ZOBU 12A 50, ZOIST N1 48, ZOIC 1A 45, SITZ C2 44
ZOBUS 12A 52 LongJump22, uuuu2246
ZITS N1 44 vendanges
ZIT C2 41 Chelsea, fatcat
On 14th draw, DROUK 2B 40 --- DROUK to drench [v]
Other moves: MIRK C2 35, MURK C2 35, DIRK C2 32, KID C2 29, KIR C2 26
KID C2 29 fatcat
MURK 14K 24 Quincunx
GRIM B1 21 Chelsea
On 15th draw, ZARF O12 48 --- ZARF a metal holder for a coffee cup [n]
Other tops: ZURF O12 48
Other moves: AZURE O11 42, AZURN O11 42, ZERO O12 39, ZOEA O12 39, ZONA O12 39
ZURF O12 48 Zuincunx, queen66, fatcat, Mycophot
ZARF O12 48 Chelsea, vendanges, moonmonkey, sicilianc5, LongJump22
On 16th draw, QI 1A 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: NINTH D11 36
Other moves: HORA 10F 33, HORI 10F 33, OATH D12 32, OH 10E 31, HAE N6 29
QI 1A 36 fatcat, vendanges, Chelsea, Javelin22, Discus22, ShotPut22
On 17th draw, IMPAVE J6 33 --- IMPAVE to set in a pavement [v]
Other moves: AMNIA 13K 29, VIA 13M 28, MINT D11 26, MAA 13M 24, GANT D11 23
MINAR 14K 18 vendanges
VEG J10 15 fatcat
On 18th draw, OH 10E 31 --- OH to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire [v]
Other tops: EH 10E 31
Other moves: HER 10F 30, HENT D11 29, HINT D11 29, HOE N6 29, HUE N6 29
EH 10E 31 vendanges
HOE N6 29 fatcat
On 19th draw, JUBE 12A 42 --- JUBE a platform in a church [n]
Other tops: JIBE 12A 42
Other moves: JANE 11B 34, JANN 11B 34, BUNJE 12C 30, JIG N1 27, BENJ 12C 26
JIBE 12A 42 fatcat, vendanges
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