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Game on July 6, 2024 at 10:05, 7 players
1. 520 pts Chelsea
2. 403 pts Papa_Sloth
3. 199 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ahinrss   H3    78    78   shairns
 2. ?bcdioy   5E    48   126   oxyacid
 3. aehintu   7E    63   189   haurient
 4. adegins   E7    76   265   headings
 5. efgiort   8A    38   303   forget
 6. aeioort   8J    28   331   toorie
 7. iortvwy  14B    38   369   towsy
 8. aaeiloz  13C    53   422   zag
 9. eilmorx  15F    47   469   oxime
10. abeegmn  14J    44   513   bagmen
11. efiirsw  15A    45   558   wise
12. ?efiltv   3F    80   638   festival
13. cddloru  O12    30   668   cond
14. eeinpru   2B    29   697   punier
15. deelnor   A6    63   760   enfolder
16. aabekru   1F    46   806   kabar
17. aellpuv   3B    24   830   ape
18. aelltuu  13L    21   851   auto
19. ejllquv  12H    56   907   quell

Remaining tiles: jv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7398 FileChelsea     6 15:45  -387  520     1.8511 LongJump22  4  3:38  -708  199 
  2.7003 FilePapa_Sloth  1 14:33  -504  403     2.8539 Xuincunx    1  1:22  -862   45 
  3.8511 FileLongJump22  4  3:38  -708  199     3.8734 Quincunx    1  1:43  -862   45 
  4.8539 FileXuincunx    1  1:22  -862   45     4.8731 Zuincunx    1  1:32  -863   44 
  5.8734 FileQuincunx    1  1:43  -862   45     5.8598 Vuincunx    1  1:55  -863   44 
  6.8731 FileZuincunx    1  1:32  -863   44            Group: advanced
  7.8598 FileVuincunx    1  1:55  -863   44     1.7398 Chelsea     6 15:45  -387  520 
                                             2.7003 Papa_Sloth  1 14:33  -504  403 

On 1st draw, SHAIRNS H3 78 --- SHAIRN cow dung [n]
Other moves: ARSHINS H2 72, ARSHINS H3 72, ARSHINS H4 72, ARSHINS H6 72, ARSHINS H7 72
SHAIRNS H3 28 Papa_Sloth

On 2nd draw, O(X)YACID 5E 48 --- OXYACID an acid that contains oxygen [n]
Other moves: IC(H)ABOD 5E 44, SYBO(T)IC 3H 34, BOYCHI(K) 4D 32, CO(L)BYS 3C 32, CYB(R)IDS 3B 32

On 3rd draw, HAURIENT 7E 63 --- HAURIENT in heraldry, rising for breath [adj]
Other moves: ETHIC I1 28, SHEITAN 3H 28, HAINT 4A 26, HAUNT 4A 26, HIANT 4A 26
HIC I3 26 Papa_Sloth
HEAT 4J 22 Chelsea

On 4th draw, HEADINGS E7 76 --- HEADING a title [n]
Other moves: ASSIGNED 3F 74, ASSIGNED 3G 74, STEADING L6 72, AGNISED G9 64, ASSIGNED 9F 64
DINGES 8A 37 Chelsea

On 5th draw, FORGET 8A 38 --- FORGET to fail to remember [v]
Other moves: TERFE 8A 36, GIFTEE 8A 35, FORGE 8A 33, FIGO D9 31, FOGIE 8A 30
FORGE 8A 33 Chelsea
FIRST 14B 20 Papa_Sloth

On 6th draw, TOORIE 8J 28 --- TOORIE a small heap [n]
Other moves: OATER 8K 23, OORIE 8K 23, ROATE 6J 20, TOORIE 4J 19, AERO 8L 18
TEA D11 15 Chelsea

On 7th draw, TOWSY 14B 38 --- TOWSY shaggy [adj]
Other moves: IVORY 4K 33, VINTRY 12C 32, WINTRY 12C 32, IVORY 4A 29, WORDY 10B 28
VROW 4B 25 Chelsea

