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Game on June 23, 2024 at 16:54, 12 players
1. 424 pts SQUAW1
2. 170 pts Pacific
3. 154 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eehnsvw   H3    32    32   sweven
 2. abddeit   3C    26    58   baddest
 3. aefhltv   4B    32    90   fah
 4. ?enooru   9B    70   160   onerous
 5. ?dfiikr   8A    54   214   kief
 6. aaeiost   5A    26   240   satai
 7. deegity   6A    39   279   tye
 8. ddeenty  10D    37   316   dey
 9. begilno   2I    80   396   ignoble
10. aeenrtu   K1    66   462   enaunter
11. acmortu   1D    42   504   comart
12. aaehilr   L4    39   543   hailer
13. eimopqr   O1    39   582   permie
14. inopsuw  11B    36   618   wisp
15. dlnoouz   J8    36   654   ouzo
16. aclqstu  12J    42   696   squat
17. adinnox  13M    38   734   xi
18. acegilr  14G    76   810   gracile
19. dijlnoo  H12    60   870   jird
20. glnnoov  15M    23   893   log

Remaining tiles: nnov

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.7849 FileSQUAW1      7  9:07  -469  424     1.9762 Pacific     3  5:02  -723  170 
  2.9762 FilePacific     3  5:02  -723  170            Group: expert
  3.8584 FileLongJump22  3  3:48  -739  154     1.8584 LongJump22  3  3:48  -739  154 
  4.6967 FileArcticFox   1  4:31  -770  123     2.8548 Wuincunx    0  1:05  -862   31 
  5.6250 FileJavelin22   2  2:35  -815   78     3.8639 Vuincunx    0  1:28  -862   31 
  6.6626 FileShotPut22   2  3:15  -815   78     4.8872 Quincunx    0  1:47  -862   31 
  7.6752 FileDiscus22    1  1:13  -857   36     5.8526 Zuincunx    0  0:41  -869   24 
  8.6385 FileHammer22    1  1:35  -857   36            Group: advanced
  9.8548 FileWuincunx    0  1:05  -862   31     1.7849 SQUAW1      7  9:07  -469  424 
 10.8639 FileVuincunx    0  1:28  -862   31            Group: intermediate
 11.8872 FileQuincunx    0  1:47  -862   31     1.6967 ArcticFox   1  4:31  -770  123 
 12.8526 FileZuincunx    0  0:41  -869   24     2.6250 Javelin22   2  2:35  -815   78 
                                             3.6626 ShotPut22   2  3:15  -815   78 
                                             4.6752 Discus22    1  1:13  -857   36 
                                             5.6385 Hammer22    1  1:35  -857   36 

On 1st draw, SWEVEN H3 32 --- SWEVEN a dream or vision [n]
Other tops: WHEENS H3 32, WHEENS H4 32
Other moves: WHEEN H4 30, WHENS H4 30, SWEVEN H4 26, SWEVEN H7 26, SWEVEN H8 26
WHEENS H4 32 LongJump22
WHENS H4 30 ArcticFox

On 2nd draw, BADDEST 3C 26 --- BAD very good [adj]
Other moves: BADDIE G7 24, BADDIES 3B 24, BEDAD G7 23, BIDED G7 23, BAITED G7 22
BADDEST 3C 26 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, FAH 4B 32 --- FAH a musical note [n]
Other tops: FEH 4B 32
Other moves: FAVEL G7 30, FAVEL I7 30, FEAL 4A 30, FEAT 4A 30, FLAT 4A 30
FAH 4B 32 LongJump22
HEAT D1 22 ArcticFox

On 4th draw, ONEROU(S) 9B 70 --- ONEROUS burdensome or oppressive [adj]
Other moves: EURONO(T)E 5H 64, ONEROU(S) G8 60, ONEROU(S) I8 60, EURONO(T)E 7H 59, EURONO(T)E 7A 58
EURONO(T)E 5H 64 LongJump22

On 5th draw, KI(E)F 8A 54 --- KIEF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other moves: (S)KID 8A 43, KERF(E)D D8 36, F(O)ID 8A 35, DI(C)KIER 5C 34, DI(N)KIER 5C 34
KIF 8B 31 Wuincunx, Vuincunx, Quincunx

