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Game on June 23, 2024 at 18:29, 11 players
1. 278 pts LongJump22
2. 165 pts Pacific
3. 151 pts ArcticFox

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aachnot   H7    30    30   acanth
 2. ceilruv   9H    67    97   acervuli
 3. ?ainopv  11D    98   195   pivotman
 4. aaderty   N4    72   267   daytaler
 5. agkloru   8M    41   308   oak
 6. eijloru  12A    46   354   jole
 7. ?aefimu   O1    46   400   infame
 8. aeforst  13A    39   439   afore
 9. adeiims   K7    62   501   mirandise
10. iinnpss  15E    83   584   spinnies
11. aegrrux   I4    37   621   grex
12. bdeinow  B10    42   663   woofed
13. ehiostu   5D    94   757   outhires
14. einrtuz   4A    50   807   trez
15. bginotw  A12    44   851   jato
16. beinrtu   F1    64   915   unbitter
17. abeglnq   1D    45   960   equal
18. dlnouwy   B2    40  1000   wordy

Remaining tiles: bgglnu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.8584 FileLongJump22  4  3:37  -722  278     1.9762 Pacific     2  3:50  -835  165 
  2.9762 FilePacific     2  3:50  -835  165            Group: expert
  3.6945 FileArcticFox   1  3:35  -849  151     1.8584 LongJump22  4  3:37  -722  278 
  4.8548 FileWuincunx    3  3:23  -867  133     2.8548 Wuincunx    3  3:23  -867  133 
  5.8659 FileVuincunx    2  3:23  -880  120     3.8659 Vuincunx    2  3:23  -880  120 
  6.8872 FileQuincunx    2  2:27  -913   87     4.8872 Quincunx    2  2:27  -913   87 
  7.8526 FileZuincunx    1  1:37  -959   41     5.8526 Zuincunx    1  1:37  -959   41 
  8.6250 FileJavelin22   1  0:53  -963   37            Group: intermediate
  9.6752 FileDiscus22    1  1:14  -963   37     1.6945 ArcticFox   1  3:35  -849  151 
 10.6385 FileHammer22    1  1:36  -963   37     2.6250 Javelin22   1  0:53  -963   37 
 11.6626 FileShotPut22   1  1:56  -963   37     3.6752 Discus22    1  1:14  -963   37 
                                             4.6385 Hammer22    1  1:36  -963   37 
                                             5.6626 ShotPut22   1  1:56  -963   37 

On 1st draw, ACANTH H7 30 --- ACANTH a prickly plant with toothed leaves [n]
Other tops: CHATON H3 30, CHOANA H3 30
Other moves: ACANTH H3 28, CHATON H4 28, CHOANA H4 28, NATCH H8 28, NOTCH H8 28

On 2nd draw, ACERVULI 9H 67 --- ACERVULI spore-producing organs of certain fungi [n] --- ACERVULUS a spore-producing organ of certain fungi [n]
Other tops: ACERVULI 7H 67, CULVERIN 10A 67
Other moves: CULTIER 11E 36, CHERVIL 12G 30, CIVE 13G 28, CRUIVE 13E 28, VICE 13G 28
CULVERIN 10A 67 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, PIVOT(M)AN 11D 98 --- PIVOTMAN a center on a basketball team [n]
Other tops: VAPORIN(G) K5 98
Other moves: PAVI(L)ION O4 95, PAVI(L)ION O6 89, ANVI(L)TOP 11C 74, PARVO(L)IN K7 74, PROVIAN(T) K8 74
PIVOT(M)AN 11D 98 LongJump22

On 4th draw, DAYTALER N4 72 --- DAYTALER a day-labourer [n]
Other moves: DIARY O8 39, DIRTY O8 39, LYRATED N9 38, YAD 8M 37, AIERY O8 36
DAYTALER N4 72 LongJump22

