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Game on June 23, 2024 at 19:13, 15 players
1. 581 pts Muincunx
2. 512 pts ArcticFox
3. 457 pts SQUAW1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eefijn   H4    44    44   jefes
 2. ?imnoor   8A    83   127   trominos
 3. aaeilnr   5E    28   155   aliener
 4. aeilost   L4    74   229   isolate
 5. abfnorw   4A    32   261   frown
 6. eginrss   A8    77   338   tressing
 7. aemouuw   3C    38   376   wame
 8. acdeinu  15A    92   468   guidance
 9. aacdhot   A1    39   507   chaft
10. adelrux   B6    57   564   lurex
11. adilrtu  11H    23   587   tuladi
12. aikopst  12C    83   670   katipos
13. beginpr   9A    31   701   repiner
14. adggovy  13C    37   738   ygo
15. abdrtuv   7E    31   769   raved
16. bdeiotu   2F    28   797   betid
17. aeghouy   1E    46   843   hoya
18. begoqtu  14H    36   879   toque

Remaining tiles: begvz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7776 FileMuincunx    6 13:04  -298  581     1.8584 LongJump22  2  4:55  -606  273 
  2.6949 FileArcticFox   0 16:58  -367  512     2.8548 Wuincunx    1  0:55  -835   44 
  3.7852 FileSQUAW1      4 11:43  -422  457     3.8659 Vuincunx    1  1:20  -835   44 
  4.8584 FileLongJump22  2  4:55  -606  273     4.8872 Quincunx    1  1:43  -835   44 
  5.7448 FileMycophot    1  1:04  -822   57     5.8526 Zuincunx    0  1:23  -853   26 
  6.6752 FileDiscus22    1  1:22  -822   57            Group: advanced
  7.6626 FileShotPut22   1  1:41  -822   57     1.7776 Muincunx    6 13:04  -298  581 
  8.8548 FileWuincunx    1  0:55  -835   44     2.7852 SQUAW1      4 11:43  -422  457 
  9.8659 FileVuincunx    1  1:20  -835   44     3.7448 Mycophot    1  1:04  -822   57 
 10.8872 FileQuincunx    1  1:43  -835   44     4.7647 queen66     1  1:55  -840   39 
 11.6250 FileJavelin22   1  1:37  -840   39     5.7640 sicilianc5  0  1:39  -846   33 
 12.7647 Filequeen66     1  1:55  -840   39            Group: intermediate
 13.6385 FileHammer22    0  1:20  -846   33     1.6949 ArcticFox   0 16:58  -367  512 
 14.7640 Filesicilianc5  0  1:39  -846   33     2.6752 Discus22    1  1:22  -822   57 
 15.8526 FileZuincunx    0  1:23  -853   26     3.6626 ShotPut22   1  1:41  -822   57 
                                             4.6250 Javelin22   1  1:37  -840   39 
                                             5.6385 Hammer22    0  1:20  -846   33 

On 1st draw, JEFE(S) H4 44 --- JEFE a chief [n]
Other moves: JEEIN(G) H4 40, JIN(N)EE H4 40, JI(N)NEE H4 40, JE(U)NE H4 38, JE(W)IE H4 38
JEFE(S) H4 44 Muincunx, Wuincunx, Vuincunx, Quincunx
JIF(F) H6 26 ArcticFox

On 2nd draw, (T)ROMINO(S) 8A 83 --- TROMINO a flat, three-sided shape [n]
Other moves: IONOM(E)R I1 80, IONOM(E)R(S) 8A 77, MONI(T)OR(S) 8A 77, MOORIN(G)(S) 8A 77, MO(R)RION(S) 8A 77
MOORIN(G)(S) 8A 77 LongJump22
JOMO(S) 4H 26 Muincunx
MOR(E) I3 23 ArcticFox

On 3rd draw, ALIENER 5E 28 --- ALIENER one that transfers property [n]
Other moves: JAILER 4H 26, JARINA 4H 26, ALAE I4 24, ALAN I4 24, ALAR I4 24
JAILER 4H 26 ArcticFox
JARINA 4H 26 Muincunx, Zuincunx

On 4th draw, ISOLATE L4 74 --- ISOLATE to set apart from others [v]
Other tops: (T)OTALISE A8 74
Other moves: INSOLATE F7 62, SOTERIAL B4 62, SOTERIAL K1 58, TO(T)ALISE A6 58, JATOS 4H 30
SOTERIAL B4 62 LongJump22
JATOS 4H 30 Muincunx
TAILS L1 20 ArcticFox

