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Game on July 10, 2024 at 11:18, 8 players
1. 546 pts SQUAW1
2. 468 pts Chelsea
3. 356 pts ArcticFox

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeeflrs   H4    26    26   falser
 2. ?aeistu   5E    78   104   eutaxias
 3. beeimrx   4K    56   160   bemix
 4. aioqrst  10F    42   202   qis
 5. aelrstv   F1    65   267   vestural
 6. ?aacgnw   1D    48   315   waving
 7. abdegry   3I    52   367   brayed
 8. aeiknov   O4    36   403   xenia
 9. aceijnt   4A    48   451   jacent
10. diknttu  11C    34   485   unkid
11. ceglnop   A1    42   527   polje
12. aeghmoy   D6    88   615   hogmenay
13. eefnoor  C13    28   643   for
14. deegnou  15C    27   670   rogued
15. ehnootv  14G    28   698   hooven
16. ceiilrt  15K    29   727   recti
17. ilnortt   B2    24   751   rialto
18. anopttz   A7    53   804   zap
19. dinotuw   6L    22   826   town

Remaining tiles: diintu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7809 FileSQUAW1      5 12:24  -280  546     1.8546 LongJump22  3  3:12  -666  160 
  2.7326 FileChelsea     7  8:09  -358  468     2.8660 Zuincunx    0  0:46  -791   35 
  3.7038 FileArcticFox   3 12:21  -470  356     3.8615 Wuincunx    0  1:05  -791   35 
  4.8546 FileLongJump22  3  3:12  -666  160     4.8732 Vuincunx    0  1:23  -791   35 
  5.8660 FileZuincunx    0  0:46  -791   35     5.8490 Quincunx    0  1:45  -791   35 
  6.8615 FileWuincunx    0  1:05  -791   35            Group: advanced
  7.8732 FileVuincunx    0  1:23  -791   35     1.7809 SQUAW1      5 12:24  -280  546 
  8.8490 FileQuincunx    0  1:45  -791   35     2.7326 Chelsea     7  8:09  -358  468 
                                             3.7038 ArcticFox   3 12:21  -470  356 

On 1st draw, FALSER H4 26 --- FALSE contrary to truth or fact [adj] --- FALSER a falsifier [n]
Other tops: FARLES H4 26, FEARES H4 26, FERALS H4 26, FLARES H4 26, FLASER H4 26, FLEERS H4 26
Other moves: FALSE H4 24, FARES H4 24, FARLE H4 24, FARLS H4 24, FARSE H4 24
FLARES H4 26 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, EUTA(X)IAS 5E 78 --- EUTAXIA the property of being easily melted [n]
Other moves: E(Q)UISETA 8H 74, FATI(G)UES 4H 72, FISTU(L)AE 4H 72, EUTA(X)IES 8H 71, EUTE(X)IAS 8H 71
EUTA(X)IAS 5E 78 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, BEMIX 4K 56 --- BEMIX to mix thoroughly [v]
Other moves: MIREX 4K 52, IMBREX 4A 47, IBEX 4L 46, IMBREX J5 39, MIREX 4B 39
BEMIX 4K 56 LongJump22

On 4th draw, QIS 10F 42 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: IXORAS O3 39, ORIXAS O1 39, ORIXA O1 36, QATS 6B 35, SUQ F4 32
QIS 10F 42 SQUAW1, Chelsea
QATS 6B 35 Zuincunx, Wuincunx, Vuincunx, Quincunx

On 5th draw, VESTURAL F1 65 --- VESTURAL pertaining to clothing [adj]
Other moves: EXALTS O3 39, EXTRAS O3 39, VALES 3J 34, VALET 3J 34, VARES 3J 34
VEILS N2 20 Chelsea

On 6th draw, WAV(I)NG 1D 48 --- WAVE to move freely back and forth or up and down [v] --- WAVING the act of waving [n]
Other moves: CAV(I)NG 1D 42, C(H)INWAG N2 40, CAVA(S) 1D 36, CA(L)X O1 36, C(O)AX O1 36
WAV(I)NG 1D 48 Chelsea, SQUAW1, ArcticFox

