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Game on July 5, 2024 at 08:20, 14 players
1. 864 pts LongJump22
2. 526 pts babsbedi
3. 247 pts Chelsea

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?agijqt   H4    40    40   jirga
 2. aceisuw   4H    30    70   juices
 3. eilnost   9C    73   143   onliest
 4. adeilns   D8    72   215   annelids
 5. ?adeiiv   K4   102   317   cavitied
 6. eimnrst  15A   140   457   minsters
 7. adeeory   E5    52   509   yodeler
 8. agiptuw  B10    38   547   wapiti
 9. aadegor   A6    28   575   agorae
10. aehipru   B1    51   626   rupiah
11. bdenoou   1B    39   665   rebound
12. acgotux   F4    62   727   coxa
13. aeklnty   F9    38   765   ikat
14. eglnooy   L9    87   852   neology
15. behnttu  15K    33   885   tythe
16. befmorv  M11    33   918   fob
17. eflmqru   J2    39   957   quim
18. eflnrwz   4A    46  1003   zine

Remaining tiles: flrrvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8563 FileLongJump22  9 13:11  -139  864     1.8563 LongJump22  9 13:11  -139  864 
  2.6956 Filebabsbedi    1 13:52  -477  526            Group: advanced
  3.7403 FileChelsea     0  6:49  -756  247     1.7403 Chelsea     0  6:49  -756  247 
  4.6474 Filefatcat      1  4:53  -791  212     2.7553 moonmonkey  0  1:45  -960   43 
  5.  -  FileQuincunx    3  4:47  -799  204     3.7750 Mycophot    0  1:29  -967   36 
  6.  -  FileVuincunx    3  6:39  -799  204     4.7755 HollyIvy    0  1:47  -967   36 
  7.  -  FileXuincunx    3  8:26  -799  204     5.7668 queen66     0  1:44  -971   32 
  8.6379 FileJavelin22   0  0:56  -951   52            Group: intermediate
  9.6803 FileDiscus22    0  1:24  -951   52     1.6956 babsbedi    1 13:52  -477  526 
 10.6604 FileShotPut22   0  1:50  -951   52     2.6474 fatcat      1  4:53  -791  212 
 11.7553 Filemoonmonkey  0  1:45  -960   43     3.6379 Javelin22   0  0:56  -951   52 
 12.7750 FileMycophot    0  1:29  -967   36     4.6803 Discus22    0  1:24  -951   52 
 13.7755 FileHollyIvy    0  1:47  -967   36     5.6604 ShotPut22   0  1:50  -951   52 
 14.7668 Filequeen66     0  1:44  -971   32            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Quincunx    3  4:47  -799  204 
                                             2.  -  Vuincunx    3  6:39  -799  204 
                                             3.  -  Xuincunx    3  8:26  -799  204 

On 1st draw, JI(R)GA H4 40 --- JIRGA a council of tribal headmen in Afghanistan [n]
Other tops: JAGI(R) H4 40, JIG(O)T H4 40
Other moves: JIG(O)T H8 26, JI(R)GA H8 26, Q(U)AG H5 26, Q(U)AG H6 26, Q(U)AG H7 26
JIG(O)T H4 40 LongJump22, Quincunx, Vuincunx, Xuincunx
Q(U)AG H7 26 fatcat
QAT H7 24 babsbedi

On 2nd draw, JUICES 4H 30 --- JUICE to extract the juice (the liquid part of a fruit or vegetable) from [v]
Other moves: JUICE 4H 28, CAWS 9E 26, SCAW 9H 25, AESC 9F 23, ASCI 9G 23
JUICES 4H 30 fatcat, LongJump22
CAWS 9E 26 babsbedi

On 3rd draw, ONLIEST 9C 73 --- ONLIEST only [adj]
Other moves: ENTOILS 9B 72, LIONETS 9B 72, ETIOLINS 5C 70, LECTIONS K2 70, ONLIEST I7 66
ONLIEST 9C 73 LongJump22
STONE 9H 19 fatcat
LISTENS M2 16 babsbedi

On 4th draw, ANNELIDS D8 72 --- ANNELID any of a phylum of segmented worms [n]
Other moves: ANNELIDS D7 70, LINDANES D4 70, LINDANES D7 70, NODALISE C8 68, ISLANDE(R) 6A 64
ANNELIDS D8 72 LongJump22
LADIES 8A 34 babsbedi
DINE 8A 23 fatcat

On 5th draw, CAVI(T)IED K4 102 --- CAVITIED to have a cavity [adj] --- CAVITY an unfilled space within a mass [adj]
Other moves: VICIA(T)ED K2 76, ADDI(T)IVE 14B 74, IDEA(T)IVE 11B 72, ADDI(T)IVE 14C 66, DILA(T)IVE 12B 65
CAVI(T)IED K4 102 LongJump22
CAVI(T)IED K4 52 Javelin22, Discus22, ShotPut22
SAVED 15D 27 fatcat, babsbedi

