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Game on June 29, 2024 at 21:05, 6 players
1. 351 pts sunshine12
2. 261 pts LongJump22
3. 149 pts Zuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adeirt   H2    68    68   radiate
 2. eeghjrt   1G    57   125   jete
 3. aiilnou   2F    24   149   noria
 4. aemnnuv   5D    24   173   mauvine
 5. abdehst   J4    70   243   bethesda
 6. bdeirsx   E5    86   329   axebirds
 7. afloost   K5    43   372   sool
 8. delostw  12J    39   411   sowled
 9. ?ahiiuw   4A    40   451   wash
10. ceegnpr   O7    33   484   perced
11. ceinotz  12A    52   536   zincs
12. eklooor  A12    51   587   zerk
13. aiimotv   A1    30   617   avow
14. aaefglr   B8    32   649   fragile
15. aginryy   3G    35   684   yag
16. filopru   A7    49   733   pouf
17. eimntuy   M6    80   813   untimely
18. ailnqrt   N1    38   851   qintar
19. agilnoo   O1    41   892   io
20. agilotu  C10    23   915   aunt

Remaining tiles: giilno

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7228 Filesunshine12  6  6:30  -564  351     1.8779 LongJump22  3  2:09  -654  261 
  2.8779 FileLongJump22  3  2:09  -654  261     2.8611 Zuincunx    1  3:35  -766  149 
  3.8611 FileZuincunx    1  3:35  -766  149     3.8622 Wuincunx    0  1:49  -818   97 
  4.8622 FileWuincunx    0  1:49  -818   97     4.8430 Quincunx    0  1:29  -893   22 
  5.8430 FileQuincunx    0  1:29  -893   22     5.8595 Vuincunx    0  1:49  -893   22 
  6.8595 FileVuincunx    0  1:49  -893   22            Group: advanced
                                             1.7228 sunshine12  6  6:30  -564  351 

On 1st draw, R(A)DIATE H2 68 --- RADIATE to emit rays [v]
Other tops: AIRT(H)ED H6 68, AT(T)IRED H6 68, A(N)TIRED H6 68, A(S)TERID H6 68, A(S)TRIDE H7 68, A(T)TIRED H6 68, DETRAI(N) H4 68, DIA(S)TER H4 68, DIETAR(Y) H4 68, DI(L)ATER H4 68, DI(P)TERA H4 68, DI(S)RATE H4 68, RADI(A)TE H2 68, REDTAI(L) H2 68, RED(B)AIT H2 68, TAR(D)IED H6 68, TAR(R)IED H6 68, TA(R)RIED H6 68, TIAR(A)ED H6 68, TIRADE(S) H8 68, TI(A)RAED H6 68, TRAI(K)ED H6 68, TRAI(L)ED H6 68, TRAI(N)ED H6 68, TRIA(G)ED H6 68, TRI(B)ADE H7 68, (P)ARTIED H6 68, (P)IRATED H6 68, (S)TAIDER H8 68, (S)TAIRED H6 68
Other moves: AIRD(A)TE H2 66, AIRD(A)TE H3 66, AIRD(A)TE H4 66, AIRD(A)TE H6 66, AIRD(A)TE H7 66
RADI(A)TE H2 68 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, JETE 1G 57 --- JETE a ballet leap [n]
Other tops: JEER 1F 57, JEER 1G 57, JETE 1E 57
Other moves: JEE 1F 54, JEE 1G 54, JET 1G 54, ETHER 1H 51, THERE 1D 51
JEER 1G 57 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, NORIA 2F 24 --- NORIA a type of waterwheel [n]
Other tops: LORAN 2F 24
Other moves: ARIL 2G 21, ORAL 2G 21, AIOLI G3 19, AIOLI I3 19, AIOLI 2J 18

On 4th draw, MAUVINE 5D 24 --- MAUVINE a mauve dye [n]
Other tops: MAUVEIN 5C 24
Other moves: MAUVE 3B 22, MAUVIN 5D 22, MAVIE 5E 20, MAVIN 5E 20, UNNAMED 4B 20
MAUVE 3B 22 Quincunx, Vuincunx

On 5th draw, BETHESDA J4 70 --- BETHESDA a chapel [n]
Other moves: BETHESDA 8D 67, BETHESDA 8G 65, BASHED K3 50, HASTED K3 46, SAHEB K5 46
BASHED K3 50 LongJump22, Wuincunx, Zuincunx