On 7th draw, BRAYED 3I 52 --- BRAY to utter a harsh cry [v]
Other moves: BRAXY O1 51, GRAYED 3I 48, BAYED 3J 44, RAYED 3J 40, BADE 3L 39
BADE 3L 39 Chelsea, SQUAW1
GREX O1 36 ArcticFox

On 8th draw, XENIA O4 36 --- XENIA the effect of pollen on certain plant structures [n]
Other moves: KIVA 6L 30, VEINAL 8A 30, VENIAL 8A 30, VINEAL 8A 30, AKIN 11D 29
KAIN 11D 29 Chelsea
AKE 2B 19 ArcticFox

On 9th draw, JACENT 4A 48 --- JACENT sluggish [adj]
Other moves: JIN 11E 33, TINCAL 8A 33, JAI 11D 31, TAJINE N8 31, JACENT N8 30
JIN 11E 33 Chelsea
JANE N8 22 ArcticFox

On 10th draw, UNKID 11C 34 --- UNKID strange [adj]
Other moves: KITTUL 8A 33, KID 11E 30, KNIT 11D 29, KIN 11E 27, KIT 11E 27
KID 11E 30 SQUAW1, Chelsea
D*CK C2 22 ArcticFox

On 11th draw, POLJE A1 42 --- POLJE (Serbo-Croat) a large elliptical depression in karst regions, sometimes containing a marsh or lake [n]
Other moves: COPE 12A 30, GLANCE B2 30, COG 2K 27, COUPLE C9 26, ECO 2J 26
COUPLE C9 26 Chelsea
GEO 12C 21 ArcticFox

On 12th draw, HOGMENAY D6 88 --- HOGMENAY a Scottish celebration [n]
Other moves: HOMEY 12A 51, HOMY 12A 46, GAMEY 12A 43, AHOY 12B 38, GAMY 12A 38
HOMEY 12A 51 ArcticFox, SQUAW1
HAY 12C 36 Chelsea

On 13th draw, FOR C13 28 --- FOR directed or sent to [prep]
Other tops: FEE C13 28, FEN C13 28, FER C13 28, FOE C13 28, FON C13 28, FRO C13 28
Other moves: UFO C11 27, FE C13 26, FROREN 9G 25, FRORNE 9G 25, EF B1 24
FOR C13 28 SQUAW1, ArcticFox
FEE C13 28 Chelsea

On 14th draw, ROGUED 15C 27 --- ROGUE to cheat or defraud [v]
Other tops: GERNED 15A 27, GERUND 15A 27, GURNED 15A 27, ROUGED 15C 27
Other moves: GORED 15A 24, REDONE 15C 24, GEOID G7 22, DOREE 15A 21, GERNE 15A 21
ROUGED 15C 27 Chelsea

On 15th draw, HOOVEN 14G 28 --- HOOVEN of cattle, swollen with gas [adj]
Other moves: HOOVE 14G 27, NOAH B2 25, EH B1 24, HOA B2 24, HONG 8A 24
HOOVEN 14G 28 Chelsea
OH B1 24 ArcticFox

On 16th draw, RECTI 15K 29 --- RECTUS a straight muscle [n]
Other tops: RECIT 15K 29, RELIC 15K 29, TELIC 15K 29
Other moves: ERIC 15L 24, ETIC 15L 24, RELIT 15K 23, ELICIT 12G 22, CEL 9M 21
RELIC 15K 29 Chelsea, SQUAW1
TELIC 15K 29 ArcticFox

On 17th draw, RIALTO B2 24 --- RIALTO a market place [n]
Other moves: RIANT B2 22, ORIOLE 2A 19, TRIOL 9K 19, NIRL 9L 18, NOIL 9L 18
TOIL 9L 18 ArcticFox

On 18th draw, ZAP A7 53 --- ZAP to kill or destroy instantaneously [v]
Other moves: TOPAZ A7 50, ZONA A7 50, ZOA A7 47, POZ A7 46, ZA A7 44
ZAP A7 53 Chelsea
POZ N8 38 ArcticFox

On 19th draw, TOWN 6L 22 --- TOWN a center of population smaller than a city [n]
Other tops: DOWNIER K9 22, OUTWIT N10 22, WOUNDER K9 22
Other moves: DOWIER K10 20, DOWNER K10 20, NOWTIER K9 20, OW 2L 20, OWED 2D 20

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