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Game on July 7, 2024 at 11:15, 15 players
1. 411 pts vendanges
2. 304 pts Chelsea
3. 212 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aadeipr   H4    24    24   parade
 2. ?aainot   8A    77   101   manatoid
 3. ?abehty  10G    75   176   breathy
 4. efilmrr   G7    36   212   fimble
 5. afgrtuw  H12    45   257   frag
 6. aeeiort   K5    28   285   iterate
 7. himnoor   8K    36   321   rhino
 8. degiklt   E5    48   369   kittled
 9. binosuy   4A    39   408   buoys
10. degilox   I4    48   456   ilex
11. aceiops   C6    78   534   canopies
12. deeorrw  12K    29   563   dower
13. ilnoosu   3I    27   590   solion
14. eosuvwz   3C    49   639   zo
15. gmnrtuu   N2    28   667   ungum
16. eeginrt  15A    83   750   greeting
17. aeqrtuv  14F    73   823   quaver
18. acdinnv   2B    42   865   canid

Remaining tiles: jnstvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6888 Filevendanges   0 15:50  -454  411     1.8436 LongJump22  4  4:35  -653  212 
  2.7340 FileChelsea     3  8:55  -561  304     2.8647 Quincunx    3  8:22  -666  199 
  3.8436 FileLongJump22  4  4:35  -653  212     3.8731 Zuincunx    3  4:04  -679  186 
  4.8647 FileQuincunx    3  8:22  -666  199     4.8502 Wuincunx    3  5:45  -679  186 
  5.8731 FileZuincunx    3  4:04  -679  186     5.8598 Vuincunx    3  7:29  -679  186 
  6.8502 FileWuincunx    3  5:45  -679  186            Group: advanced
  7.8598 FileVuincunx    3  7:29  -679  186     1.7340 Chelsea     3  8:55  -561  304 
  8.6379 FileJavelin22   1  2:07  -764  101     2.7668 queen66     1  0:28  -816   49 
  9.7668 Filequeen66     1  0:28  -816   49     3.7642 moonmonkey  1  0:43  -816   49 
 10.7642 Filemoonmonkey  1  0:43  -816   49     4.7771 Mycophot    1  0:59  -816   49 
 11.7771 FileMycophot    1  0:59  -816   49     5.7849 sicilianc5  1  1:14  -816   49 
 12.7849 Filesicilianc5  1  1:14  -816   49            Group: intermediate
 13.6604 FileShotPut22   1  1:41  -816   49     1.6888 vendanges   0 15:50  -454  411 
 14.6875 FileDiscus22    1  1:57  -816   49     2.6379 Javelin22   1  2:07  -764  101 
 15.6818 FileHammer22    0  0:52  -841   24     3.6604 ShotPut22   1  1:41  -816   49 
                                             4.6875 Discus22    1  1:57  -816   49 
                                             5.6818 Hammer22    0  0:52  -841   24 

On 1st draw, PARADE H4 24 --- PARADE to march in a public procession [v]
Other tops: PAIRED H4 24, PARDIE H4 24
Other moves: DIAPER H4 22, PADRE H4 22, PADRI H4 22, PAIRED H7 22, PARADE H8 22
PARADE H4 24 LongJump22
PADRE H4 22 vendanges

On 2nd draw, (M)ANATOID 8A 77 --- MANATEE a large aquatic mammal [adj] --- MANATOID relating to a manatee [adj]
Other moves: PA(C)ATION 4H 70, ATONIA(S) 10B 69, ATONIA(S) G6 69, A(D)APTION 4E 68, TA(L)APOIN 4D 68
(M)ANATOID 8A 77 LongJump22
T(R)AIN 10G 15 vendanges

On 3rd draw, B(R)EATHY 10G 75 --- BREATHY marked by loud breathing [adj]
Other tops: HY(L)OBATE F5 75
Other moves: E(U)RYBATH 6F 73, EYEBATH(S) 9H 70, EY(E)BATH I9 69, (E)YEBATH I9 66, B(R)EATHY 5E 56
HY(L)OBATE F5 75 LongJump22
BE(R)AY 10F 32 vendanges

On 4th draw, FIMBLE G7 36 --- FIMBLE the male plant of hemp [n]
Other tops: FLIM 11I 36
Other moves: LIEF 9J 32, RIMER 11J 32, LIME 11J 30, RIME 11J 30, RIEM 11I 27
FLIM 11I 36 LongJump22
FER 9M 22 vendanges

