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Game on July 7, 2024 at 18:49, 10 players
1. 515 pts ArcticFox
2. 509 pts SQUAW1
3. 276 pts Pacific

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. imnorty   H7    82    82   trionym
 2. dehioow  G11    31   113   oohed
 3. aeginou  F10    33   146   genoa
 4. abeiosv   7C    66   212   obviates
 5. ?giilrr   J4    60   272   grislier
 6. aadeimt   5E    40   312   madeira
 7. aeeoswy   8A    55   367   swey
 8. ?giprtu   A1    83   450   uprights
 9. eefhlou   4H    39   489   fogle
10. abellos   M2    80   569   losable
11. cdeistu   1J    42   611   educts
12. eijprtt   8L    63   674   jeep
13. ceirttv  15G    33   707   divert
14. ahnnotx   2E    56   763   nontax
15. aefiknq  14J    49   812   faine
16. adehnqu  O12    46   858   hade
17. anrtuwz   D7    40   898   byzant
18. cikruuw  N10    38   936   wicker

Remaining tiles: quu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.7042 FileArcticFox   3 13:03  -421  515     1.9737 Pacific     3  6:24  -660  276 
  2.7805 FileSQUAW1      3  8:29  -427  509            Group: expert
  3.9737 FilePacific     3  6:24  -660  276     1.8436 LongJump22  3  2:53  -674  262 
  4.8436 FileLongJump22  3  2:53  -674  262     2.8744 Zuincunx    0  2:59  -867   69 
  5.  -  FileQuincunx    2  4:03  -750  186     3.8514 Wuincunx    0  3:39  -867   69 
  6.8744 FileZuincunx    0  2:59  -867   69     4.8602 Yuincunx    1  1:50  -880   56 
  7.8514 FileWuincunx    0  3:39  -867   69     5.8611 Vuincunx    1  0:35  -903   33 
  8.  -  Filepppp2246    1  1:41  -873   63            Group: advanced
  9.8602 FileYuincunx    1  1:50  -880   56     1.7042 ArcticFox   3 13:03  -421  515 
 10.8611 FileVuincunx    1  0:35  -903   33     2.7805 SQUAW1      3  8:29  -427  509 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Quincunx    2  4:03  -750  186 
                                             2.  -  pppp2246    1  1:41  -873   63 

On 1st draw, TRIONYM H7 82 --- TRIONYM a trinomial name or expression [n]
Other moves: TRIONYM H6 80, TRIONYM H2 76, TRIONYM H3 76, TRIONYM H4 76, TRIONYM H8 76
MINTY H8 28 ArcticFox

On 2nd draw, OOHED G11 31 --- OOH to exclaim in amazement, joy, or surprise [v]
Other moves: HOWDY 12D 30, HOEDOWN 11B 28, OHED G12 28, OOH G11 28, WOODHEN 11B 28
HOW G13 24 ArcticFox

On 3rd draw, GENOA F10 33 --- GENOA a large triangular sail [n]
Other moves: DAEING 15G 30, GUIDON 15D 30, GONE F12 29, GUIDE 15D 27, GOA F12 25

On 4th draw, OBVIATES 7C 66 --- OBVIATE to prevent or eliminate by effective measures [v]
Other moves: DAVIES 15G 33, DOBIES 15G 30, DEVAS 15G 27, DIVAS 15G 27, DIVES 15G 27
DOVES 15G 27 ArcticFox

On 5th draw, GRISLI(E)R J4 60 --- GRISLY horrifying [adj]
Other moves: DIRLI(N)G 15G 24, G(A)RI 8A 22, G(O)RI 8A 22, G(Y)RI 8A 22, LIRI 8A 22

On 6th draw, MADEIRA 5E 40 --- MADEIRA a white wine [n]
Other moves: DIADEM 15G 39, DAME 8A 33, DIME 8A 33, LAMIAE 8J 33, MADE 8A 32

