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Game on June 25, 2024 at 14:35, 11 players
1. 271 pts Chelsea
2. 212 pts LongJump22
3. 201 pts Zuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eeilnpw   H4    22    22   penile
 2. abelttu   5E    36    58   bluette
 3. ?eimnos   8H    80   138   laminose
 4. ?ahioor   E5    74   212   borachio
 5. aegnrtw   N1    78   290   twangers
 6. adennor   O1    31   321   aero
 7. aadikuu  D12    34   355   kaid
 8. aadforw   M3    37   392   woad
 9. aefilnt  14A    76   468   antilife
10. aimossy  15H    54   522   missy
11. aenrrtv   A8    33   555   taverna
12. adnrsuv   A8    33   588   tavernas
13. addhory   F1    36   624   hardly
14. bdegjno   7G    39   663   jibed
15. aeiortu   1E    86   749   thiourea
16. gilouuz   D6    51   800   luz
17. efiopqu   C3    47   847   quipo
18. ceefgno   9K    25   872   nef
19. eggiovx   D2    31   903   vig

Remaining tiles: ccegox

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7297 FileChelsea     2  9:43  -632  271     1.8659 LongJump22  4  3:23  -691  212 
  2.8659 FileLongJump22  4  3:23  -691  212     2.8719 Zuincunx    3  5:37  -702  201 
  3.8719 FileZuincunx    3  5:37  -702  201     3.8843 Quincunx    3  6:30  -702  201 
  4.8843 FileQuincunx    3  6:30  -702  201     4.8452 Wuincunx    2  6:02  -726  177 
  5.8452 FileWuincunx    2  6:02  -726  177     5.8734 Vuincunx    2  6:37  -726  177 
  6.8734 FileVuincunx    2  6:37  -726  177            Group: advanced
  7.6950 FileArcticFox   0  2:51  -831   72     1.7297 Chelsea     2  9:43  -632  271 
  8.6324 FileJavelin22   0  0:59  -873   30            Group: intermediate
  9.6603 FileShotPut22   0  1:18  -873   30     1.6950 ArcticFox   0  2:51  -831   72 
 10.6385 FileHammer22    0  1:40  -873   30     2.6324 Javelin22   0  0:59  -873   30 
 11.6758 FileDiscus22    0  0:33  -881   22     3.6603 ShotPut22   0  1:18  -873   30 
                                             4.6385 Hammer22    0  1:40  -873   30 
                                             5.6758 Discus22    0  0:33  -881   22 

On 1st draw, PENILE H4 22 --- PENILE pertaining to a penis [adj] --- PENIS the male organ used for copulation [adj]
Other moves: PENIE H4 20, NEWEL H4 18, NEWEL H8 18, NEWIE H4 18, NEWIE H8 18
PENILE H4 22 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, BLUETTE 5E 36 --- BLUETTE a spark [n]
Other moves: TUBATE G5 28, TUBAE G5 27, TUBATE G3 25, ABET G6 24, BATLET G7 24
BLUETTE 5E 36 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, L(A)MINOSE 8H 80 --- LAMINOSE composed of laminae [adj]
Other tops: LEMONIS(H) 8H 80, MISEN(R)OL 8A 80
Other moves: EONISM(S) L1 78, IS(O)NOME L4 78, MESONI(C) L3 78, MES(T)INO L3 78, ME(R)SION L2 78
LEMONIS(H) 8H 80 LongJump22
MINES L1 30 Chelsea

On 4th draw, BORA(C)HIO E5 74 --- BORACHIO a drunken fellow [n]
Other moves: LO(T)HARIO F5 64, ORI(S)HAS N2 34, HAIR(S) L1 31, HARO(S) L1 31, HOAR(S) L1 31
BORA(C)HIO E5 74 LongJump22
HAIR(S) L1 31 Chelsea

On 5th draw, TWANGERS N1 78 --- TWANGER one that twangs [n]
Other moves: TWANGER G9 67, TALWEG F3 36, TWANG D11 34, AWNER D11 30, GNAW D12 30
TWANG D11 34 Vuincunx, Wuincunx
WAGE D12 28 Chelsea