On 5th draw, OAK 8M 41 --- OAK a hardwood tree or shrub [n]
Other moves: KAGO 12A 36, RUGOLA O1 35, KAGO O1 34, KARO 12A 34, KOLA 12A 34
OAK 8M 41 LongJump22, Pacific, Wuincunx, Vuincunx, Zuincunx, Quincunx

On 6th draw, JOLE 12A 46 --- JOLE jowl [n] --- JOLE to bump [v]
Other tops: JURE 12A 46
Other moves: JUREL O1 45, JOLE O1 40, JURE O1 40, ROJI O1 40, ROJI 12A 32
JOLE 12A 46 Quincunx, Pacific
JURE 12A 46 Wuincunx

On 7th draw, I(N)FAME O1 46 --- INFAME to defame [v]
Other moves: FAMI(N)E O1 43, FUMA(G)E O1 43, ACANTHI(N)E H7 39, JAF(A) A12 39, JEF(E) A12 39
I(N)FAME O1 46 Wuincunx, Vuincunx
JAF(A) A12 39 Pacific

On 8th draw, AFORE 13A 39 --- AFORE before [adv]
Other moves: AFTERS 13H 38, REFOOTS B8 36, OATERS 13C 35, ORATES 13C 35, OSETRA 13C 35
JOTA A12 33 Vuincunx

On 9th draw, MIRANDISE K7 62 --- MIRANDISE
Other moves: JAMS A12 39, AMIDES 13H 36, IMIDES 13H 36, JADE A12 36, MAIDS 12J 35
JAMS A12 39 Pacific, ArcticFox

On 10th draw, SPINNIES 15E 83 --- SPINNY a thicket [n]
Other moves: ACANTHINS H7 42, JAPS A12 39, JASP A12 39, JANN A12 33, JASS A12 33
JAPS A12 39 ArcticFox

On 11th draw, GREX I4 37 --- GREX a group of plants with a common hybrid ancestor [n]
Other tops: EAUX 14D 37
Other moves: EAUX I4 36, JAGA A12 36, RAX I5 35, REX I5 35, AX I6 34
GREX I4 37 Javelin22, ArcticFox, Discus22, Hammer22, ShotPut22

On 12th draw, WOOFED B10 42 --- WOOF to utter a gruff barking sound [v]
Other moves: JADE A12 36, JANE A12 33, BEDGOWN 4F 32, ENDOW O11 32, HOWDIE 12H 32
JADE A12 36 ArcticFox

On 13th draw, OUTHIRES 5D 94 --- OUTHIRE to give out as if on hire [v]
Other moves: SHOUTIER 5B 72, JATO A12 44, SOTH M3 32, THOSE 14D 32, TOSH M3 32

On 14th draw, TREZ 4A 50 --- TREZ threepence [n]
Other tops: RITZ 4A 50, ZEIN 4A 50
Other moves: REZ 4B 46, RIZ 4B 46, JANE A12 44, ZEIN 6B 37, NERTZ F2 36

On 15th draw, JATO A12 44 --- JATO a takeoff aided by jet propulsion [n]
Other tops: OBSIGN 14I 44
Other moves: BEGIN 14A 33, TOWTING A1 33, WOTTING A1 33, WOTTING A2 33, BOTTING A1 30

On 16th draw, UNBITTER F1 64 --- BITTER having a disagreeable taste [adj] --- UNBITTER not bitter [adj]
Other moves: BITTERN A1 27, BITTERN A2 27, BUNTIER A1 27, INTIRE 13H 26, BITTEN A1 24

On 17th draw, EQUAL 1D 45 --- EQUAL having the same capability, quantity, or effect as another [adj] --- EQUAL to reach the same level of quantity or value [v]
Other moves: QUAG 1E 42, QUALE 1E 42, QUEAN 1E 42, QUENA 1E 42, ABLING 13H 36

On 18th draw, WORDY B2 40 --- WORDY using many or too many words [adj]
Other moves: DOURLY B1 36, HOWDY 12H 36, TOWNLY A4 36, DUROY B2 34, LORDY B2 34

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