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Game on July 10, 2024 at 14:23, 11 players
1. 551 pts vendanges
2. 306 pts Chelsea
3. 261 pts queen66

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adegipr   H4    26    26   parged
 2. ?eijntv   5E    36    62   venatic
 3. ahorswy   F1    77   139   horseway
 4. ?biooru   E7    75   214   boudoir
 5. aefinos  13C    76   290   farinose
 6. aceehtt  14I   105   395   thecate
 7. eilmors   7H    63   458   gomerils
 8. aefiqty   O7    48   506   safety
 9. abilnpt  12D    37   543   pibal
10. aelnsuw   M3    74   617   lauwines
11. eennouv   1D    36   653   evhoe
12. adginox  15M    65   718   gox
13. adimnnz  14F    68   786   za
14. einoruu  15C    25   811   rouen
15. ikmnqtu   3C    46   857   quirk
16. addgimn   4A    33   890   main
17. deiilnt   A2    30   920   limited
18. ddginrt  12K    22   942   giddy

Remaining tiles: cjnrt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6861 Filevendanges   3 17:17  -391  551     1.8546 LongJump22  2  4:06  -737  205 
  2.7327 FileChelsea     1  7:44  -636  306     2.8615 Wuincunx    0  2:00  -842  100 
  3.7667 Filequeen66     3  6:25  -681  261     3.8681 Zuincunx    0  2:42  -855   87 
  4.7697 Filemoonmonkey  3  7:20  -681  261     4.8732 Vuincunx    0  1:12  -887   55 
  5.7857 Filesicilianc5  3  8:41  -683  259     5.8490 Quincunx    0  1:39  -887   55 
  6.7771 FileMycophot    2  5:07  -717  225            Group: advanced
  7.8546 FileLongJump22  2  4:06  -737  205     1.7327 Chelsea     1  7:44  -636  306 
  8.8615 FileWuincunx    0  2:00  -842  100     2.7667 queen66     3  6:25  -681  261 
  9.8681 FileZuincunx    0  2:42  -855   87     3.7697 moonmonkey  3  7:20  -681  261 
 10.8732 FileVuincunx    0  1:12  -887   55     4.7857 sicilianc5  3  8:41  -683  259 
 11.8490 FileQuincunx    0  1:39  -887   55     5.7771 Mycophot    2  5:07  -717  225 
                                                    Group: intermediate
                                             1.6861 vendanges   3 17:17  -391  551 

On 1st draw, PARGED H4 26 --- PARGE to cover with plaster [v]
Other moves: GRAPED H4 24, GRAPED H7 24, GRIPED H4 24, GRIPED H7 24, PAGED H4 24
PARGED H4 26 LongJump22, vendanges

On 2nd draw, VENATI(C) 5E 36 --- VENATIC pertaining to hunting [adj]
Other moves: J(A)RVIE 6F 33, JAVE(L)IN 5G 32, J(A)NTIER 6B 31, J(O)INTER 6B 31, N(A)RTJIE 6F 31
J(A)RVIE 6F 33 LongJump22
JIVE(S) 3D 25 vendanges

On 3rd draw, HORSEWAY F1 77 --- HORSEWAY a road for horses [n]
Other moves: HORSEWAY 8D 71, SHOWYARD 9A 70, HAROS 6F 39, HORAS 6F 39, HARO 6F 32
HORSEWAY 8D 71 LongJump22
HAROS 6F 39 vendanges

On 4th draw, BOU(D)OIR E7 75 --- BOUDOIR a woman's bedroom [n]
Other moves: BOU(D)OIR E8 73, BI(C)O(L)OUR K3 58, BOHRIU(M) 1D 42, BIO(P)HOR 1B 36, BOHO(S) 1D 36
BOU(D)OIR E7 75 LongJump22
BOHRIU(M) 1D 42 Zuincunx
BURRO(S) 3C 26 vendanges

On 5th draw, FARINOSE 13C 76 --- FARINOSE resembling farina [adj]
Other moves: FOINS D8 46, FOHNS 1D 45, FASHION 1C 42, FOEHNS 1C 39, OAFISH 1A 39
FOHNS 1D 45 Zuincunx, Wuincunx
RIF 6H 29 vendanges
FAINS 14A 25 Chelsea

