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Game on July 8, 2024 at 10:42, 11 players
1. 315 pts Chelsea
2. 258 pts LongJump22
3. 201 pts SQUAW1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aclortx   H3    46    46   oxcart
 2. aersswy   9H    84   130   swayers
 3. ?acdfim   M3    86   216   filmcard
 4. bemnoru   K5    56   272   embryon
 5. aeprssu  12H    89   361   pausers
 6. ?adeiru  13C    79   440   unaired
 7. adgipty   N4    34   474   day
 8. abgnnow  14B    34   508   gnawn
 9. behklot   L1    45   553   khet
10. ailnopz  12A    61   614   zonal
11. defhiln  10J    41   655   hoddin
12. eilnotv   1H    39   694   invoke
13. aeilott   A6   101   795   totalize
14. egoortv  14I    92   887   overgot
15. efiiluu  11E    32   919   feu
16. begiipt   O1    30   949   gibe
17. eeijltu   F6    31   980   jeelie
18. ilopqtu   B2    40  1020   quipo

Remaining tiles: ilt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7333 FileChelsea     0  8:54  -705  315     1.8468 LongJump22  4  4:08  -762  258 
  2.8468 FileLongJump22  4  4:08  -762  258     2.8675 Zuincunx    0  2:52  -952   68 
  3.7798 FileSQUAW1      2  6:49  -819  201     3.8514 Wuincunx    0  1:26  -981   39 
  4.8675 FileZuincunx    0  2:52  -952   68     4.8728 Vuincunx    0  1:49  -981   39 
  5.  -  Filemmmm2246    1  1:57  -964   56     5.8479 Quincunx    0  1:22  -991   29 
  6.8514 FileWuincunx    0  1:26  -981   39            Group: advanced
  7.8728 FileVuincunx    0  1:49  -981   39     1.7333 Chelsea     0  8:54  -705  315 
  8.8479 FileQuincunx    0  1:22  -991   29     2.7798 SQUAW1      2  6:49  -819  201 
  9.7668 Filequeen66     0  0:42  -993   27     3.7668 queen66     0  0:42  -993   27 
 10.7642 Filemoonmonkey  0  1:01  -993   27     4.7642 moonmonkey  0  1:01  -993   27 
 11.7771 FileMycophot    0  1:19  -993   27     5.7771 Mycophot    0  1:19  -993   27 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  mmmm2246    1  1:57  -964   56 

On 1st draw, OXCART H3 46 --- OXCART an ox-drawn cart [n]
Other moves: COXAL H4 34, OXCART H4 32, OXCART H7 32, OXCART H8 32, COXAL H8 30

On 2nd draw, SWAYERS 9H 84 --- SWAYER one that sways [n]
Other tops: SWAYERS 9B 84
Other moves: SAWYERS 9B 81, SAWYERS 9H 81, SWAYERS G8 70, SAWYERS G8 67, SWAYER 9H 33

On 3rd draw, FI(L)MCARD M3 86 --- FILMCARD a sheet of microfilm [n]
Other moves: FI(L)MCARD 7B 69, F(L)ACCID 5E 56, F(O)AM 8L 48, F(O)ID 8L 45, FAI(K) 8L 43
F(O)AM 8L 48 Chelsea

On 4th draw, EMBRYON K5 56 --- EMBRYON the beginning of anything [n]
Other moves: BROME L1 38, BAUR 8L 36, MAUN 8L 36, EMBOX 4D 32, EMO 10I 31
EMBRYON K5 56 LongJump22, mmmm2246
OBE 10I 31 Chelsea

On 5th draw, PAUSERS 12H 89 --- PAUSER one that pauses [n]
Other moves: PAUSERS 12E 75, ASPEROUS 3C 74, PARSES 12H 37, PASSER 12H 37, PAUSER 12H 37
PAUSERS 12H 89 LongJump22
PAUSERS 12H 39 Zuincunx, Wuincunx, Vuincunx
PRESS 12H 35 Chelsea

On 6th draw, U(N)AIRED 13C 79 --- AIR to expose to the air (the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth) [adj] --- UNAIRED not aired [adj]
Other moves: (P)REAUDIT 8A 77, DAU(B)IER 13C 75, DE(C)URIA 13C 75, (G)AUDIER 13C 75, RE(S)IDUA J1 74
U(N)AIRED 13C 79 LongJump22
U(N)AIRED 13C 29 Quincunx, Zuincunx
RIDE L2 23 Chelsea

On 7th draw, DAY N4 34 --- DAY the time between sunrise and sunset [n]
Other moves: TAY N4 32, PAID L1 31, DIPTYCA 5C 30, PYA G2 30, AY N5 29
DAY N4 34 LongJump22
PI I3 23 Chelsea

On 8th draw, GNAWN 14B 34 --- GNAW to wear away by persistent biting [v]
Other moves: WAGON 12A 33, WOAD 10J 31, BOGAN 12A 29, GOB L2 29, W*G L2 29
GOB L2 29 Chelsea

On 9th draw, KHET L1 45 --- KHET a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: OKEH L1 43, HOKE O1 41, KHET 15F 40, KOHL 15F 40, BOK L2 39
KOB 15F 34 Chelsea

On 10th draw, ZONAL 12A 61 --- ZONAL pertaining to a zone [adj]
Other moves: LAZO G1 53, ZONA 12A 53, AZO G2 52, KAZI 1L 51, ZA G3 51
LAZO G1 53 Chelsea

On 11th draw, HODDIN 10J 41 --- HODDIN a coarse cloth [n]
Other moves: FILED O1 39, FINED O1 39, FLIED O1 39, FEH 11E 38, FED 11E 34
FINED O1 39 Chelsea

On 12th draw, INVOKE 1H 39 --- INVOKE to appeal to for help [v]
Other moves: VOLET O1 35, LIVE O1 30, LOVE O1 30, VILE O1 30, VINE O1 30

On 13th draw, TOTALIZE A6 101 --- TOTALIZE to make complete [v]
Other moves: LATEX 4D 24, ALOE O1 21, LATE O1 21, LITE O1 21, LOTE O1 21

On 14th draw, OVERGOT 14I 92 --- OVERGET to overcome [v]
Other moves: OVERGO 14I 40, VOTER O1 35, VORTEX 4C 32, ROVE O1 30, VOTE O1 30

On 15th draw, FEU 11E 32 --- FEU to grant land to under Scottish feudal law [v]
Other tops: FIE 11E 32, FIL 11E 32, FLU 11E 32
Other moves: FE 11E 30, FILE O1 30, FLUE O1 30, LIFE O1 30, FE 15N 26

On 16th draw, GIBE O1 30 --- GIBE to jeer [v]
Other moves: BITE O1 27, GITE O1 24, TIGE O1 24, BE G3 23, BI I3 23
BE 15N 22 SQUAW1

On 17th draw, JEELIE F6 31 --- JEELIE to make into a jelly [v]
Other moves: EJECT 5E 28, JUICE 5E 28, JEAT 6F 27, JEE G6 25, JEU G6 25
JEAT 6F 27 queen66, moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 18th draw, QUIPO B2 40 --- QUIPO a device to help memory [n]
Other moves: QI 15A 36, QUIPO B4 28, UPO 15M 28, QUIP B4 25, QUOP B4 25

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