On 5th draw, FROWN 4A 32 --- FROWN to wrinkle the brow with displeasure [v]
Other tops: FAWN K8 32
Other moves: WOF 9C 31, BOWER 7E 30, NAWAB 8K 30, BAWN K8 29, BAWR K8 29
FROWN 4A 32 Muincunx
WON 9C 25 ArcticFox

On 6th draw, (T)RESSING A8 77 --- TRESS to form into long locks of hair [v]
Other tops: (T)RIGNESS A8 77
Other moves: RESIGNS M8 75, SINGERS M8 75, GORINESS C7 74, INGRESS 11F 74, INGRESS 11G 74
(T)RESSING A8 77 LongJump22
(T)RESSING A8 27 Muincunx, ArcticFox, SQUAW1

On 7th draw, WAME 3C 38 --- WAME the belly [n]
Other moves: OUMA 3A 32, WAME 7C 32, WEM 7C 29, MEOW 6J 27, AURUM B2 26
MEOW 6J 27 ArcticFox
MOA 3C 26 Muincunx

On 8th draw, GUIDANCE 15A 92 --- GUIDANCE advice [n]
Other moves: INDUCIAE 13A 74, INDUCIAE E8 72, AUDIENCE 10H 71, AUDIENCE 10E 65, AUDIENCE J1 65
CANDIE 11I 27 Muincunx
CAUF A1 27 ArcticFox

On 9th draw, CHAFT A1 39 --- CHAFT the jaw [n]
Other moves: DONAH I3 38, DATCHA M8 34, COTH 2A 33, DACHA 8K 33, FAH 6H 32
CHAFT A1 39 Muincunx, SQUAW1, Javelin22, queen66
CHADO 11I 31 ArcticFox

On 10th draw, LUREX B6 57 --- LUREX a metallic yarn or thread -- a trademark [n]
Other moves: FAX 6H 56, REX B8 53, REDUX 9C 51, DEX 9E 41, DUX 9E 41
LUREX B6 57 Muincunx, LongJump22, Mycophot, Discus22, ShotPut22
FAX 6H 56 ArcticFox, SQUAW1

On 11th draw, TULADI 11H 23 --- TULADI a freshwater fish [n]
Other moves: ADULT 11K 21, AUDIT 11J 21, DITAL M6 21, LAIRD 11H 21, LIARD 11H 21
ADULT 11K 21 ArcticFox
TIDAL 11J 21 Muincunx

On 12th draw, KATIPOS 12C 83 --- KATIPO a New Zealand spider [n]
Other moves: KATIPOS 12E 75, KATIPOS N5 75, OKAPIS 8J 36, POAKAS 8J 36, ATOKES 7D 35
OKAPIS 8J 36 ArcticFox, SQUAW1
PAIKS 8K 33 Muincunx, Hammer22, sicilianc5

On 13th draw, REPINER 9A 31 --- REPINER one that repines [n]
Other moves: BEING 2F 28, BRING 2F 28, BINGER 2F 27, GRABEN 8J 27, PINGER 2F 27
BRING 2F 28 Muincunx, SQUAW1
BEING 2F 28 ArcticFox

On 14th draw, YGO 13C 37 --- GO to move along [v]
Other moves: IVY 13A 36, DAGGY 8K 33, DAGGY 2F 30, DOGGY 2F 30, GONAD I3 30
DAGGY 8K 33 Muincunx
YA 13C 30 SQUAW1
YAD 2F 28 ArcticFox

On 15th draw, RAVED 7E 31 --- RAVE to speak irrationally or incoherently [v]
Other moves: TAVER 7E 29, RAVE 7E 27, TABERD 7E 27, AVERT 7F 26, VERBAL 7G 26
BA 10F 24 Muincunx
BRAD 2F 23 ArcticFox

On 16th draw, BETID 2F 28 --- BETIDE to befall [v]
Other moves: BOATED 8J 27, BIDET 2F 26, BITOU 2F 25, BOITE 2F 25, BONED I3 25
BOATED 8J 27 ArcticFox
BIDET 2F 26 Muincunx

On 17th draw, HOYA 1E 46 --- HOYA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: AHOY 1H 44, YAH 1G 43, YEH 1G 43, HUGE 1G 41, YUGA 1G 41
HOYA 1E 46 Muincunx
YEH 1G 43 ArcticFox

On 18th draw, TOQUE 14H 36 --- TOQUE a close-fitting woman's hat [n]
Other moves: OUTBEG 1J 33, QUOTE 9I 25, EGO 14D 21, TAUBE 8K 21, TOPO C7 20
TOQUE 14H 36 SQUAW1, Muincunx
HOT 2A 18 ArcticFox

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