On 8th draw, ZAG 13C 53 --- ZAG to change course sharply [v]
Other moves: ZOEAL 4A 50, L*Z 13A 48, AIZLE 15F 47, AZOLE 15F 47, AZO 15F 41
ZAG 13C 53 Chelsea, Papa_Sloth

On 9th draw, OXIME 15F 47 --- OXIME a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: OXIM 15F 44, MILE 15A 42, MOLE 15A 42, OXER 15F 38, RILE 15A 36
EXO 4C 22 Papa_Sloth

On 10th draw, BAGMEN 14J 44 --- BAGMAN a travelling salesman [n]
Other moves: BEAN 15A 42, BEGEM 14J 42, BEMEAN 14J 42, BENAME 14J 42, MEAN 15A 42
BAGMEN 14J 44 LongJump22, Zuincunx, Vuincunx
MEAN 15A 42 Chelsea
BEAM 14J 24 Papa_Sloth

On 11th draw, WISE 15A 45 --- WISE having wisdom [adj] --- WISE to become aware or informed [v]
Other moves: WIFES L1 43, REWINS O10 39, FIERS L1 37, FIRES L1 37, FRIES L1 37
WISE 15A 45 LongJump22, Chelsea, Xuincunx, Quincunx
REWINS O10 39 Papa_Sloth

On 12th draw, FESTIV(A)L 3F 80 --- FESTIVAL a day or time of celebration [n]
Other moves: FIVE(S) L1 40, ELFIN(G) O10 36, ELFIN(S) O10 36, I(N)VENT O10 36, LEVIN(S) O10 36
FESTIV(A)L 3F 80 LongJump22
FIVE(S) L1 40 Chelsea
FINE O12 33 Papa_Sloth

On 13th draw, COND O12 30 --- CON to study carefully [v]
Other moves: DOUC 4L 26, CLOUD 4A 25, COULD 4A 25, COURD 4A 25, UDO 15M 25
COND O12 30 Chelsea, LongJump22
CLOUD 4A 25 Papa_Sloth

On 14th draw, PUNIER 2B 29 --- PUNY of inferior size, strength, or significance [adj]
Other moves: PRUINE 2A 27, PURINE 2A 27, REPINE 2A 27, UNRIPE 2A 27, PENIE 2B 25
PRUNE 2B 25 Papa_Sloth
UP 2I 22 Chelsea

On 15th draw, ENFOLDER A6 63 --- ENFOLDER one that enfolds [n]
Other moves: ELDER 1D 36, OLDEN 1D 36, OLDER 1D 36, DROLE 1E 30, DRONE 1E 30
RONDEL 1F 30 Chelsea
DONE 1A 27 Papa_Sloth

On 16th draw, KABAR 1F 46 --- KABAR a heavy pole thrown as a feat of strength [n]
Other tops: BRAKE 1E 46, BREAK 1E 46, KEBAR 1F 46
Other moves: KRAB 1E 45, BRAK 1E 43, KERB 1F 43, KAB 1F 40, KEB 1F 40
BRAKE 1E 46 Chelsea
KRAB 1E 45 Papa_Sloth

On 17th draw, APE 3B 24 --- APE to mimic [v]
Other moves: PAVE 2L 23, APO 13M 22, LAP 3A 22, LEP 3A 22, UPO 13M 22
APE 3B 24 Chelsea

On 18th draw, AUTO 13L 21 --- AUTO to ride in an automobile [v]
Other moves: RELATUM M8 20, AUE 13K 19, EAU 13K 19, TAE 13K 19, TAU 13K 19

On 19th draw, QUELL 12H 56 --- QUELL to suppress [v]
Other moves: QUELL 12I 41, QUILL N6 36, JELL 12J 35, JELL 2L 32, JELL 12I 30
QUELL 12H 56 Chelsea
QUILL N6 36 Papa_Sloth

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