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Game on July 10, 2024 at 19:37, 11 players
1. 192 pts Pacific
2. 181 pts LongJump22
3. 134 pts ArcticFox

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eiimotv   H8    30    30   motive
 2. dgimnor  11E    40    70   midiron
 3. ?deegio   8A    89   159   liegedom
 4. aefinru   F1    66   225   unfaired
 5. ?deegor   5D    86   311   goitered
 6. aabioty   1D    39   350   yautia
 7. aehnpst  13G    90   440   heptanes
 8. aceerty   N9    38   478   cytase
 9. ainosuz  10J    65   543   zas
10. cefhitx   6H    61   604   hex
11. abeilos  15H    92   696   obelias
12. acegnop  10D    32   728   capot
13. aiklnqt  14F    36   764   qi
14. deefiln   2I    78   842   enfiled
15. alnostu   O2    27   869   daltons
16. gikorrw   A1   110   979   workgirl
17. blrtuuu  12K    28  1007   tubal
18. jnruuvw  12D    30  1037   jun

Remaining tiles: ruvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9741 FilePacific     2  5:04  -845  192     1.9741 Pacific     2  5:04  -845  192 
  2.8575 FileLongJump22  1  2:59  -856  181            Group: expert
  3.7074 FileArcticFox   1  5:53  -903  134     1.8575 LongJump22  1  2:59  -856  181 
  4.7774 Filesicilianc5  0  1:37  -968   69     2.8615 Wuincunx    0  1:37 -1001   36 
  5.7696 Filequeen66     0  0:56  -997   40     3.8490 Quincunx    0  1:33 -1006   31 
  6.7714 Filemoonmonkey  0  1:23  -997   40     4.8717 Vuincunx    0  1:57 -1006   31 
  7.8615 FileWuincunx    0  1:37 -1001   36     5.8681 Zuincunx    0  1:40 -1010   27 
  8.8490 FileQuincunx    0  1:33 -1006   31            Group: advanced
  9.8717 FileVuincunx    0  1:57 -1006   31     1.7074 ArcticFox   1  5:53  -903  134 
 10.7728 FileMycophot    0  0:40 -1007   30     2.7774 sicilianc5  0  1:37  -968   69 
 11.8681 FileZuincunx    0  1:40 -1010   27     3.7696 queen66     0  0:56  -997   40 
                                             4.7714 moonmonkey  0  1:23  -997   40 
                                             5.7728 Mycophot    0  0:40 -1007   30 

On 1st draw, MOTIVE H8 30 --- MOTIVE to inspire to action [v]
Other moves: MOTIVE H4 28, VOMIT H4 28, MOVIE H4 26, MOTIVE H3 24, MOTIVE H7 24
MOTIVE H8 30 Pacific, ArcticFox

On 2nd draw, MIDIRON 11E 40 --- MIDIRON a golf club [n]
Other moves: DEMOING 13G 32, MENDIGO 13G 30, DOMING 14H 29, MINORED 13C 26, MODI 14F 26
RODING 14F 25 ArcticFox

On 3rd draw, (L)IEGEDOM 8A 89 --- LIEGEDOM allegiance [n]
Other moves: (L)IEGEDOM E4 72, E(L)OIGNED K6 59, (L)EGIONED K6 59, (P)IGEONED K6 59, DOT(A)GE 10F 35
(S)EDGE L11 24 ArcticFox

On 4th draw, UNFAIRED F1 66 --- UNFAIR to deprive of beauty [v]
Other moves: FRAU(L)EIN A4 64, FURANE 7C 46, FINER 7E 33, FURAN 7C 33, FANE 7E 31
FRAU(L)EIN A4 64 LongJump22
FAINER 12J 27 Zuincunx

On 5th draw, GOI(T)ERED 5D 86 --- GOITERED afflicted with a goiter [adj]
Other moves: E(N)GORED 14B 83, (B)EGORED 14B 83, (R)OGERED 14B 83, DEROG(A)TE 10B 82, OVER(A)GED 12G 82
GOI(T)ERED 5D 86 LongJump22
GOI(T)ERED 5D 36 Wuincunx
(G)ORGED 14C 24 ArcticFox

