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Game on July 7, 2024 at 05:52, 9 players
1. 496 pts fatcat
2. 453 pts SQUAW1
3. 42 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aceklst   H2    82    82   tackles
 2. aabdehi   5G    28   110   akedah
 3. eimnoor   8A    83   193   ionomers
 4. ?efiotu   2A    86   279   reoutfit
 5. ?aersvw   M1    97   376   oversaw
 6. dimorst   E5    48   424   midmost
 7. aabeelr   L5    85   509   hearable
 8. afinstw  12G    65   574   fawniest
 9. eggiino   A1    24   598   grego
10. acelotx  H10    45   643   exacta
11. addiuvy   2J    38   681   divvy
12. adginru   C7    76   757   undaring
13. beioprt   D8    30   787   oobit
14. eelnnop  N10    28   815   poteen
15. ijnoqrz   D1    64   879   quiz
16. elnpruy  O13    37   916   ley
17. ilnopuu   O7    27   943   lupin
18. hjnorru  14F    30   973   jotun

Remaining tiles: hrr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6477 Filefatcat      1 12:30  -477  496     1.8509 LongJump22  0  1:59  -931   42 
  2.7809 FileSQUAW1      2 12:43  -520  453     2.8502 Wuincunx    0  0:23  -945   28 
  3.8509 FileLongJump22  0  1:59  -931   42     3.8598 Vuincunx    0  0:40  -945   28 
  4.8502 FileWuincunx    0  0:23  -945   28     4.8731 Zuincunx    0  0:55  -945   28 
  5.8598 FileVuincunx    0  0:40  -945   28     5.8647 Quincunx    0  1:10  -945   28 
  6.8731 FileZuincunx    0  0:55  -945   28     6.8539 Xuincunx    0  1:34  -945   28 
  7.8647 FileQuincunx    0  1:10  -945   28            Group: advanced
  8.8539 FileXuincunx    0  1:34  -945   28     1.7809 SQUAW1      2 12:43  -520  453 
  9.7668 Filequeen66     0  1:48  -945   28     2.7668 queen66     0  1:48  -945   28 
                                                    Group: intermediate
                                             1.6477 fatcat      1 12:30  -477  496 

On 1st draw, TACKLES H2 82 --- TACKLE to seize and throw to the ground [v]
Other moves: TACKLES H3 78, TACKLES H4 78, TACKLES H6 78, TACKLES H7 78, TACKLES H8 78

On 2nd draw, AKEDAH 5G 28 --- AKEDAH the binding of Isaac [n]
Other tops: BAHADA 3C 28
Other moves: AAH I5 27, AHEAD G6 27, AHED G6 27, KHADI 5H 26, KHEDA 5H 26
DAB G1 18 fatcat

On 3rd draw, IONOMERS 8A 83 --- IONOMER a type of plastic [n]
Other moves: MOONIER G7 73, MOONIER I7 73, MOTIONER 2F 68, REMOTION 2D 68, IONOMER G8 63
MORE 4K 26 fatcat

On 4th draw, (R)EOUTFIT 2A 86 --- OUTFIT to equip [v] --- REOUTFIT to outfit again [v]
Other moves: OUTFIEL(D) 6B 67, REOUTFI(T) G8 65, REOU(T)FIT G8 65, (R)EOUTFIT 2D 64, COIFE(D) 4H 40
FOU(R) 4K 27 fatcat

On 5th draw, (O)VERSAW M1 97 --- OVERSEE to watch over and direct [v]
Other moves: SWARVE(D) M5 82, SWARVE(S) M5 82, SWARVE(D) 9H 81, SWARVE(S) 9H 81, (S)WARVES M5 81
V(R)(O)WS A1 39 SQUAW1
WAVES M1 37 fatcat

On 6th draw, MIDMOST E5 48 --- MIDMOST a part exactly in the middle [n]
Other moves: MIRVS 2J 32, MODIST N6 32, DORMS 4K 31, MOIST N6 30, MOITS N6 30
MOIST N6 30 fatcat

On 7th draw, HEARABLE L5 85 --- HEAR to perceive by the ear [adj] --- HEARABLE able to be heard [adj]
Other moves: TEARABLE 11E 70, READABLE J2 65, ERASABLE 10B 64, RATEABLE 11C 60, BEAVER 2J 34
BEER N6 27 fatcat

On 8th draw, FAWNIEST 12G 65 --- FAWNY of a yellowish-brown color [adj]
Other moves: WAIFTS M9 52, WAIFS M9 50, WAIFT M9 50, FAWNS 12A 43, FIESTA F6 43
F(O)NT 1L 30 fatcat

On 9th draw, G(R)EGO A1 24 --- GREGO a hooded coat [n]
Other tops: G(R)*NG* A1 24, INGOING C7 24, O(R)IGIN A1 24
Other moves: GINGE 13C 22, GUNGE D1 22, OGIVE 2J 22, EGO 13G 21, E(R)INGO A1 21
G(O)NG 1L 21 fatcat

On 10th draw, EXACTA H10 45 --- EXACTA a type of horse racing bet [n]
Other tops: COAXAL H10 45, C(O)AX 1L 45, C(O)XA 1L 45
Other moves: AXLE 11J 44, COAX 4C 39, COX D4 37, SCOLEX 10E 37, CALIX 6B 36
OX 1C 36 fatcat

On 11th draw, DIVVY 2J 38 --- DIVVY to divide [v]
Other moves: GIDDAY 4A 37, AV(O)ID 1K 36, DAISY M9 33, V(O)ID 1L 33, DYAD 4C 31
AV(O)ID 1K 36 fatcat, SQUAW1

On 12th draw, UNDARING C7 76 --- DARE to have the necessary courage [adj] --- UNDARING not daring [adj]
Other moves: ANTIDRUG 14F 66, GUARDIAN 15B 61, GUARDIAN 15F 61, DRAG 4C 25, GRAD 4C 25
DATING N10 24 fatcat, SQUAW1

On 13th draw, OOBIT D8 30 --- OOBIT a hairy caterpillar [n]
Other moves: BOP B10 29, BRIE 3C 29, TOEBIE F6 29, BETTOR N10 28, BITTER N10 28
POTTER N10 28 fatcat, SQUAW1

On 14th draw, POTEEN N10 28 --- POTEEN Irish whiskey that is distilled unlawfully [n]
Other moves: ELOPE 3A 26, NEEP 1D 21, EXO 11G 20, LEPTON N9 20, OPE 3C 20
LEAP 6K 14 fatcat

On 15th draw, QUIZ D1 64 --- QUIZ to test the knowledge of by asking questions [v]
Other moves: JINN 15L 57, QUINO D1 52, JIZ G1 50, QUIN D1 46, RIZ G1 43
QUIZ D1 64 fatcat, SQUAW1

On 16th draw, LEY O13 37 --- LEY a meadow [n]
Other moves: PLYER O7 36, PREY O8 36, PUNY 15L 36, PYNE 15L 36, SYPE M12 34
PREY O8 36 SQUAW1, fatcat

On 17th draw, LUPIN O7 27 --- LUPIN a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: QUIP 1D 26, QUOP 1D 26, PION O8 24, UPON O8 24, LOUP B12 23
LINO O7 16 fatcat
PO K7 14 LongJump22

On 18th draw, JOTUN 14F 30 --- JOTUN a giant [n]
Other moves: JABS 10B 29, HOUR B12 28, JOB 10J 28, JUN K7 27, JOT 14F 26
JOB 10J 28 LongJump22, Wuincunx, Vuincunx, Zuincunx, Quincunx, Xuincunx, queen66
JOT 14F 26 fatcat

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