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Game on June 28, 2024 at 01:49, 1 player
1. 26 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cenpqru   H4    48    48   quern
 2. efiopst   7C    68   116   pieforts
 3. ?aeeimt   E5    86   202   emeritae
 4. cefgjor  D11    35   237   jog
 5. aeimnor   J1    64   301   romanise
 6. aefhpst   1G    48   349   sparthe
 7. adlosuy   K1    37   386   toady
 8. ?defilr   L4    88   474   defiler
 9. adelosv   N1    89   563   salvoed
10. abiorrt   O7    30   593   orbita
11. acdkort   N9    39   632   oka
12. adinrtu   6D    22   654   amide
13. ceistvy  11G    33   687   evicts
14. agilnnu  H11    27   714   vinal
15. elnouwx   8A    34   748   exo
16. ilrtuwz   9A    57   805   luz
17. ehinntu  C12    26   831   hunt
18. begnruy  15A    30   861   byte
19. ceginru  15G    62   923   ulcering

Remaining tiles: gnrww

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7213 Filesunshine12  1  1:19  -897   26     1.7213 sunshine12  1  1:19  -897   26 

On 1st draw, QUERN H4 48 --- QUERN a hand operated stone mill for grinding corn [n]
Other moves: QUEP H5 30, QUEP H6 30, QUEP H7 30, QUEP H8 30, QUERN H8 30

On 2nd draw, PIEFORTS 7C 68 --- PIEFORT an unusually thick coin [n]
Other moves: FIREPOTS 7F 66, POSTFIRE 7B 66, PISTE I3 29, FOPS 9E 27, SPIF 9H 27

On 3rd draw, EME(R)ITAE E5 86 --- EMERITA a retired woman who retains an honorary title [n]
Other moves: E(S)TIMATE I1 79, METAI(R)IE D1 76, ME(D)ITATE I1 76, EPIT(H)EMA C6 74, (S)TEAMIE 9H 74

On 4th draw, JOG D11 35 --- JOG to run at a slow, steady pace [v]
Other moves: JOE 8A 34, JOE D11 33, JOR D11 33, FORCE D11 31, JO D11 31

On 5th draw, ROMANISE J1 64 --- ROMANISE to write in the Roman alphabet [v]
Other moves: QORMA 4H 32, ANOMIE D3 28, RAMIE D4 26, NAM F9 25, NIM F9 25

On 6th draw, SPARTHE 1G 48 --- SPARTHE a long battle-axe [n]
Other moves: SPARTH 1G 45, RAPHES 1J 42, SERAPH 1H 42, SHAFTER 1D 42, TERAPH 1H 42

On 7th draw, TOADY K1 37 --- TOADY to engage in servile flattering [v]
Other tops: SADLY 9H 37
Other moves: QUAYD 4H 36, QUAYS 4H 34, TOUSY K1 34, DAYS F9 33, DOYS F9 33

On 8th draw, DEFIL(E)R L4 88 --- DEFILER one that defiles [n]
Other moves: D(E)FILER L4 87, FERLI(E)D K8 75, FID(D)LER K8 75, FIELD(E)R K8 75, FIL(B)ERD K8 75

On 9th draw, SALVOED N1 89 --- SALVO to discharge firearms simultaneously [v]
Other moves: SALVOED 14D 79, SALVED N1 41, SLAVED N1 41, SOLVED N1 41, VALSED 14A 40

On 10th draw, ORBITA O7 30 --- ORBITA the hollow in which the eyeball rests [n]
Other tops: BRIAR O5 30
Other moves: BAIT O5 27, BRAT O5 27, BRIO O5 27, BRIT O5 27, TABOR O6 26

On 11th draw, OKA N9 39 --- OKA a Turkish unit of weight [n]
Other moves: KAT N10 37, KA N10 34, DACK C12 32, DAK F9 31, KORAT D1 30

On 12th draw, AMIDE 6D 22 --- AMIDE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ARID M10 21, ARNUT M10 21, TAI F9 21, TAR F9 21, AMINE 6D 20

On 13th draw, EVICTS 11G 33 --- EVICT to expel by legal process [v]
Other tops: CIVETS 11G 33
Other moves: CIVES 11H 31, CIVETS 13J 31, CYTES 11H 31, EVICTS 13J 31, VICES 11H 31

On 14th draw, VINAL H11 27 --- VINAL a synthetic textile fiber [n]
Other moves: UNNAIL 13J 21, GAIN C12 20, GAUN C12 20, GUAN C12 20, GULA C12 20

On 15th draw, EXO 8A 34 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: EXUL 13L 31, EXO 2E 28, EAUX 14G 27, LANX 14G 27, LINUX I10 27

On 16th draw, LUZ 9A 57 --- LUZ a bone [n]
Other tops: RIZ 9A 57
Other moves: ZIG 13B 26, TWIRL 13K 25, POZ C7 24, RITZ 9D 23, WRIT 9C 23

On 17th draw, HUNT C12 26 --- HUNT to pursue for food or sport [v]
Other moves: HUE C12 24, HUI C12 24, HUN C12 24, HUT C12 24, HIE 2F 20
HUNT C12 26 sunshine12

On 18th draw, BYTE 15A 30 --- BYTE a group of adjacent binary digits [n]
Other moves: BRINY I9 28, ENTRY 15A 27, GYTE 15A 27, BEANY 14F 24, REBUY G10 23

On 19th draw, ULCERING 15G 62 --- ULCER to affect with an ulcer (a type of lesion) [v]
Other moves: ANERGIC 14H 24, ENURING 13G 20, RICE F12 19, TIGRINE I7 19, CRAIG 14F 18

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