Game on July 3, 2024 at 19:01, 9 players
1. 309 pts LongJump22
2. 215 pts sicilianc5
3. 172 pts SQUAW1
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 72 72
2. G5 21 93
3. F7 38 131
4. H1 29 160
5. 13G 22 182
6. 12K 36 218
7. 5F 74 292
8. 4L 34 326
9. 14B 70 396
10. 15F 57 453
11. O12 33 486
12. B7 63 549
13. 1B 65 614
14. A5 41 655
15. O2 43 698
16. C3 37 735
17. A12 44 779
18. 6J 42 821
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1.8740 LongJump22 2 6:19 -512 309 1.8740 LongJump22 2 6:19 -512 309
2. - sicilianc5 2 7:51 -606 215 2.8713 Zuincunx 1 4:09 -692 129
3.7767 SQUAW1 2 3:41 -649 172 3.8591 Quincunx 1 3:08 -755 66
4.8713 Zuincunx 1 4:09 -692 129 Group: advanced
5.8591 Quincunx 1 3:08 -755 66 1.7767 SQUAW1 2 3:41 -649 172
6.7668 queen66 0 3:03 -764 57 2.7668 queen66 0 3:03 -764 57
7.7653 Mycophot 0 0:49 -793 28 3.7653 Mycophot 0 0:49 -793 28
8.7582 moonmonkey 0 1:10 -793 28 4.7582 moonmonkey 0 1:10 -793 28
9.7807 Muincunx 0 0:47 -801 20 5.7807 Muincunx 0 0:47 -801 20
Group: not rated
1. - sicilianc5 2 7:51 -606 215
On 1st draw, A(S)INICO H7 72 --- ASINICO stupid fellow [n]
Other tops: ANIO(N)IC H6 72, A(N)IONIC H6 72, A(V)IONIC H6 72, CONI(D)IA H4 72
Other moves: ANIO(N)IC H2 68, ANIO(N)IC H3 68, ANIO(N)IC H4 68, ANIO(N)IC H7 68, A(N)IONIC H2 68
CA(S)INO H4 20 Muincunx
On 2nd draw, REDIAE G5 21 --- REDIA the larva of certain flatworms [n]
Other tops: OREIDE G5 21, OREIDE I5 21
Other moves: DECIARE 12F 20, ERODE I6 20, AIDE G7 19, AIDE I7 19, EIDE G7 19
On 3rd draw, OATH F7 38 --- OATH a formal declaration or promise to fulfill a pledge [n]
Other moves: DOODAH F1 36, HODAD F10 36, HOD F6 35, TOHO F4 34, HOA F6 33
HODAD F10 36 LongJump22
On 4th draw, TODDE H1 29 --- TODDE to yield a tod [v]
Other moves: FORKED 5E 28, TOKED E10 27, KEF G13 26, COKED 12H 24, KED G13 24
TOKED E10 27 Zuincunx
On 5th draw, LOOPIER 13G 22 --- LOOPY full of loops [adj]
Other tops: LEPORID 3B 22, PELORIC 12B 22, POLICER 12D 22, PRILLED 3B 22, PROLLED 3B 22
Other moves: COPIER 12H 20, DIPLOE 3H 20, DIPOLE 3H 20, DOPIER 3H 20, PELOID 3C 20
On 6th draw, STUNK 12K 36 --- STINK to emit a foul odour [v]
Other moves: KNELT 12K 32, KNUTS 12K 32, NEUK 12L 32, TUSK 12L 32, KNUT 12K 28
KNELT 12K 32 Quincunx
On 7th draw, TREENWARE 5F 74 --- TREENWARE [n]
Other moves: REWAKEN O8 42, TWEAKER O8 42, WANTER 14I 42, ATWEEN 14J 40, REWAKE O8 39
TREENWARE 5F 74 LongJump22
On 8th draw, HEED 4L 34 --- HEED to pay attention to [v]
Other moves: EHED 6K 31, HEEL 4L 30, EH 6M 28, HEELED N1 28, HEILED N1 28
HEED 4L 34 Zuincunx, Quincunx, sicilianc5
On 9th draw, S(T)ANZO 14B 70 --- STANZO a pattern of verse [n]
Other moves: SNEEZ(E) N2 68, SNEEZ(Y) N2 68, ZON(D)AS 4A 50, KAZ(I) O12 48, NER(T)Z M3 46
SNEEZ(E) N2 68 LongJump22, Zuincunx
SNEEZ(Y) N2 68 sicilianc5
On 10th draw, AXILE 15F 57 --- AXILE pertaining to an axial [adj]
Other moves: AXEL 15F 54, AXIL 15F 54, AXLE 15F 54, AXE 15F 51, AXLIKE O8 51
AXLIKE O8 51 LongJump22
On 11th draw, KIEF O12 33 --- KIEF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other tops: KEFS O12 33, KIFS O12 33
Other moves: MICS 3J 30, FICES 11B 28, FEMS 14L 27, KEGS O12 27, FEMS 11C 26
KIEF O12 33 sicilianc5
On 12th draw, WETSUITS B7 63 --- WETSUIT a close-fitting rubberlike suit worn in cold water by skin divers [n]
Other moves: STEW 15A 45, WEIDS O1 40, TEWS 3J 29, WEST 14I 28, WETS 14I 28
STEW 15A 45 sicilianc5
On 13th draw, INCUBATE 1B 65 --- INCUBATE to warm eggs for hatching [v]
Other moves: CUBANE A4 52, CAB A6 38, UNCIAE A3 38, NABE A6 37, BEAN A8 36
On 14th draw, PROB A5 41 --- PROB a problem [n]
Other moves: BIOG A8 40, OBIA A7 39, BAP A6 38, BOP A6 38, GRAB A5 38
OBA A7 34 sicilianc5
On 15th draw, RODSMAN O2 43 --- RODSMAN a surveyor's assistant [n]
Other moves: OVERSMAN M2 34, NARDS O1 31, RANDS O1 31, ROADS O1 31, MARONS C3 30
MOAS 3J 24 queen66
(T)A C14 1 sicilianc5
On 16th draw, RAGULY C3 37 --- RAGULY with projections like stubs of branches [adj]
Other moves: GYRO 2E 36, AFRO 3L 35, FY 6I 34, YGO 2F 33, FY 2B 31
AFRO 3L 35 LongJump22
FRAY D12 28 Mycophot
FLAY D12 28 moonmonkey
On 17th draw, QI A12 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: JOVIAL D10 34, QUOIF 11A 34, JIVER M1 30, JOIN J2 27, JIN N10 26
QI A12 44 LongJump22, SQUAW1
On 18th draw, YOM 6J 42 --- YOM day [n]
Other moves: LOGY D4 36, MY 2E 34, YGO 2F 33, YOM D4 33, MY 6I 32
YOM D4 33 queen66
(T)O C14 1 LongJump22
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