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Game on June 28, 2024 at 17:02, 11 players
1. 533 pts SQUAW1
2. 222 pts Pacific
3. 161 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?cdeeko   H8    86    86   decokes
 2. aeiorsu  12H    22   108   kauries
 3. adlootw   9E    67   175   latewood
 4. aeiirvw   8A    47   222   waive
 5. aeilovx  10H    58   280   cox
 6. adejors  N10    58   338   josser
 7. ?egilrt   E5    86   424   retelling
 8. aefimpr  15I    42   466   rampire
 9. ehmooty   8K    51   517   homey
10. adinnrt   F8    26   543   raita
11. efnnort  14J    30   573   fe
12. aaenstz   D1    50   623   zante
13. dfgirsu   1D    51   674   zurfs
14. ceghiit   B2    82   756   chigetai
15. aalosvy   6D    29   785   sey
16. aegopuv   3B    30   815   hangup
17. aeinnov   N2    24   839   novenae
18. abdilot   4F    82   921   tabloid
19. dilnnqu   J2    36   957   quoin

Remaining tiles: bdlnn

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.7847 FileSQUAW1      5 11:01  -424  533     1.9773 Pacific     1  6:01  -735  222 
  2.9773 FilePacific     1  6:01  -735  222            Group: expert
  3.8709 FileLongJump22  1  3:45  -796  161     1.8709 LongJump22  1  3:45  -796  161 
  4.7078 FileArcticFox   1  3:42  -811  146     2.8499 Wuincunx    0  1:09  -918   39 
  5.7621 Filequeen66     3  1:02  -826  131     3.8680 Zuincunx    0  1:34  -918   39 
  6.7626 Filemoonmonkey  0  7:12  -833  124     4.8615 Vuincunx    0  1:53  -918   39 
  7.7448 FileMycophot    1  2:11  -898   59     5.8635 Quincunx    0  1:11  -934   23 
  8.8499 FileWuincunx    0  1:09  -918   39            Group: advanced
  9.8680 FileZuincunx    0  1:34  -918   39     1.7847 SQUAW1      5 11:01  -424  533 
 10.8615 FileVuincunx    0  1:53  -918   39     2.7078 ArcticFox   1  3:42  -811  146 
 11.8635 FileQuincunx    0  1:11  -934   23     3.7621 queen66     3  1:02  -826  131 
                                             4.7626 moonmonkey  0  7:12  -833  124 
                                             5.7448 Mycophot    1  2:11  -898   59 

On 1st draw, DECOKE(S) H8 86 --- DECOKE to decarbonise [v]
Other tops: DECOKE(D) H8 86, (D)ECOKED H8 86
Other moves: DECKOE(D) H2 82, DECOKE(D) H2 82, DECOKE(S) H2 82, (D)ECKOED H2 82, (D)ECOKED H2 82
C(H)OKED H4 30 ArcticFox

On 2nd draw, KAURIES 12H 22 --- KAURY a timber tree [n]
Other moves: KAISER 12H 20, KAURIS 12H 20, RESOAK 12C 20, KAIES 12H 18, KAURI 12H 18

On 3rd draw, LATEWOOD 9E 67 --- LATEWOOD a part of an annual ring of wood [n]
Other moves: WALED M9 26, WOOED M9 26, DAW G7 25, DOW G7 25, ALOW G6 24
WALED M9 26 ArcticFox

On 4th draw, WAIVE 8A 47 --- WAIVE to give up intentionally [v]
Other moves: WAIVE 8K 45, WAVER 8K 45, WIVER 8K 45, VIRELAI E5 40, WICE 10F 37
WISER N10 32 ArcticFox

On 5th draw, COX 10H 58 --- COX to steer a racing rowboat [v]
Other moves: XI 10J 52, VEX 13G 42, AXEL 8L 40, AXIL 8L 40, AXLE 8L 40
COX 10H 58 ArcticFox, SQUAW1, Pacific

