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Game on July 10, 2024 at 20:21, 6 players
1. 306 pts SQUAW1
2. 196 pts LongJump22
3. 65 pts Wuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aceehiy   H6    24    24   yech
 2. afinoor   G4    25    49   roof
 3. aegilmo   3C    33    82   milage
 4. dhioopu   4A    34   116   hood
 5. aelpstz  10H    85   201   spatzle
 6. ?aiimnr   8H    86   287   criminal
 7. aeeossv  O10    49   336   soaves
 8. aciinor   O1    80   416   ironical
 9. degnorr  L10    30   446   zoned
10. ?dgqtuu  13I    46   492   quiet
11. abegnru   2B    36   528   began
12. aennory   1F    86   614   annoyer
13. aeituux   N1    31   645   xu
14. adeilsw   A3    95   740   whaisled
15. aeeijlr   1A    31   771   ja
16. degiruu  14F    33   804   derig
17. beflrtu   B4    29   833   orf
18. beiptuv  15E    32   865   vite
19. eeklptu  D12    31   896   puke
20. eiltttw   9G    30   926   white

Remaining tiles: blttu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7795 FileSQUAW1      4  9:19  -620  306     1.8575 LongJump22  1  2:24  -730  196 
  2.8575 FileLongJump22  1  2:24  -730  196     2.8615 Wuincunx    1  2:28  -861   65 
  3.8615 FileWuincunx    1  2:28  -861   65     3.8681 Zuincunx    0  1:16  -872   54 
  4.8681 FileZuincunx    0  1:16  -872   54     4.8490 Quincunx    0  1:05  -887   39 
  5.8490 FileQuincunx    0  1:05  -887   39     5.8717 Vuincunx    0  1:35  -887   39 
  6.8717 FileVuincunx    0  1:35  -887   39            Group: advanced
                                             1.7795 SQUAW1      4  9:19  -620  306 

On 1st draw, YECH H6 24 --- YECH an expression of disgust [n]
Other tops: ACHY H5 24, ACHY H6 24, ACHY H7 24, ACHY H8 24, CHAY H5 24, CHAY H6 24, CHAY H7 24, CHAY H8 24, YECH H5 24, YECH H7 24, YECH H8 24
Other moves: HIYA H5 20, HIYA H6 20, HIYA H7 20, HIYA H8 20, YEAH H5 20

On 2nd draw, ROOF G4 25 --- ROOF to provide with a roof (the external upper covering of a building) [v]
Other tops: ROOF I4 25
Other moves: OAF G5 24, OAF I5 24, OOF G5 24, OOF I5 24, OF G6 23

On 3rd draw, MILAGE 3C 33 --- MILAGE the total distance expressed in miles [n]
Other moves: GOLEM I3 30, AIM F4 29, ELM F4 29, OLM F4 29, GAME H1 27

On 4th draw, HOOD 4A 34 --- HOOD to furnish with a hood (a covering for the head) [v]
Other moves: OH F5 32, POOD 4A 30, POOH 2A 27, HOOP 2A 26, PHO 2B 25

On 5th draw, SPATZLE 10H 85 --- SPATZLE a tiny dumpling [n]
Other tops: SPATZLE G9 85
Other moves: L*Z 2D 69, HAZELS A4 54, L*Z I5 53, SEZ I5 53, HAZEL A4 51
SPATZLE G9 85 LongJump22
HAZELS A4 54 Zuincunx

On 6th draw, CRIMINA(L) 8H 86 --- CRIMINAL one who has committed a crime [n]
Other moves: MAR(T)INI 2H 74, MINI(B)AR 2H 74, MINI(C)AR 2H 74, (C)RIMINAL M3 72, AM(O)RINI 2H 68
(C)RIMINAL M3 72 LongJump22

On 7th draw, SOAVES O10 49 --- SOAVE an Italian wine [n]
Other moves: SHEAVES A3 39, HEAVES A4 36, HEVEAS A4 36, HOVEAS A4 36, SHAVES A3 36
SHEAVES A3 39 LongJump22, Quincunx, Vuincunx

On 8th draw, IRONICA(L) O1 80 --- IRONICAL pertaining to irony [adj]
Other moves: ZIRCON L10 36, ANCHOR A1 33, ARCHON A1 33, CHINAR A3 33, CHORIA A3 33
ANCHOR A1 33 Wuincunx

On 9th draw, ZONED L10 30 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other tops: GORHEN A1 30, HORNED A4 30
Other moves: ORDER 5A 29, GROPED I7 28, ZONER L10 28, GROPER I7 27, HOGEN A4 27

On 10th draw, QU(I)ET 13I 46 --- QUIET making little or no noise [adj] --- QUIET to cause to be quiet [v]
Other moves: Q(A)T N1 37, QUIDA(M) J6 35, TUQU(E) 2H 35, QUI(N)A J6 33, QU(E)UED 13H 32

On 11th draw, BEGAN 2B 36 --- BEGIN to start [v]
Other moves: BAGH A1 30, BANGER 2J 30, BUNGER 2J 30, BURGER 2J 30, HANGER A4 30

On 12th draw, ANNOYER 1F 86 --- ANNOYER one that annoys [n]
Other moves: YARNER 2J 34, HAYER A4 33, HENNY A4 33, HENRY A4 33, HOARY A4 33

On 13th draw, XU N1 31 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other tops: AXE 2H 31
Other moves: AXE 2J 30, TAXI 7J 30, EXIT 14G 28, AX 2J 27, AXE 7K 27

On 14th draw, WHAISLED A3 95 --- WHAISLE to wheeze [v]
Other moves: SHAWLED A3 42, HAWSED A4 39, SHAWED A3 39, SHAWLIE A3 39, WHAISLE A3 39

On 15th draw, JA 1A 31 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: JOY 6F 29, JAI J6 26, JEER I5 25, JEAN 4L 22, JAI 14G 21

On 16th draw, DERIG 14F 33 --- DERIG to dismantle [v]
Other moves: DIG 14H 27, GRIPE I7 26, RIG 14H 26, DRIP I7 25, GRIP I7 25

On 17th draw, ORF B4 29 --- ORF a viral infection of sheep [n]
Other moves: BEFLUM K3 26, FE 15G 26, FLUTER 13B 26, BUTLER 13B 24, FLUB M2 24
FE 15G 26 SQUAW1

On 18th draw, VITE 15E 32 --- VITE quickly [adv]
Other moves: BITE 15E 29, PUBE 7J 24, BUTE 2I 23, TRIPE I7 22, UPTIE 13C 22
VITE 15E 32 SQUAW1, Wuincunx

On 19th draw, PUKE D12 31 --- PUKE to vomit [v]
Other tops: PEKE D12 31
Other moves: PEKE 7J 28, PUKE 7J 28, KETE D12 27, LEKE D12 27, LUKE D12 27

On 20th draw, WHITE 9G 30 --- WHITE of the color of pure snow [adj] --- WHITE to whiten [v]
Other moves: TEWHIT 9E 26, WHET 9G 24, WHIT 9G 24, TITTLE B9 23, TEWIT E9 22

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