On 6th draw, YAUTIA 1D 39 --- YAUTIA a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: YABA 10J 32, YABA 4A 32, ABAYA 4B 31, YABA 4H 31, YOB 10J 31
YOB 10J 31 ArcticFox, LongJump22, Quincunx, Vuincunx

On 7th draw, HEPTANES 13G 90 --- HEPTANE a hydrocarbon used as a solvent [n]
Other tops: HAPTENS 14B 90, HEPTANES C7 90
Other moves: PHENATES 13F 86, PHENATES C6 86, STEPHANE 13F 84, STEPHANE C6 84, HAPTENS 2I 83
HAPTENS 14B 40 queen66, moonmonkey

On 8th draw, CYTASE N9 38 --- CYTASE a type of enzyme [n]
Other moves: CARSEY N10 34, EYER 7F 33, YEAST N10 32, EATERY 4J 31, EYE 7F 31
YEAR 10J 30 Mycophot, sicilianc5

On 9th draw, ZAS 10J 65 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other tops: ZIN 10J 65, ZOA 10J 65, ZOS 10J 65
Other moves: ZA 10J 64, ZO 10J 64, ZONA 4A 52, NAZIS 14D 51, ZAS 14F 49
ZOA 10J 65 Pacific

On 10th draw, HEX 6H 61 --- HEX to cast an evil spell upon [v]
Other tops: FETICH O4 61
Other moves: EXIT 10E 59, HEX 10D 58, EXIT 6I 57, TEX 10D 55, TEX 6H 55
HEX 10D 58 Pacific

On 11th draw, OBELIAS 15H 92 --- OBELIA a marine hydroid also pl of OBELION [n]
Other moves: OBELIAS 14B 89, (L)OBELIAS A8 80, OBELIAS 2H 78, ISOLAB(L)E A2 60, ISO(L)ABLE A5 60
BASE 15L 39 sicilianc5, Pacific

On 12th draw, CAPOT 10D 32 --- CAPOT to win all the tricks [v]
Other moves: COPEN 7I 31, PONCE 7I 31, CONGA 7I 30, CONGE 7I 30, PONGA 7I 30

On 13th draw, QI 14F 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: AKIN 4I 36, IKAN 4I 36, IKAT 4I 36
Other moves: QAT 12D 34, KAIL 4J 33, KAIN 4J 33, KALI 4J 33, KANT 4J 33

On 14th draw, ENFILED 2I 78 --- ENFILED in heraldry, thrust through like a sword [adj]
Other tops: FEDELINI B1 78
Other moves: LENIFIED B3 68, FEDELINI B3 66, LENIFIED B5 66, FELID 4H 55, FELINE 4H 55

On 15th draw, DALTONS O2 27 --- DALTON a unit of atomic mass [n]
Other tops: SANTOL 4J 27, TALONS 4J 27, TAUONS 4J 27, TOLANS 4J 27
Other moves: ULANS 4I 26, ADULTS O1 24, SULTAN 12A 24, ULAN 4I 24, UTAS 4I 24

On 16th draw, WORKGIR(L) A1 110 --- WORKGIRL a young woman employed in manual labour [n]
Other moves: WORK 4J 38, KOW 4J 37, WOK 4J 36, WORK 7I 35, KI N6 34

On 17th draw, TUBAL 12K 28 --- TUBAL pertaining to a tube [adj]
Other tops: TUBAR 12K 28
Other moves: BURET 7C 26, RUT 4H 24, TUBA 12K 24, TUBFUL 3C 24, BLUR 12C 22

On 18th draw, JUN 12D 30 --- JUN a coin of North Korea [n]
Other moves: J*W C7 25, JO 6N 25, JUG D3 22, KURU 4A 22, NEW 7E 21

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