On 7th draw, SWEY 8A 55 --- SWEY to sway [v]
Other moves: EASY 8A 46, YOWE 8A 43, YOGEES 4H 41, YOWES L1 41, LEEWAY 8J 39
SWEY 8A 55 ArcticFox

On 8th draw, UPRIG(H)TS A1 83 --- UPRIGHT to make vertical [v]
Other tops: SPURTI(N)G A8 83
Other moves: GR(O)UPIST A2 60, DI(S)RUPT 15G 36, DUPI(N)G 15G 33, GRIPE H1 33, TU(L)IP 4D 33
SPURTI(N)G A8 83 LongJump22, Pacific
SPURTI(N)G A8 33 ArcticFox

On 9th draw, FOGLE 4H 39 --- FOGLE a silk handkerchief [n]
Other moves: DEFOUL 15G 33, DEFUEL 15G 33, FEH 4F 30, FOH 4F 30, HOUF 4C 29

On 10th draw, LOSABLE M2 80 --- LOSABLE able to be lost [adj] --- LOSE to misplace or be deprived of [adj]
Other moves: LABELS 8J 33, DOABLE 15G 30, DOBLAS 15G 30, POSABLE 2A 26, BLASE M1 24
LOSABLE M2 80 LongJump22
LABELS 8J 33 SQUAW1, Zuincunx, Wuincunx
BLASE M1 24 ArcticFox

On 11th draw, EDUCTS 1J 42 --- EDUCT something educed [n]
Other tops: EDICTS 1J 42
Other moves: DICES 1K 39, DICTS 1K 39, DUCES 1K 39, DUCTS 1K 39, TICED 1K 39
DEDUCTS 15G 36 LongJump22, SQUAW1, Zuincunx, Wuincunx
DUCTED 15G 36 ArcticFox

On 12th draw, JEEP 8L 63 --- JEEP to travel by a small type of motor vehicle [v]
Other moves: JEER 8L 57, JETE 8L 57, TRIPLET 2I 39, TRIPLE 2I 35, TRIJET L8 31
JEEP 8L 63 SQUAW1, ArcticFox, LongJump22, Pacific, pppp2246

On 13th draw, DIVERT 15G 33 --- DIVERT to turn aside [v]
Other moves: DIRECT 15G 30, JIVER L8 30, DIVER 15G 27, DRIVE 15G 27, TITLE 2J 27
DIVERT 15G 33 Vuincunx, Quincunx
JIVER L8 30 ArcticFox

On 14th draw, NONTAX 2E 56 --- NONTAX a tax of little consequence [n]
Other moves: HOAX 2G 55, HOX 2H 54, NOX 2H 51, TAX 2H 51, AX 2I 50
NONTAX 2E 56 Quincunx, Yuincunx
HOX 2H 54 ArcticFox, Pacific

On 15th draw, FAINE 14J 49 --- FAINE to feign [v]
Other moves: WAQF B8 39, FAIK 14J 36, KAE 1F 35, KAI 1F 35, KEA 1F 35
FAIK 14J 36 Quincunx
KAI 1F 35 ArcticFox

On 16th draw, HADE O12 46 --- HADE to incline [v]
Other moves: QUENA 3C 37, QUA E9 35, QUAD 4C 35, HAED B1 34, QUAD 3C 33
QUA 4D 30 ArcticFox

On 17th draw, BYZANT D7 40 --- BYZANT a coin of ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: ZA 13L 38, WAZIR F4 37, NAZIR F4 34, NAZI F4 33, TZAR 3C 30
ZA 13L 38 ArcticFox, Quincunx, SQUAW1, Pacific

On 18th draw, WICKER N10 38 --- WICKER a slender, pliant twig or branch [n]
Other moves: ICKER N11 26, AUK G7 25, WICH 12L 24, KI 13L 23, CRU 13K 22
WICKER N10 38 Pacific, ArcticFox
KI 13L 23 Quincunx, SQUAW1

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