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Game on June 28, 2024 at 01:03, 1 player
1. 29 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aikloty   H4    34    34   kilty
 2. ?beeenv   5E    44    78   believe
 3. ?aeghlo   L1    85   163   galoshe
 4. adlorst   K4    77   240   leotards
 5. acemnov   4D    39   279   comake
 6. addjstu   6B    43   322   judas
 7. ginstuu   8K    30   352   astun
 8. adehmst   2F    78   430   masthead
 9. eeiiort   O4    59   489   erionite
10. aiinnow   1L    27   516   gown
11. aeinpvw   1E    33   549   wane
12. eginopr   8A    95   644   pigeonry
13. aegopyz  J11    38   682   oyez
14. acegiir  14J    28   710   zaire
15. bdilrtu  12C    82   792   turbidly
16. acginqr   F8    36   828   niqab
17. ffiinou  H12    33   861   diff
18. acginrx   N4    55   916   rax
19. ginnopv  E11    24   940   prong

Remaining tiles: cinuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7216 Filesunshine12  0  1:43  -911   29     1.7216 sunshine12  0  1:43  -911   29 

On 1st draw, KILTY H4 34 --- KILTY one who wears a kilt (a type of skirt) [n]
Other moves: KILTY H8 32, TALKY H8 32, TOKAY H8 32, TILAK H8 28, TALKY H4 26

On 2nd draw, BE(L)IEVE 5E 44 --- BELIEVE to accept as true or real [v]
Other moves: BEKN(A)VE 4F 30, BEL(I)VE 6F 24, BEL(O)VE 6F 24, KEEVE 4H 24, KEEVE(S) 4H 24

On 3rd draw, GALO(S)HE L1 85 --- GALOSHE galosh [n] --- GALOSHE to put an overshoe over [v]
Other moves: HELO(T)AGE K4 72, HELO(T)AGE F4 67, HYALOGE(N) 8G 66, HY(P)OGEAL 8G 65, HELOTAG(E) 7D 63

On 4th draw, LEOTARDS K4 77 --- LEOTARD a close-fitting garment [n]
Other moves: LEOTARDS F4 65, DELATORS F4 63, LOADSTAR 2F 63, LODESTAR F2 63, ODALS 8K 38

On 5th draw, COMAKE 4D 39 --- COMAKE to serve as a comaker for another's loan [v]
Other moves: VENOM 6B 38, VOEMA 4A 32, AMOLE 6E 30, COMAL 6D 30, CAMEO 4A 28

On 6th draw, JUDAS 6B 43 --- JUDAS a peephole [n]
Other moves: ADUST 8K 38, GJUS 1L 36, JA 3I 35, JUDS 6B 33, ADJUST 6A 32

On 7th draw, ASTUN 8K 30 --- ASTUN to astonish [v]
Other moves: GUSTING 1F 27, GUTSING 1F 27, GIANTS 2J 22, YUGAS 8H 22, UNGUIS 1J 21

On 8th draw, MASTHEAD 2F 78 --- MASTHEAD to raise to the top of a mast [v]
Other moves: HAMES 7A 38, MASH 7C 37, MESH 7C 37, DAMES 7A 36, EMDASH 2I 36

On 9th draw, ERIONITE O4 59 --- ERIONITE a type of mineral [n]
Other moves: RETIE 1E 29, RETE 1E 24, ROTE 1E 24, ROTI 1E 24, ROTE 7A 20
RETIE 1E 29 sunshine12

On 10th draw, GOWN 1L 27 --- GOWN to dress in a gown (a long, loose outer garment) [v]
Other moves: OWT M6 26, WO 3I 25, DAW M2 24, DOW M2 24, NONA 1E 24

On 11th draw, WANE 1E 33 --- WANE to decrease in size or extent [v]
Other tops: VANE 1E 33, VENA 1E 33, WENA 1E 33
Other moves: NAPE 1E 32, WAP N4 31, PANE 1E 30, PENI 1E 30, APE 1F 29

On 12th draw, PIGEONRY 8A 95 --- PIGEONRY a place for keeping pigeons [n]
Other moves: PERIGONS 11D 72, PROIGNED 10D 66, EPIGON N10 30, NOPE 7A 28, ROPE 7A 28

On 13th draw, OYEZ J11 38 --- OYEZ a cry used to introduce the opening of a court of law [n]
Other moves: ZUPA N7 36, OYEZ L11 34, OYEZ N11 34, NAZE F8 33, L*Z 3L 32

On 14th draw, ZAIRE 14J 28 --- ZAIRE a monetary unit of central Africa [n]
Other moves: AREIC N10 24, CIGAR I9 24, ERICA N10 24, CERGE 13I 22, CRAG N3 22

On 15th draw, TURBIDLY 12C 82 --- TURBID thick or opaque with roiled sediment [adv] --- TURBIDLY in a turbid manner [adv]
Other moves: BUIRDLY 12D 30, DRUB N3 27, DUB N4 27, TILBURY 12D 26, BUDI 13L 25

On 16th draw, NIQAB F8 36 --- NIQAB (Arabic) a type of veil worn by some Muslim women that is made of lightweight opaque fabric and leaves only the eyes uncovered [n]
Other moves: QI 6N 31, QI 13B 26, QI 11G 25, CRAG N3 22, CRAG 13A 21

On 17th draw, DIFF H12 33 --- DIFF short for difference [n]
Other tops: DOFF H12 33, DUFF H12 33
Other moves: OFF 13M 27, OFT M6 26, FRO E11 22, UFO 13M 21, FOIN 13A 20

On 18th draw, RAX N4 55 --- RAX to stretch out [v]
Other moves: AX N5 52, NIX G11 37, XI 15N 36, IXIA G10 35, AX 15N 29

On 19th draw, PRONG E11 24 --- PRONG to pierce with a pointed projection [v]
Other tops: PONG 13L 24
Other moves: PRIG E11 22, PRION E11 22, PROG E11 22, PROIN E11 22, VIG 13B 21

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