On 6th draw, THECATE 14I 105 --- THECA a protective anatomical covering [adj] --- THECATE pertaining to a theca [adj]
Other moves: THECAE 14I 53, HATCHET 1B 48, HATCHET 1F 48, CHEETAH 1E 45, CHETAH 1A 45
THECATE 14I 55 Wuincunx, Vuincunx, Quincunx
CHOTT H11 42 vendanges
THATCH 1E 42 Chelsea

On 7th draw, GOMERILS 7H 63 --- GOMERIL gomeral [n]
Other moves: SLOOMIER 2C 62, SLOOMIER 2D 62, SLOOMIER 11B 60, SLOOMIER 11C 60, HEROISM 1F 45
HEROISM 1F 45 queen66, moonmonkey, Mycophot
HOMERS 1F 33 Chelsea
HOMES 1F 30 vendanges

On 8th draw, SAFETY O7 48 --- SAFETY to protect against failure, breakage, or accident [v]
Other tops: FEISTY O4 48
Other moves: QAT D12 46, HEFTY 1F 42, FAYEST O3 39, FIESTA O4 39, TEF 15M 37
QAT D12 46 Mycophot, moonmonkey, vendanges, queen66, sicilianc5

On 9th draw, PIBAL 12D 37 --- PIBAL a small balloon for determining the direction and speed of the wind [n]
Other moves: PLINTH 1A 36, HATPIN 1F 33, HABIT 1F 30, PAINTY 12J 30, PHIAL 1E 30
HATPIN 1F 33 sicilianc5
PAN N10 28 Chelsea
PIA N10 28 vendanges

On 10th draw, LAUWINES M3 74 --- LAUWINE an avalanche [n]
Other moves: WASHEN 1C 39, WHENUAS 1E 39, ALEWS 14A 38, LAWS 14B 36, NEWS 14B 36
WEN N10 34 Chelsea
WAN 15M 31 vendanges

On 11th draw, EVHOE 1D 36 --- EVHOE expressing Bacchic frenzy [interj]
Other moves: HOVEN 1F 33, HOVE 1F 30, EVEN 14A 24, OVEN 14A 24, ENVOY 12K 22
EVHOE 1D 36 sicilianc5, queen66, moonmonkey
HOVEN 1F 33 Chelsea, vendanges

On 12th draw, GOX 15M 65 --- GOX gaseous oxygen [n]
Other moves: NIX 15M 61, NOX 15M 61, AX 15N 56, OX 15N 56, AXING N1 33
GOX 15M 65 Chelsea, Mycophot, vendanges, queen66, moonmonkey, sicilianc5

On 13th draw, ZA 14F 68 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: MIZ 2H 38, NIZAM 2H 38, MAZY 12L 36, ADZ 2H 35, NAZI 2H 35
ZA 14F 68 sicilianc5, Mycophot, vendanges, moonmonkey, queen66

On 14th draw, ROUEN 15C 25 --- ROUEN any of a breed of domestic ducks [n]
Other moves: REIN N9 24, RUIN N9 24, REN 15E 22, EN 15F 21, INURE 15B 21
O(D) 10D 1 queen66, moonmonkey
I(D) 10D 1 sicilianc5
E(D) 10D 1 Mycophot

On 15th draw, QUIRK 3C 46 --- QUIRK to move jerkily [v]
Other moves: QUIM N1 36, QUIM 2A 34, QUINT N1 34, QUI(D) 10B 32, MAIK 4L 30
QUI(D) 10B 32 vendanges
MILK 3K 10 sicilianc5

On 16th draw, MAIN 4A 33 --- MAIN principal [adj] --- MAIN the principal part [n] --- MAIN to make lame [v]
Other moves: DIM 4B 31, AIM 4B 29, AMIN 4A 29, GAIN 4A 29, MIG 4B 29
DIM 4B 31 vendanges

On 17th draw, LIMITED A2 30 --- LIMITED a train or bus making few stops [n]
Other tops: MIDLINE A4 30
Other moves: LINTEL N2 29, MILDEN A4 27, MILTED A4 27, MINTED A4 27, MEDII A4 24
MILTED A4 27 Chelsea

On 18th draw, GIDDY 12K 22 --- GIDDY dizzy [adj] --- GIDDY to make dizzy [v]
Other moves: DINGY 12K 20, RIDGY 12K 20, TIDDY 12K 20, DING N2 19, DIDY 12L 18
DING N2 19 Chelsea

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