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Game on July 2, 2024 at 13:17, 7 players
1. 209 pts Chelsea
2. 186 pts LongJump22
3. 135 pts Zuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adioosv   H3    28    28   avoids
 2. ?ceeoru   8A    80   108   recoures
 3. acegnot   C3    26   134   coenact
 4. ?aeflnr   E5    90   224   fraulein
 5. aillopt   4F    24   248   pivotal
 6. aelrruy  D11    29   277   leary
 7. belnoox  15A    48   325   boxy
 8. adenrsv   K1    74   399   verandas
 9. ehnottu  14B    45   444   north
10. eeinory   1H    45   489   nervy
11. afisuuw  13C    36   525   fa
12. adehmsz   3G    63   588   hazer
13. egiimsw   8K    42   630   swims
14. beeimot   A1    92   722   biometer
15. aaiknpt  15F    32   754   akita
16. egijnoq  14J    83   837   jingo
17. aegiist  11A    59   896   agilities
18. deilqrw  13K    24   920   qi
19. ddepruu  12L    26   946   pudu
20. deglruw  15L    39   985   gude

Remaining tiles: lrw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7430 FileChelsea     2  6:33  -776  209     1.8739 LongJump22  2  1:43  -799  186 
  2.8739 FileLongJump22  2  1:43  -799  186     2.8659 Zuincunx    1  2:14  -850  135 
  3.8659 FileZuincunx    1  2:14  -850  135     3.8782 Wuincunx    0  1:49  -933   52 
  4.  -  Filegggg2246    1  1:40  -902   83     4.8741 Vuincunx    1  0:40  -943   42 
  5.8782 FileWuincunx    0  1:49  -933   52     5.8600 Quincunx    1  0:59  -943   42 
  6.8741 FileVuincunx    1  0:40  -943   42            Group: advanced
  7.8600 FileQuincunx    1  0:59  -943   42     1.7430 Chelsea     2  6:33  -776  209 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  gggg2246    1  1:40  -902   83 

On 1st draw, AVOIDS H3 28 --- AVOID to keep away from [v]
Other tops: OVOIDS H3 28
Other moves: VOIDS H4 26, AVOIDS H8 24, OVOIDS H8 24, AVOID H8 22, AVOIDS H4 22

On 2nd draw, (R)ECOURES 8A 80 --- RECOURE to recover [v]
Other tops: RECOU(R)ES 8A 80
Other moves: COE(N)URES 8A 77, OVERCU(R)E 4G 74, OVE(R)CURE 4G 74, RECOU(P)ED 7A 64, RECOU(R)ED 7A 64

On 3rd draw, COENACT C3 26 --- COENACT to enact jointly or at the same time [v]
Other moves: CENTAGE B2 24, CENTAVO 4C 24, COENACT C8 24, COGNAC C3 24, COGNAC C8 24

On 4th draw, FRAULE(I)N E5 90 --- FRAULEIN a German governess [n]
Other tops: FLAUN(T)ER E5 90, FRENULA(R) E4 90, F(R)ENULAR E4 90
Other moves: FREN(U)LA(R) A1 80, (C)ONFERVAL 4B 78, (S)ALFERN 10C 78, FLANEUR(S) E3 70, FLOREAN(T) 5F 70

On 5th draw, PIVOTAL 4F 24 --- PIVOTAL critically important [adj]
Other moves: APIOL D10 23, PAOLI D10 23, PAOLI D11 23, PATIO D11 23, PILAO D11 23

On 6th draw, LEARY D11 29 --- LEARY suspicious [adj]
Other tops: LURRY D11 29
Other moves: YARER 5K 28, AERY D12 26, LUNARY 12C 26, YALE 5K 26, YARE 5K 26

On 7th draw, BOXY 15A 48 --- BOXY resembling a box [adj]
Other moves: NOXAL 3E 45, EXON 5J 44, EXO 5J 42, OXO 5J 42, BOXEN 5K 38

On 8th draw, VERANDAS K1 74 --- VERANDA a type of porch [n]
Other moves: INVADERS 6H 72, DERVS 14B 37, FEDORAS 5E 37, DARNERS 14B 35, DARERS 14B 33

On 9th draw, NORTH 14B 45 --- NORTH a point of the compass [n] --- NORTH to head northwards [v]
Other moves: HORNET 14B 41, HERON 14B 39, HEX C13 38, HOX C13 38, SHENT 8K 36

On 10th draw, NERVY 1H 45 --- NERVY impudent [adj]
Other moves: RENVOY 1H 39, SYREN 8K 36, VEERY 1K 36, VEINY 1K 36, VENEY 1K 36

On 11th draw, FA 13C 36 --- FA the fourth tone of the diatonic musical scale [n]
Other tops: FOX C13 36
Other moves: RIFS F8 32, WOFS I3 30, RIF F8 29, WIFES B5 29, WOF I3 27

On 12th draw, HAZER 3G 63 --- HAZER one that hazes [n]
Other moves: MAZER 3G 59, MAZED 15F 58, SMAZE 8K 57, DAZER 3G 55, MAZES 15F 55
ZHOS 4A 52 LongJump22, Zuincunx, Wuincunx

On 13th draw, SWIMS 8K 42 --- SWIM to propel oneself in water by natural means [v]
Other moves: SMEWS 8K 39, SWIGS 8K 39, SWIES 8K 36, GRIMES F7 35, MEWS 15F 34
SWIMS 8K 42 LongJump22, Vuincunx, Quincunx, Chelsea

On 14th draw, BIOMETE(R) A1 92 --- BIOMETER a device for measuring carbon dioxide given off by living matter [n]
Other moves: MOBIE 15F 34, BROME F7 33, MOBE 15F 31, BETEEM B5 30, BRIM F7 30
BIOMETE(R) A1 92 LongJump22

On 15th draw, AKITA 15F 32 --- AKITA (Japanese) a large powerfully built breed of Japanese dog [n]
Other moves: AKIN 15F 29, IKAN 15F 29, IKAT 15F 29, KAI 7M 29, AKA 15F 26
KAI 7M 29 Chelsea

On 16th draw, JINGO 14J 83 --- JINGO a zealous patriot [n]
Other moves: JONG 14J 53, JEON 14J 52, JIG 14J 52, JOG 14J 52, JOIN 14J 52
JINGO 14J 83 Zuincunx, gggg2246
JONG 14J 53 Chelsea

On 17th draw, AGIL(I)TIES 11A 59 --- AGILITY the quality of being agile [n]
Other moves: WAISTING L8 28, SLAE L3 27, GEATS 13K 25, ATIGIS K10 24, GEAT 13K 23
AGE 13M 17 Chelsea

On 18th draw, QI 13K 24 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: REWIND L10 24
Other moves: DOL 5G 23, DREW 10G 23, WERE B5 23, WIRE B5 23, QIS I9 22
QI 13K 24 Chelsea

On 19th draw, PUDU 12L 26 --- PUDU a South American deer [n]
Other moves: DUED 12L 24, DUPE 12L 24, PUER 12L 24, PURE 12L 24, DUDE 12L 22
PURE 12L 24 Chelsea

On 20th draw, GUDE 15L 39 --- GUDE something that is good [n]
Other moves: GURL 15L 35, ERUGO D4 29, DOL 5G 23, DREW 10G 23, GREW 10G 23
WE 15N 20 Chelsea

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