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Game on July 7, 2024 at 01:22, 1 player
1. 99 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ehhopst   H4    32    32   phohs
 2. aadfnor   I3    22    54   faan
 3. adeefnx   J1    39    93   exed
 4. ?eeilru   8A    74   167   recuiles
 5. acdeiko   1E    39   206   decoke
 6. efilntw   K3    36   242   wife
 7. bceeinr   J6    27   269   crine
 8. agisttw  11D    80   349   witgats
 9. ainorrt   B5    62   411   anterior
10. ainorrs   L4    40   451   sarin
11. ?aemotz   M8    88   539   atomize
12. bdelott  15G   102   641   bottled
13. aeglmnv   2B    41   682   gleam
14. deoosvy  A11    36   718   doves
15. aegnopu   A1    39   757   gaup
16. aeilnqy   D4    36   793   yanqui
17. blnoruy   N8    36   829   boy
18. eijnruu   O3    60   889   injure

Remaining tiles: ilouv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7250 Filesunshine12  1  3:16  -790   99     1.7250 sunshine12  1  3:16  -790   99 

On 1st draw, PHOHS H4 32 --- PHOH expressing disgust [interj]
Other moves: HETHS H4 30, HOPES H4 28, PHOHS H8 28, PHOHS H5 26, PHOHS H6 26

On 2nd draw, FAAN I3 22 --- FAA to fall (Scots) [v]
Other moves: FROND 6F 21, ANOA G5 20, DHARNA 5G 20, HAAF 5H 20, HADRON 5H 20

On 3rd draw, EXED J1 39 --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: AXED J1 39
Other moves: FAX J2 38, HANDAX 5H 34, AXE J3 33, FADE J2 33, FAND J2 33

On 4th draw, RE(C)UILES 8A 74 --- RECUILE to force back [v]
Other tops: RELI(Q)UES 8A 74, SU(P)ERLIE 8H 74
Other moves: LEI(S)URES 8A 71, (C)ISELEUR 8F 58, (C)ISELURE 8F 58, (F)USILEER 8F 58, LEISURE(D) 8E 57

On 5th draw, DECOKE 1E 39 --- DECOKE to decarbonise [v]
Other moves: CAKED 1G 36, COKED 1G 36, D*CK K3 36, PADDOCK 4H 34, ACKEE 1F 33

On 6th draw, WIFE K3 36 --- WIFE a woman married to a man [n] --- WIFE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: WINTLE K3 34, LIEF 2C 31, NEIF 2C 31, NIEF 2C 31, NEF 2D 30

On 7th draw, CRINE J6 27 --- CRINE to shrink [v]
Other tops: CERNE J6 27
Other moves: CRIB J6 26, BINER 2B 25, NICER 2B 25, CERE J6 24, CINE J6 24

On 8th draw, WITGATS 11D 80 --- WITGAT a South African tree [n]
Other moves: SATI L4 36, SAT L4 34, WITGAT 2A 31, SWAG 11J 24, SWIG 11J 24

On 9th draw, ANTERIOR B5 62 --- ANTERIOR situated in or toward the front [adj]
Other moves: ARIOT 12A 24, TRONA 12B 24, RATION 2A 23, IOTA 12C 22, NOTA 12C 22

On 10th draw, SARIN L4 40 --- SARIN a toxic gas [n]
Other moves: SARI L4 36, SAR L4 34, ARSINO A1 25, ARSON 12A 24, NARIS A11 23

On 11th draw, ATOM(I)ZE M8 88 --- ATOMIZE to reduce to a fine spray [v]
Other moves: MOTZA A1 80, MAZO(U)T H10 78, (H)AZMAT H10 78, AM(A)ZE A1 77, MA(I)ZE A1 77

On 12th draw, BOTTLED 15G 102 --- BOTTLE to put into a bottle (a rigid container) [v]
Other tops: BLOTTED 15G 102
Other moves: BLOTTED N4 78, BOLTED 15H 49, BOTTED 15H 49, BODLE 15K 46, LOTTED 15H 43

On 13th draw, GLEAM 2B 41 --- GLEAM to shine with a soft radiance [v]
Other moves: MAVEN A11 40, MANGLE A1 37, GANEV A11 36, GAVEL A11 36, MAVEN A1 35
NAM N12 30 sunshine12

On 14th draw, DOVES A11 36 --- DOVE a bird of the pigeon family [n] --- DOVE to stun [v]
Other moves: OYES N9 35, YOD N10 34, OYE N9 33, SEY N8 32, SOOEY 3A 32
DOVES A11 36 sunshine12

On 15th draw, GAUP A1 39 --- GAUP to stare stupidly [v]
Other moves: PUNA N10 38, PANG A1 36, PAEON A1 35, GAPE A1 33, GAPE N8 33
GAPE N8 33 sunshine12

On 16th draw, YANQUI D4 36 --- YANQUI a United States citizen [n]
Other tops: LINEY N6 36
Other moves: AYIN N9 35, AYE N9 33, NAY N8 32, YEN N10 32, YIN N10 32

On 17th draw, BOY N8 36 --- BOY a male child [n] --- BOY to act a female role as a boy [v]
Other moves: NOY N8 32, YOB N8 32, YON N10 32, YOB L10 31, BY N10 30

On 18th draw, INJURE O3 60 --- INJURE to do or cause injury to [v]
Other moves: JURE O5 51, INURE O4 36, URINE O4 36, IURE O5 30, REN O7 30

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