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Game on July 6, 2024 at 09:21, 12 players
1. 225 pts Chelsea
2. 144 pts Papa_Sloth
3. 134 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beegiot   H4    22    22   beige
 2. ?ghiotx   5G    32    54   hexing
 3. ?annosv   9B    70   124   novenas
 4. eehorsw   D4    86   210   whosever
 5. ailostt   E1    83   293   altoist
 6. aeinoqu   L1    52   345   quango
 7. adejlpy   1D    69   414   japed
 8. acdelos   M5    83   497   solaced
 9. aeiottw   8K    36   533   awato
10. abdelry   B7    82   615   benadryl
11. afinorr   A4    46   661   friar
12. efgimot  N10    54   715   fomite
13. egiortu   1J    45   760   requit
14. degikrt  15I    45   805   kedgier
15. aceinpv   2C    31   836   valine
16. acilnnp  L10    28   864   naping
17. cemotuz  13A    36   900   zyme
18. clotuuy  14J    30   930   yon

Remaining tiles: cltuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7395 FileChelsea     2  4:50  -705  225     1.8511 LongJump22  1  2:09  -796  134 
  2.6987 FilePapa_Sloth  1  5:49  -786  144     2.8539 Xuincunx    0  0:32  -903   27 
  3.8511 FileLongJump22  1  2:09  -796  134     3.8731 Zuincunx    0  1:05  -903   27 
  4.8539 FileXuincunx    0  0:32  -903   27     4.8734 Quincunx    0  1:39  -903   27 
  5.6379 FileJavelin22   0  0:53  -903   27     5.8598 Vuincunx    0  1:57  -903   27 
  6.8731 FileZuincunx    0  1:05  -903   27            Group: advanced
  7.  -  FileWuincunx    0  1:21  -903   27     1.7395 Chelsea     2  4:50  -705  225 
  8.6803 FileDiscus22    0  1:22  -903   27            Group: intermediate
  9.6604 FileShotPut22   0  1:38  -903   27     1.6987 Papa_Sloth  1  5:49  -786  144 
 10.8734 FileQuincunx    0  1:39  -903   27     2.6379 Javelin22   0  0:53  -903   27 
 11.6663 FileHammer22    0  1:54  -903   27     3.6803 Discus22    0  1:22  -903   27 
 12.8598 FileVuincunx    0  1:57  -903   27     4.6604 ShotPut22   0  1:38  -903   27 
                                             5.6663 Hammer22    0  1:54  -903   27 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Wuincunx    0  1:21  -903   27 

On 1st draw, BEIGE H4 22 --- BEIGE a tan colour [n]
Other tops: BEGET H4 22, BEGOT H4 22, BIGOT H4 22, BOGIE H4 22
Other moves: BOITE H4 20, BEGET H8 18, BEGOT H8 18, BEIGE H8 18, BIGOT H8 18

On 2nd draw, HEXI(N)G 5G 32 --- HEX to cast an evil spell upon [v] --- HEXING the casting of an evil spell [n]
Other moves: HO(A)X G3 31, BOXI(N)G 4H 30, ETHOX(Y) 5H 30, EXHO(R)T 5H 30, HOX I3 30

On 3rd draw, NOV(E)NAS 9B 70 --- NOVENA a religious devotion lasting nine days [n]
Other moves: NOV(E)NAS G8 63, NOV(E)NAS I8 63, INVAS(I)ON J5 62, NOVAS M1 33, V(I)SON M3 33

On 4th draw, WHOSEVER D4 86 --- WHOSEVER the possessive case of whoever [pron]
Other moves: (N)OWHERES K5 76, HERONSEW B5 68, HERO(N)SEW K1 63, WHER(E)SO E5 48, RESHOW M3 43

On 5th draw, ALTOIST E1 83 --- ALTOIST one who plays the alto saxophone [n]
Other moves: TATSOI M2 31, LOAST E3 29, TOAST E3 29, ALIST M2 27, ALTOS M1 27

On 6th draw, QUANGO L1 52 --- QUANGO a public administrative board [n]
Other moves: QUENA 1A 45, QUINA 1A 45, QUAI 4J 44, AQUAE 1E 42, QUA 4J 42

On 7th draw, JAPED 1D 69 --- JAPE to mock [v]
Other moves: JALAP 1D 66, JAUPED 2J 64, JELLY 2B 46, JAPE 8A 45, LAPJE 1D 45
JAPE 8A 45 Chelsea

On 8th draw, SOLACED M5 83 --- SOLACE to console [v]
Other moves: CELADONS B3 65, COALISED J1 65, SOLACED M6 64, LASED M3 41, LOSED M3 41
CODE 8A 26 Chelsea

On 9th draw, AWATO 8K 36 --- AWATO (Maori) a wormlike fungus [n]
Other tops: AWAIT 8K 36
Other moves: WAIT 8L 33, WATE 8L 33, WATT 8L 33, TAWTIE N10 29, AWETO C5 27
AWAIT 8K 36 Chelsea

On 10th draw, BENADRYL B7 82 --- BENADRYL antihistamine used to treat allergic reactions involving the nasal passages and also to treat motion sickness -- a trademark [n]
Other moves: BYLANDER B5 76, BARELY 10A 41, BEDYE 10C 40, DERBY N10 40, BEARDY L10 39

On 11th draw, FRIAR A4 46 --- FRIAR a member of a religious order [n]
Other moves: OAF A6 37, OF A7 34, FAIN N10 31, FAIR N10 31, FANO N10 31

On 12th draw, FOMITE N10 54 --- FOMITE an inanimate object that serves to transmit infectious organisms [n]
Other moves: FOGIE N10 50, METIF N10 45, MOTIF N10 45, FEM A13 34, FEM N10 32
FEM A13 34 Chelsea

On 13th draw, REQUIT 1J 45 --- REQUIT to repay (pa p REQUITTED) [v]
Other tops: ROQUET 1J 45
Other moves: QUIT 1L 39, OUTER O11 37, GOUTIER 15I 27, GUERITE 15H 27, EGRET 15K 24
REQUIT 1J 45 Chelsea

On 14th draw, KEDGIER 15I 45 --- KEDGY brisk [adj]
Other moves: KEDGER 15J 42, KEET 15L 39, KIER 15L 39, KED A13 35, KEG A13 35
KEDGIER 15I 45 LongJump22
KIER 15L 39 Chelsea, Papa_Sloth

On 15th draw, VALINE 2C 31 --- VALINE an amino acid [n]
Other moves: PAVANE 3I 28, ALINE 2D 27, PEA 14J 27, PIA 14J 27, PICAL 2A 27
PEA 14J 27 LongJump22, Zuincunx, Wuincunx, Quincunx, Vuincunx
PALE 2C 23 Papa_Sloth

On 16th draw, NAPING L10 28 --- NAPE to drop napalm upon [v]
Other moves: PIA 14J 27, CAPELAN 10A 24, PAT N6 24, PICAL 3I 24, PIT N6 24
PIA 14J 27 LongJump22, Xuincunx, Javelin22, Discus22, ShotPut22, Hammer22
NAP A13 22 Papa_Sloth

On 17th draw, ZYME 13A 36 --- ZYME a ferment [n]
Other moves: COZE J12 35, MEZE J12 35, MOZE J12 35, MIZ J4 34, TOUZE J11 34
COZE J12 35 LongJump22
MAZE 3K 30 Papa_Sloth

On 18th draw, YON 14J 30 --- YON over there [adv]
Other moves: YO O12 22, TOYO C8 21, COALY 3J 20, TALCY 3K 20, COTYLE J10 19
YON 14J 30 Papa_Sloth

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