On 6th draw, AXEBIRDS E5 86 --- AXEBIRD a bird from Queensland, sounding like a chopping axe [n]
Other moves: XIS K3 50, R(A)X 3G 47, BISE K3 44, SEIR K5 43, DESI K3 42
AXEBIRDS E5 86 LongJump22
R(A)X 3G 47 Wuincunx, Zuincunx

On 7th draw, SOOL K5 43 --- SOOL to incite to attack [v]
Other tops: SOOT K5 43
Other moves: FAS K3 42, TOSA K3 40, LAS K3 36, LOS K3 36, OOS K3 36

On 8th draw, SOWLED 12J 39 --- SOWLE to pull by the ears [v]
Other tops: SLOWED 12J 39, STOWED 12J 39
Other moves: DOWSET 12G 37, LOWSED 12G 37, TOWSED 12G 37, SOWMED D2 36, W(A)D 3G 35

On 9th draw, WA(S)H 4A 40 --- WASH to cleanse by immersing in or applying a liquid [v]
Other tops: WI(C)H 4A 40, WI(S)H 4A 40, WI(T)H 4A 40
Other moves: WHE(N)UA N10 38, WHEA(L) N10 36, WHEA(R) N10 36, WHEA(T) N10 36, WIDI(S)H O10 36

On 10th draw, PERCED O7 33 --- PERCE to pierce [v]
Other tops: CREPED O7 33
Other moves: PEARCE B2 32, PRANCE B2 32, G(A)P 3G 31, CREEP N10 30, CREPE N10 30

On 11th draw, ZINCS 12A 52 --- ZINC to coat with zinc (a metallic element) [v]
Other moves: AZO 11J 51, WINZE A4 51, WIZEN A4 51, ZINEB 8A 51, CAZ 11I 50
ZINCS 12A 52 sunshine12, Zuincunx

On 12th draw, ZERK A12 51 --- ZERK a grease fitting [n]
Other moves: ZERO A12 39, WROKE A4 36, ROKE L6 34, ROK L6 33, OKE L7 30
ZERK A12 51 sunshine12

On 13th draw, AVOW A1 30 --- AVOW to declare openly [v]
Other tops: AMOWT A1 30
Other moves: OMOV K10 29, MOAT 13K 27, MOIT 13K 27, TOMIA L6 27, TAM L6 25
AVOW A1 30 sunshine12

On 14th draw, FRAGILE B8 32 --- FRAGILE easily broken or damaged [adj]
Other moves: FEAL 13K 30, FEAR 13K 30, FLANGER C9 30, REF L6 29, FLANGE C9 28
RIFE B11 23 sunshine12

On 15th draw, Y(A)G 3G 35 --- YAG acronym for yttrium aluminium garnet, a synthetic gemstone [n]
Other moves: RAYA 11I 29, RAY(A) 3E 29, ANGRILY M7 28, GAYLY M9 28, GRAYLY M8 28
Y(A)G 3G 35 sunshine12

On 16th draw, POUF A7 49 --- POUF a loose roll of hair [n] --- POUF to give a puffed shape to the hair [v]
Other moves: FOUL A7 40, PROUL A6 40, LOUP A7 39, ROUP A7 39, OUP A8 36
POUF A7 49 sunshine12

On 17th draw, UNTIMELY M6 80 --- TIMELY occurring at the right moment [adj] --- UNTIMELY not timely [adj]
Other tops: MINUTELY M6 80
Other moves: TINMEN C10 38, UNMET C11 30, MONEY K11 28, MONTY K11 28, MOTEY K11 28
MAY 11I 26 sunshine12

On 18th draw, QINTAR N1 38 --- QINTAR a monetary unit of Albania [n]
Other moves: QUINA F4 33, QANAT 11G 32, QAT 11I 28, QUIN F4 28, QUIT F4 28
QAT 11I 28 sunshine12

On 19th draw, IO O1 41 --- IO a cry of joy [n]
Other tops: IN O1 41
Other moves: QI 1N 33, DIGONAL 11E 22, OLIO 3A 20, AGON K10 19, ALONG K10 19
IN O1 41 sunshine12

On 20th draw, AUNT C10 23 --- AUNT the sister of one's father or mother [n]
Other tops: AGOUTI K10 23, TOLUIC D7 23
Other moves: UNLIT C11 22, UNTIL C11 22, INTO C11 20, OLIO 3A 20, UNTO C11 20
GOOL K11 16 sunshine12

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