On 6th draw, SATAI 5A 26 --- SATAI marinated meat, barbecued on skewers [n]
Other moves: EAST 5B 24, ETAS 5B 24, STOAE 2A 24, STOAI 2A 24, AWAITS 4G 22
ETAS 5B 24 Zuincunx

On 7th draw, TYE 6A 39 --- TYE a chain on a ship [n] --- TYE to wash in a trough [v]
Other moves: DEY 10D 37, GEY 10D 37, YE 6B 36, EYED 10C 32, TWEEDY 4G 30

On 8th draw, DEY 10D 37 --- DEY a former North African ruler [n]
Other moves: DYED 10C 34, EYED 10C 32, TWEEDY 4G 30, DEED 10C 28, TWEENY 4G 28
DEY 10D 37 ArcticFox

On 9th draw, IGNOBLE 2I 80 --- IGNOBLE of low character [adj]
Other moves: INGLOBE 2I 76, BELONG 11E 34, BEGIN 11E 32, BEING 11E 32, BEGO 11E 30
BELONG 11E 34 SQUAW1, ArcticFox

On 10th draw, ENAUNTER K1 66 --- ENAUNTER lest by chance [conj]
Other moves: AVENTURE 6G 65, RATEEN 2B 40, ENATE 2A 27, REATE 2A 27, URATE 2A 27

On 11th draw, COMART 1D 42 --- COMART an agreement [n]
Other tops: MOTUCA 1D 42
Other moves: MERCAT O1 39, ARMOUR 8J 33, CRUET 1H 33, MERC O1 33, RECTUM O1 33

On 12th draw, HAILER L4 39 --- HAILER one that hails [n]
Other tops: AAH 1M 39
Other moves: HOAR L1 37, HOER L1 37, AH 1N 32, EH 1N 32, HEAL 11E 32

On 13th draw, PERMIE O1 39 --- PERMIE a permanent worker, as opposed to a temp [n]
Other moves: PERM O1 33, PERM 11E 32, PREMIE 8J 30, MERI 11E 28, PERI 11E 28

On 14th draw, WISP 11B 36 --- WISP to twist into a wisp (a small bunch or bundle) [v]
Other moves: SWOP N5 32, SWOUN N5 31, WINOS N6 31, OWNS N5 30, PSION 11E 30
W*PS N6 30 Pacific

On 15th draw, OUZO J8 36 --- OUZO a Greek liqueur [n]
Other moves: ZOON J7 30, ZOO 12A 29, OOZED 7E 27, ZOL J7 27, ZOO J7 27
OUZO J8 36 Javelin22, SQUAW1, Discus22, Hammer22, ShotPut22

On 16th draw, SQUAT 12J 42 --- SQUAT short and thick [adj] --- SQUAT to sit on one's heels [v]
Other tops: SUQ 10L 42
Other moves: SUQ 12J 38, LOQUATS 11I 32, SCUTAL 12J 32, SQUAT K11 32, QUA 2A 31
SQUAT 12J 42 SQUAW1, ShotPut22, Javelin22
SUQ 10L 42 Pacific

On 17th draw, XI 13M 38 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: AXON I12 34, AX I12 32, AXOID N4 32, AXON N4 30, NONTAX N9 30
XI 13M 38 SQUAW1, Pacific

On 18th draw, GRACILE 14G 76 --- GRACILE gracefully slender [adj]
Other moves: ALEC 14K 32, CLEG 14K 32, ARIEL 14J 30, REC 14L 30, ALGETIC N8 28

On 19th draw, JIRD H12 60 --- JIRD an African gerbil [n]
Other moves: IDOL 15L 33, OLID 15L 32, OLIO 15L 29, DIN 15M 24, DOL 15M 24
JIRD H12 60 SQUAW1, Pacific

On 20th draw, LOG 15M 23 --- LOG to cut down trees for timber [v]
Other moves: LOG 2E 22, NOLO 15K 21, LOO 15M 20, GOV N5 16, LO 2E 16

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