On 6th draw, AERO O1 31 --- AERO air [n] --- AERO pertaining to aircraft [adj]
Other moves: DONNART 1H 27, DONNERT 1H 27, RANDAN 8A 27, ODEA M2 26, ADORE D10 24
DONNERT 1H 27 Wuincunx
RANDAN 8A 27 Vuincunx
DEAN D12 18 Chelsea

On 7th draw, KAID D12 34 --- KAID a North African chief [n]
Other moves: KADI D12 32, KUDU D12 32, ADUKI D11 30, DIKA 7G 30, KUIA D12 30
KAID D12 34 Zuincunx, Quincunx

On 8th draw, WOAD M3 37 --- WOAD a blue dye [n]
Other moves: DWARF 15D 36, ADWARD 15C 33, AFAWLD F1 32, WOLF F3 31, ADAW 9J 30
WOLF F3 31 Quincunx, Zuincunx
OW M2 28 Chelsea

On 9th draw, ANTILIFE 14A 76 --- ANTILIFE opposed to life [adj]
Other moves: OLEFIANT M8 74, TAILFIN 14B 36, DEFIANT 15D 33, DAFTIE 15D 30, FETIAL 8A 30
FLED 15A 24 Chelsea

On 10th draw, MISSY 15H 54 --- MISSY a young girl [n] --- MISSY missish [adj]
Other tops: MASSY 15H 54, MOSSY 15H 54
Other moves: MISSAY 15H 48, MYASIS 15H 48, MYOSIS 15H 48, MAYOS 15H 45, MOYAS 15H 45
MOSSY 15H 54 Zuincunx, Quincunx, Chelsea
MISSY 15H 54 Wuincunx, Vuincunx

On 11th draw, TAVERNA A8 33 --- TAVERNA a cafe in Greece [n]
Other moves: OVERRAN M8 28, NAVAR A11 27, VARAN A11 27, VARNA 8A 27, VERRA 8A 27
READ 15A 25 Chelsea

On 12th draw, TAVERNAS A8 33 --- TAVERNA a cafe in Greece [n]
Other moves: VARDY L11 24, ADS F10 23, DAVY L12 22, SUNDRI I10 21, VENUS 9G 21
TAVERNAS A8 33 Chelsea, Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Quincunx, Zuincunx

On 13th draw, HARDLY F1 36 --- HARDLY scarcely [adv]
Other moves: ODDLY F2 33, HOLY F3 31, HIYA 7G 30, ODAH 9J 30, HAY D6 29
YAH D6 29 Zuincunx, Quincunx
HAY D6 29 Wuincunx, Vuincunx

On 14th draw, JIBED 7G 39 --- JIBE to gibe [v]
Other moves: JOB D6 37, JIBE 7G 34, BENJ 14L 33, JEON B6 31, ENJOY L11 30
JO E2 20 Zuincunx, Quincunx

On 15th draw, THIOUREA 1E 86 --- THIOUREA a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: OUTHEAR 1C 33, OUTHIRE 1C 33, ROUTHIE 1B 33, AUTHOR 1C 30, OUTHER 1C 30

On 16th draw, LUZ D6 51 --- LUZ a bone [n]
Other moves: ZEL 9G 28, ZULUS K11 28, ZIT I3 26, ZAG 8D 23, (C)OZE 9E 22
ZIT I3 26 ArcticFox

On 17th draw, QUIPO C3 47 --- QUIPO a device to help memory [n]
Other moves: QUOIFS J10 46, EQUIP C2 41, FIQUE B4 39, QUEP C3 39, QUIP C3 39
QUOIFS J10 46 ArcticFox
QUIRE 3C 30 Javelin22, ShotPut22, Hammer22

On 18th draw, NEF 9K 25 --- NEF an ornamental stand for table cutlery [n]
Other moves: EGENCY L10 24, FOGEY L11 24, ECO 9H 22, FEEN 14L 22, FEG 14L 22
FOG 14L 22 Discus22

On 19th draw, VIG D2 31 --- VIG short form of vigorish, a charge paid to a bookie on a bet [n]
Other tops: EXO 10I 31
Other moves: GIG D2 27, GOXES K11 26, XI 13F 25, EX 2J 24, VEG 10J 24

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