On 5th draw, FRAG H12 45 --- FRAG to kill with a fragmentation grenade [v]
Other tops: FRUG H12 45
Other moves: F*RT H12 42, FAUR H12 42, FAUT H12 42, FRAT H12 42, FRAU H12 42
FRAG H12 45 Chelsea, Zuincunx, Wuincunx
FRUG H12 45 Vuincunx, Quincunx
FAW 9M 25 vendanges

On 6th draw, ITERATE K5 28 --- ITERATE to repeat [v]
Other tops: ARIETTE K5 28
Other moves: TOEA 11J 24, TOEIER I2 23, EATER I3 22, OATER I3 22, TREE 11I 21
ARIETTE K5 28 Zuincunx, Wuincunx, Vuincunx, Quincunx
ARET I4 20 Chelsea

On 7th draw, RHINO 8K 36 --- RHINO a rhinoceros [n]
Other moves: HOMO 9B 24, HIM J5 23, HOMME 9D 23, RHINO J4 23, AMORINO 14H 22
MEN I9 18 Chelsea

On 8th draw, KITTLED E5 48 --- KITTLE to tickle [v]
Other moves: KITED I3 34, KITED L1 33, GELIDITY M3 32, KILTED J2 32, LIKED 4K 32
KITTLED E5 48 Zuincunx, Wuincunx, Vuincunx
KITED L1 33 Chelsea, vendanges

On 9th draw, BUOYS 4A 39 --- BUOY to mark with a buoy (a warning float) [v]
Other moves: YONIS 4A 37, BONUS 4A 33, BOUNS 4A 33, BOUSY 4B 33, BLIMEY 9D 32
BUOYS L1 28 Quincunx, Zuincunx, Wuincunx, Vuincunx, Chelsea

On 10th draw, ILEX I4 48 --- ILEX a shrub of the holly family [n]
Other moves: DEX I5 45, LEX I5 43, EX I6 40, LOXED I3 40, LOXED 4K 38
DOXIE 12K 37 Zuincunx, Wuincunx, Vuincunx, Quincunx
XI 7M 36 vendanges, Chelsea

On 11th draw, CANOPIES C6 78 --- CANOPY to cover from above [v]
Other moves: SCOPAE 3I 35, SPICAE 3I 35, SCAPE 3I 33, SCAPI 3I 33, SCOPA 3I 33
SCAPI 3I 33 vendanges
SEPIC 12K 32 Quincunx
SCAPE 12K 28 Chelsea

On 12th draw, DOWER 12K 29 --- DOWER to provide with a dowry [v]
Other moves: ARROWED 14H 26, HEWED L10 26, DREW 12K 25, DROW 12K 25, OWED B11 25
DOWER 12K 29 Chelsea, Quincunx
WORD B12 23 vendanges

On 13th draw, SOLION 3I 27 --- SOLION an electronic detecting and amplifying device [n]
Other moves: SNOOL 3I 25, SOLON 3I 25, YOWLS M10 22, ION 13L 20, IOS 13L 20
SLOB A1 18 Chelsea

On 14th draw, ZO 3C 49 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZEES 12A 46, ZOS O1 43, UNWOVEN N2 42, ZOS 2M 39, TOWZE 6K 37
ZO 3C 49 queen66, moonmonkey, Chelsea, Mycophot, sicilianc5, Javelin22, ShotPut22, Discus22
ZO 2M 37 vendanges

On 15th draw, UNGUM N2 28 --- UNGUM to free from gum [v]
Other moves: MENT I9 25, NUMB A1 24, TRUG 4L 22, GENT I9 21, GERT I9 21
NUMB A1 24 Hammer22
GRUB A1 21 vendanges

On 16th draw, GREETING 15A 83 --- GREETING a salutation [n]
Other tops: GREETING 15H 83
Other moves: (M)ETERING A8 77, GRATINEE 14F 65, GERBE A1 24, GREBE A1 24, NETE 13L 24
GERBE A1 24 vendanges

On 17th draw, QUAVER 14F 73 --- QUAVER to tremble [v]
Other moves: QUARTE 14F 70, QUATRE 14F 70, AQUAE 14E 69, QUARE 14F 69, QUART 14F 69
QUARTE 14F 70 vendanges
QUATRE 2A 52 Javelin22

On 18th draw, CANID 2B 42 --- CANID a dog [n]
Other moves: VAC 2B 36, VIAND 2A 36, CADI 2B 33, ACID 2C 31, CAD 2B 31
DRAIN O11 18 vendanges

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