On 6th draw, MINSTERS 15A 140 --- MINSTER a large church or cathedral [n]
Other moves: MINISTER 13C 74, MISINTER 13C 74, MINISTER 13A 72, MINSTERS M1 72, MINSTREL E2 72
MINSTERS 15A 140 LongJump22
MERITS J10 29 babsbedi
STEMS 15D 21 fatcat

On 7th draw, YODELER E5 52 --- YODELER one that yodels [n]
Other moves: YEARD 14F 38, YEARD J10 37, (T)YRED 8K 36, RAYLED E6 33, YEAD 14F 33
YEARD J10 37 LongJump22, Quincunx, Vuincunx, Xuincunx
YARD J10 32 fatcat
DEARY J10 31 babsbedi

On 8th draw, WAPITI B10 38 --- WAPITI a large deer [n]
Other moves: PAW F4 34, TAW F4 32, WAIT 14F 32, WAP J10 32, AW F5 31
PAW F4 34 LongJump22, fatcat, Chelsea

On 9th draw, AGORAE A6 28 --- AGORA a market-place in ancient Greece [n]
Other moves: GORED F2 27, AREAD A7 26, DARGA A6 26, EGAD A8 26, GARDA A6 26
AGORAE A6 28 LongJump22
GRAD A8 26 Chelsea
RAGED J10 20 babsbedi

On 10th draw, RUPIAH B1 51 --- RUPIAH a monetary unit of Indonesia [n]
Other moves: RUPIAH F1 39, (T)HRIP 8K 39, PUHA F4 38, ARUHE F3 37, HEPAR J10 36
RUPIAH B1 51 LongJump22, Quincunx, Vuincunx, Xuincunx
HEAP 14F 34 babsbedi, Chelsea

On 11th draw, REBOUND 1B 39 --- REBOUND to spring back [v]
Other moves: BOOED 14F 32, BOUND 14F 32, BONED J10 31, BOOED J10 31, BOUND J10 31
BOUND 14F 32 LongJump22, queen66
BONED J10 31 babsbedi
OBE F5 29 Chelsea

On 12th draw, COXA F4 62 --- COXA the hip or hip joint [n]
Other moves: COAX F3 59, COX F4 58, GOX F4 57, TAX F4 56, TUX F4 56
COX F4 58 Chelsea, babsbedi
GOX A2 43 LongJump22, Quincunx, Vuincunx, Xuincunx, moonmonkey

On 13th draw, IKAT F9 38 --- IKAT Indonesian weaving using tie-dyed yarns [n]
Other tops: IKAN F9 38
Other moves: (T)ALKY 8K 36, (T)ANKY 8K 36, YANK J10 35, YELK J10 35, YAK J10 34
(T)ALKY 8K 36 Chelsea, babsbedi, LongJump22, Mycophot, HollyIvy

On 14th draw, NEOLOGY L9 87 --- NEOLOGY a new word or phrase [n]
Other moves: NEOLOGY L7 85, ENOLOGY 2H 79, ENOLOGY 14H 78, NEOLOGY 2F 74, NEOLOGY 14F 73
ENOLOGY 2H 79 LongJump22
YON J10 30 Chelsea
DEY 14D 30 babsbedi

On 15th draw, TYTHE 15K 33 --- TYTHE to pay a tenth part used as a small tax [v]
Other moves: HUE 2F 32, HUE 14F 31, BUTTE J10 30, DUH 14D 30, HUE M13 30
TYTHE 15K 33 LongJump22, Quincunx, Vuincunx, Xuincunx
HE 14F 28 babsbedi

On 16th draw, FOB M11 33 --- FOB to deceive [v]
Other moves: FOE 14F 31, DEF 14D 30, MOB M11 30, FE 14F 28, FIVE 4A 28
FOE 14F 31 babsbedi
VROOM 13I 28 LongJump22

On 17th draw, QUIM J2 39 --- QUIM female genitalia [n]
Other moves: FUEL 14F 32, FEU 14F 31, DEF 14D 30, FE 14F 28, FERM 3L 27
QUIM J2 39 babsbedi
(R)E 6H 1 LongJump22

On 18th draw, ZINE 4A 46 --- ZINE a magazine for specialist interests, especially a Web-based one [n]
Other moves: FEZ 3L 39, ZEE 10J 32, DEF 14D 30, DEW 14D 30, PREZ 3B 30
ZEE 10J 32 babsbedi
FE O14 5 LongJump22

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