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Game on June 24, 2024 at 21:55, 6 players
1. 337 pts sunshine12
2. 94 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 90 pts Papa_Sloth

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehisst   H8    78    78   stashie
 2. aegjlnv  13C    38   116   javelin
 3. aeeiitw  J10    33   149   weta
 4. cefinor   K5   107   256   conifer
 5. ?aegotv   8A    86   342   voltages
 6. deimrsz  15H    84   426   sized
 7. abegilu  L10    31   457   beglad
 8. ?enooty   D4    70   527   tenotomy
 9. aadorty   6B    68   595   donatary
10. beknosx   H1    51   646   bosker
11. acfilpr   8J    45   691   riflip
12. aceinrt   1H    89   780   bacterin
13. dimnoru   E6    36   816   amadou
14. aeiimow  14A    32   848   meow
15. diilnpu  A12    33   881   dimp
16. aegiluu  15A    29   910   pagle
17. inqruux   F2    34   944   quint
18. hiinruu   2J    33   977   hin

Remaining tiles: irruux

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7323 Filesunshine12  0  7:21  -640  337     1.7323 sunshine12  0  7:21  -640  337 
  2.7695 FileGLOBEMAN    0  3:17  -883   94     2.7695 GLOBEMAN    0  3:17  -883   94 
  3.6974 FilePapa_Sloth  2  3:12  -887   90     3.7047 roocatcher  0  2:28  -930   47 
  4.7047 Fileroocatcher  0  2:28  -930   47            Group: intermediate
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:23  -947   30     1.6974 Papa_Sloth  2  3:12  -887   90 
  6.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:55  -953   24            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:23  -947   30 
                                             2.  -  chunk88     0  1:55  -953   24 

On 1st draw, STASHIE H8 78 --- STASHIE fuss [n]
Other tops: ASHIEST H2 78, SAITHES H8 78, TAISHES H8 78
Other moves: ASHIEST H3 72, ASHIEST H4 72, ASHIEST H6 72, ASHIEST H7 72, ASHIEST H8 72
HEISTS H4 26 sunshine12

On 2nd draw, JAVELIN 13C 38 --- JAVELIN to pierce with a javelin (a light spear) [v]
Other moves: JAVELS 11C 32, JANGLES 11B 30, GANJA 10G 29, AJEE 14E 27, JEAN 10F 27
JEEL 14F 27 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, WETA J10 33 --- WETA a grasshopper [n]
Other moves: AWE J13 32, TAW J12 32, AW J13 31, TWAE J11 27, WAIT J12 27
TAW 14B 26 sunshine12

On 4th draw, CONIFER K5 107 --- CONIFER an evergreen tree [n]
Other tops: COINFER K5 107
Other moves: COINFERS 8A 92, CONIFERS 8A 92, FORNICES 8A 92, INFORCES 8A 92, INFORCE K4 79
FORE K9 25 sunshine12

On 5th draw, VO(L)TAGES 8A 86 --- VOLTAGE electromotive force expressed in volts [n]
Other tops: GAVOT(T)ES 8A 86, GAVO(T)TES 8A 86
Other moves: GAVOT(T)ES 11A 72, GAVO(T)TES 11A 72, VO(L)TAGES 11A 72, GAVOT(T)E I3 68, GAVO(T)TE I3 68
VEGA(S) 15D 66 sunshine12

On 6th draw, SIZED 15H 84 --- SIZE to arrange according to size (physical proportions) [v]
Other moves: SIZER 15H 78, SIZIER 8J 75, ZEDS 15E 75, SIZE 15H 72, SEZ 15H 69
ZIGS F6 34 sunshine12

On 7th draw, BEGLAD L10 31 --- BEGLAD to gladden [v]
Other tops: BEGILD L10 31
Other moves: BAILED L10 29, BELAUD L10 29, BAG J6 27, BEG J6 27, BIG J6 27
BIG J6 27 sunshine12

On 8th draw, TENOTO(M)Y D4 70 --- TENOTOMY the surgical division of a tendon [n]
Other tops: O(X)YTONES 11A 70
Other moves: O(N)TOGENY F4 65, T(H)EOGONY F4 65, ONTOGE(N)Y F4 63, (G)ONOCYTE 5G 62, (M)ONOCYTE 5G 62
YET J6 31 sunshine12

On 9th draw, DONATARY 6B 68 --- DONATARY a person who is given crown lands [n]
Other moves: YAD J6 33, YOD J6 33, TODAY E5 32, DATARY E1 31, TOADY E2 31
YAD J6 33 sunshine12

On 10th draw, BOSKER H1 51 --- BOSKER fine; very good [adj]
Other moves: EIKONS 8J 45, NEBEKS 5A 45, BOX 14B 42, IKONS 8K 42, NEBEK 5A 41
BOX 14B 42 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 11th draw, RIFLIP 8J 45 --- RIFLIP a fragment of DNA [n]
Other moves: AFARA E4 30, ALEF 5B 29, FAE 14F 29, FIE 14F 29, CAFILA E1 28

On 12th draw, BACTERIN 1H 89 --- BACTERIN a vaccine prepared from dead bacteria [n]
CRAN 14A 23 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 13th draw, AMADOU E6 36 --- AMADOU a substance prepared from fungi for use as tinder [n]
Other moves: DIORAMA E2 30, INDIUM N1 30, RIMED 5A 29, DAMAN E5 28, DAMAR E5 28
MOD 14B 24 roocatcher, chunk88
MUON 14A 23 Papa_Sloth

On 14th draw, MEOW 14A 32 --- MEOW to make the crying sound of a cat [v]
Other moves: MAW 14B 30, MOW 14B 30, GAM F8 26, GEM F8 26, MAE 14F 23
MOW 14B 30 BadBoyBen

On 15th draw, DIMP A12 33 --- DIMP a cigarette butt [n]
Other tops: DUMP A12 33
Other moves: LIMP A12 27, LUMP A12 27, UPLED F10 26, ID 15A 24, IMP A13 21

On 16th draw, PAGLE 15A 29 --- PAGLE the cowslip [n]
Other moves: PAGE 15A 28, PALE 15A 26, PELA 15A 26, PLEA 15A 26, GALE 15C 24

On 17th draw, QUINT F2 34 --- QUINT a group of five [n]
Other tops: QUIRT F2 34
Other moves: QUIN N6 33, QUINO C2 32, REX F12 26, EX F13 25, QI C3 24
QUINT F2 34 Papa_Sloth

On 18th draw, HIN 2J 33 --- HIN a Hebrew unit of liquid measure [n]
Other moves: HI 2J 30, HIE 14F 29, HI I3 24, HIN I11 20, HUN I11 20
HIN 2J 33 Papa_Sloth

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