On 6th draw, JOSSER N10 58 --- JOSSER a clergyman [n]
Other moves: JADES 8K 55, RAJAS F8 40, RAJES F8 40, SOARED 8J 40, RAJA F8 39
JADES 8K 55 SQUAW1, Pacific

On 7th draw, RETELLI(N)G E5 86 --- RETELL to tell again [v] --- RETELLING [n]
Other moves: TERAGLI(N) F6 76, I(N)TEGRAL B2 74, I(N)TEGRAL F3 74, TA(N)GLIER B7 74, GLE(E)TIER 13B 73
RETELLI(N)G E5 86 LongJump22
ALERTI(N)G B8 70 Pacific

On 8th draw, RAMPIRE 15I 42 --- RAMPIRE a flat-topped defensive mound [n]
Other moves: FRAP O8 40, REMAP O7 40, FARM 15L 39, FERM 15L 39, FIREARM 15I 39
FIRM 15L 39 Pacific
PRIMA O6 36 LongJump22

On 9th draw, HOMEY 8K 51 --- HOMEY a person from one's own neighborhood [n] --- HOMEY homelike [adj]
Other moves: MOTHY 8K 50, HOOEY 8K 45, HOOTY 8K 45, HO(S)EY 14F 41, METHO 8K 41
METHO O6 39 LongJump22, Wuincunx, Zuincunx, Vuincunx

On 10th draw, RAITA F8 26 --- RAITA an Indian salad made with yogurt and chopped vegetables or fruits [n]
Other tops: NADA F6 26, RAID F8 26
Other moves: RAIN F8 24, RAIT F8 24, TARA F6 24, TRAD 7K 24, DARN 7L 23
DARN 7L 23 Quincunx, moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 11th draw, FE 14J 30 --- FE a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: TREF F3 30
Other moves: NEF F4 29, REF F4 29, TEF F4 29, EF F5 28, FORTE 7I 28
TREF F3 30 queen66

On 12th draw, ZANTE D1 50 --- ZANTE satinwood [n]
Other moves: ZANA(N)A 12A 48, ZENA(N)A 12A 48, ZEA M11 39, ZEE M11 39, AZANS 14A 38
ZANTE D1 50 queen66, SQUAW1

On 13th draw, ZURFS 1D 51 --- ZURF a coffee-cup holder [n]
Other moves: DURZIS 1A 48, FRIZ 1A 48, DURZI 1A 45, FUSED 6B 36, SURF F3 31
ZURFS 1D 51 queen66, SQUAW1

On 14th draw, CHIGETAI B2 82 --- CHIGETAI a wild ass [n]
Other moves: ETCH 7J 36, ITCH 7J 36, CHE 7L 31, EH F5 29, CH 7L 28
CHE 7L 31 moonmonkey

On 15th draw, SEY 6D 29 --- SEY a part carcase of beef [n]
Other moves: LYMS M6 28, SOYA 7L 27, AHOY K7 26, ALAYS 14A 26, LAVAS 14A 26

On 16th draw, HANGUP 3B 30 --- HANGUP an inhibition or obsession [n]
Other moves: VOGUE 7J 28, GAPO 7L 27, UPGO 7J 26, GAUP D11 25, COXAE 10H 24
GAPO 7L 27 moonmonkey

On 17th draw, NOVENAE N2 24 --- NOVENA a religious devotion lasting nine days [n]
Other tops: COXAE 10H 24
Other moves: NEON 7L 21, NONA 7L 21, INNS 13K 20, IONS 13K 20, NONA 7J 20
NOVENA 4F 19 moonmonkey

On 18th draw, TABLOID 4F 82 --- TABLOID a small newspaper [n]
Other moves: OBITAL 4G 26, DOAB 7L 25, DAB O1 24, DOB O1 24, BAD O1 23
DAB O1 24 SQUAW1, moonmonkey

On 19th draw, QUOIN J2 36 --- QUOIN to secure with a type of wedge [v]
Other moves: QUOD J2 34, QI(S) 14F 31, QUID K2 28, QUIN K2 26, QUI(N)A 12B 26
QUOIN J2 36 Mycophot, SQUAW1

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