Game on June 24, 2024 at 13:32, 8 players
1. 169 pts LongJump22
2. 169 pts Discus22
3. 169 pts ShotPut22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 32 32 


11E 26 58 


9F 61 119 


8L 50 169 


O1 107 276 


13C 84 360 


14B 35 395 


8A 32 427 


A12 30 457 


12A 37 494 


15F 43 537 


M7 30 567 


N12 38 605 


O13 36 641 


K4 22 663 


L1 57 720 


6D 64 784 


M2 27 811 


D1 30 841 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 4 3:22 -672 169 1.8579 LongJump22 4 3:22 -672 169
Discus22 2 5:22 -672 169 2.8734 Vuincunx 1 2:56 -739 102
ShotPut22 2 5:44 -672 169 3.8719 Zuincunx 1 2:30 -745 96
Vuincunx 1 2:56 -739 102 4.8452 Wuincunx 1 1:14 -791 50
Zuincunx 1 2:30 -745 96 5.8886 Quincunx 0 1:09 -795 46
6. -
qqqq2246 0 1:57 -789 52 Group: intermediate
Wuincunx 1 1:14 -791 50 1.6752 Discus22 2 5:22 -672 169
Quincunx 0 1:09 -795 46 2.6626 ShotPut22 2 5:44 -672 169
Group: not rated
1. - qqqq2246 0 1:57 -789 52
On 1st draw, BLINK H8 32 --- BLINK to open and shut the eyes quickly [v]
Other tops: BLUNK H8 32
Other moves: BIZ H6 28, BIZ H7 28, BIZ H8 28, BLINK H4 28, BLUNK H4 28
BLINK H8 32 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, WHINED 11E 26 --- WHINE to utter a plaintive, high-pitched sound [v]
Other moves: MEHNDI 11E 24, HEID I7 23, WEID I7 23, WHINED 10F 23, WHINE 11E 22
WHINED 11E 26 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, SOLUTION 9F 61 --- SOLUTION a homogeneous liquid mixture [n]
Other moves: KNOUTS 12H 25, NOSTOI 12A 24, KNITS 12H 23, KNOTS 12H 23, KNOUT 12H 23
SOLUTION 9F 61 LongJump22
On 4th draw, YAMS 8L 50 --- YAM a plant having an edible root [n]
Other moves: YAGS 8L 47, MAYA 8L 45, MAYS 8L 45, GAMAYS 13C 44, YEAS 8L 44
YAMS 8L 50 LongJump22, Wuincunx, Vuincunx, Zuincunx
On 5th draw, (C)APSIZES O1 107 --- CAPSIZE to overturn [v]
Other moves: (C)APIZES 13B 98, (J)APANIZES M5 94, ZAP(P)IEST J2 90, ZA(P)PIEST J2 90, PA(G)ANIZES M5 88
P(R)IZES 13C 46 Zuincunx, Quincunx
On 6th draw, NA(I)FEST 13C 84 --- NAIF naive [adj]
Other tops: FA(I)NEST 13C 84, NAF(F)EST 13C 84, NA(F)FEST 13C 84
Other moves: FATNE(S)S 13C 83, ENFA(N)TS 13B 82, E(N)FANTS 13B 82, FAN(J)ETS 13B 82, FATNES(S) 13C 82
On 7th draw, RAYNE 14B 35 --- RAYNE a kingdom [n]
Other tops: VEENA 12A 35
Other moves: ANY 14D 33, NYE 14E 33, VEENA 14B 32, YA 14F 31, YE 14F 31
YE 14F 31 Discus22
YA 14F 31 ShotPut22
On 8th draw, ALEGGE 8A 32 --- ALEGGE to allay [v]
Other moves: GEAL 12A 29, EGAL 12A 27, GAG 12B 27, KLIEG 12H 26, GAGE 15F 25
GAG 12B 27 ShotPut22, Discus22
On 9th draw, DITE A12 30 --- DITE a small amount [n] --- DITE to prepare for action [v]
Other tops: DOTE A12 30
Other moves: ELITE A11 27, TOILED 15F 27, DOILT 15F 25, DOIT N2 24, EDILE 15F 24
TOILED 15F 27 Discus22, ShotPut22
On 10th draw, DEAW 12A 37 --- DEAW dew [n]
Other tops: DRAW 12A 37
Other moves: WADER 15F 36, WALED 15F 36, WARED 15F 36, WEALD 15F 36, DEWAR 15F 34
DEAW 12A 37 ShotPut22, Discus22
On 11th draw, GREX 15F 43 --- GREX a group of plants with a common hybrid ancestor [n]
Other moves: EXUL 15F 39, ULEX 15F 39, XU 9C 37, REX 15F 36, EXUL 14I 29
GREX 15F 43 Discus22, ShotPut22
On 12th draw, CANTREF M7 30 --- CANTREF in early England, a division of a county [n]
Other moves: BOET N2 28, FOE N2 28, BEFORE C3 24, EFT 14I 24, FEE 7M 24
LO B8 2 ShotPut22
ES 4N 2 Discus22
On 13th draw, HAJI N12 38 --- HAJI a person who has made a hadj [n]
Other moves: HAJ N12 36, HIJRAS 4J 32, HUIA N2 32, JURA 10B 32, THUJAS 4J 32
AI 5N 2 Discus22
LA B8 2 ShotPut22
On 14th draw, NOD O13 36 --- NOD to give a quick forward motion of the head [v]
Other tops: TOD O13 36
Other moves: DON O13 34, DOT O13 34, EON O13 30, MODENA 2J 30, NOT O13 30
On 15th draw, TORULI K4 22 --- TORULUS the socket of an insect's antenna [n]
Other tops: OUTLIE K5 22
Other moves: LOUT N2 20, ER L11 18, OR L11 18, UR L11 18, EORL 14I 16
On 16th draw, QUOAD L1 57 --- QUOAD so far as [conj]
Other moves: QADI L1 52, QUAI L1 50, QUOTA 4H 48, ODALIQUE B5 42, QUOITED C3 40
QADI L1 52 Vuincunx, qqqq2246
On 17th draw, COURTIER 6D 64 --- COURTIER one who attends a royal court [n]
Other moves: COURE J2 26, TRICE J2 24, TRUCE J2 24, CROUTE J1 23, CURITE J1 23
On 18th draw, NOPE M2 27 --- NOPE no [adv]
Other tops: ARPENT H1 27, ENRAPT H1 27, PARENT H1 27, PLANET H1 27, PONE M2 27, PORE M2 27, PROA M2 27, REPLOT H1 27, ROPE M2 27
Other moves: OP L11 26, PEA M3 25, POA M3 25, PRE M3 25, POA N2 24
On 19th draw, BROMIC D1 30 --- BROMIC pertaining to bromine [adj]
Other moves: BLAME J2 28, BRAME J2 28, MOAI 5E 26, AMBO 14I 24, BLARE J2 24
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