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Game on July 11, 2024 at 12:26, 5 players
1. 217 pts LongJump22
2. 57 pts Zuincunx
3. 57 pts Vuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eenoops   H4    22    22   peones
 2. bdimost   I3    29    51   timbos
 3. aeghlnr   5E    40    91   gleeman
 4. aaikrtv   J2    39   130   karait
 5. ?abdepu   2J    24   154   keypad
 6. abiirsy   O1    36   190   adry
 7. ?ceeeos   F3    63   253   colessee
 8. ailnnrt   8A    21   274   trials
 9. foorstu  11C    26   300   frost
10. ahnouvy   3B    36   336   avouch
11. eglmnor   N4    71   407   mongrel
12. aefiinr   A4    65   472   faintier
13. bcdeein  O10    38   510   incede
14. abdjluw   8L    57   567   jura
15. beiotxz   D1    46   613   zoot
16. deouwwy  H11    51   664   yowed
17. ahilntv   D7    26   690   havarti
18. dinquwx   1A    66   756   quiz
19. bdgilnu  15E    65   821   buddling

Remaining tiles: wx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8792 FileLongJump22  3  1:56  -604  217     1.8792 LongJump22  3  1:56  -604  217 
  2.8681 FileZuincunx    1  1:33  -764   57     2.8681 Zuincunx    1  1:33  -764   57 
  3.8717 FileVuincunx    1  1:49  -764   57     3.8717 Vuincunx    1  1:49  -764   57 
  4.8620 FileXuincunx    1  1:12  -775   46     4.8620 Xuincunx    1  1:12  -775   46 
  5.8490 FileQuincunx    1  1:33  -775   46     5.8490 Quincunx    1  1:33  -775   46 

On 1st draw, PEONES H4 22 --- PEON an unskilled labourer [n]
Other moves: PEENS H4 20, PENES H4 20, PEONS H4 20, PONES H4 20, POONS H4 20

On 2nd draw, TIMBOS I3 29 --- TIMBO a South American plant [n]
Other moves: TIMBO I3 26, MISDO I3 24, MODIST G6 24, MODIST I6 24, BEDIMS 5G 22

On 3rd draw, GLEEMAN 5E 40 --- GLEEMAN a minstrel [n]
Other moves: GEAN J4 28, GEAR J4 28, HARE J2 27, NEAR J4 26, REAN J4 26

On 4th draw, KARAIT J2 39 --- KARAIT a deadly Asian snake [n]
Other moves: VARIA 4A 27, AKITA J1 26, KARA J2 25, KATA J2 25, KAVA 4B 25

On 5th draw, KE(Y)PAD 2J 24 --- KEYPAD a small keyboard [n]
Other moves: PE(N)DU 4A 23, PE(R)DU 4A 23, PU(R)DA 4A 23, U(L)NAE K3 22, BU(M)PED G8 21

On 6th draw, ADRY O1 36 --- ADRY thirsty [adj]
Other moves: YA 1N 29, BA 1N 25, BI 1N 25, BIALYS F2 25, BIALY F2 24

On 7th draw, COLE(S)SEE F3 63 --- COLESSEE a joint lessee [n]
Other tops: COLES(S)EE F3 63
Other moves: COLESEE(D) F3 61, PEC(T)OSE M2 22, PEECES M2 22, CO(L)ESSEE 8E 21, E(M)PIRES 4F 21

On 8th draw, TRIALS 8A 21 --- TRIAL a judicial examination [n] --- TRIAL to test [v]
Other tops: TRAILS 8A 21, TRAINS 8A 21
Other moves: PINNAL M2 18, PLAINT M2 18, PLIANT M2 18, AIR 3M 16, INTRA E8 16

On 9th draw, FROST 11C 26 --- FROST to cover with frost (a deposit of minute ice crystals) [v]
Other tops: FOOTS 11B 26, FORTS 11B 26, FOURS 11B 26, FRUST 11C 26, ROOFS 11B 26, TOFUS 11B 26, TURFS 11B 26
Other moves: FROST G9 25, FRUST G9 25, FOUS 11C 24, FROE 9C 24, FROS 11C 24

On 10th draw, AVOUCH 3B 36 --- AVOUCH to affirm [v]
Other moves: VAUCH 3C 34, VOUCH 3C 34, HRYVNA D10 32, APHONY M1 28, NAUCH 3C 28

On 11th draw, MONGREL N4 71 --- MONGREL an animal or plant of mixed breed [n]
Other moves: MANGLER B2 24, GLAMOR B1 22, PROLEG M2 22, METOL G9 21, METRO G9 21

On 12th draw, FAINTIER A4 65 --- FAINTY somewhat faint [adj]
Other moves: INFARE O10 41, FAINER M9 37, AFIRE 8K 36, FAINE M9 35, FERIA M9 35

On 13th draw, INCEDE O10 38 --- INCEDE to advance majestically [v]
Other moves: BEEDI M9 31, EDENIC M8 31, BIRD 8L 30, BERE 8L 27, CERE 8L 27

On 14th draw, JURA 8L 57 --- JUS a legal right [n]
Other tops: JARL 8L 57
Other moves: WARB 8L 39, WARD 8L 36, WAB N13 31, BARD 8L 30, BURD 8L 30
JARL 8L 57 LongJump22, Zuincunx, Vuincunx

On 15th draw, ZOOT D1 46 --- ZOOT in zoot suit [adj]
Other moves: NEXT 7A 40, NOX 7A 37, ZOETIC 12J 34, BRIZE D10 32, EX 12D 31
ZOOT D1 46 LongJump22, Xuincunx, Quincunx

On 16th draw, YOWED H11 51 --- YOW to yowl [v]
Other moves: WAYED B2 49, OYEZ 1A 48, YEW 12C 35, WEY N13 34, WOW N13 34
OYEZ 1A 48 LongJump22

On 17th draw, HAVARTI D7 26 --- HAVARTI a Danish cheese [n]
Other tops: WITHAL 13H 26
Other moves: HAN N13 25, HAT N13 25, HIN N13 25, HIT N13 25, NAH N13 25

On 18th draw, QUIZ 1A 66 --- QUIZ to test the knowledge of by asking questions [v]
Other moves: FIX C11 46, QI C13 44, XI C13 36, XU C13 36, DUX C13 28
QUIZ 1A 66 LongJump22

On 19th draw, BUDDLING 15E 65 --- BUDDLE to wash for ore on shallow tray [v]
Other moves: BUDDLING 15F 64, JUNGLI L8 28, FIB C11 26, FUB C11 26, BID N13 25

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