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Game on July 11, 2024 at 23:07, 1 player
1. 55 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beegilr   H4    24    24   beigel
 2. eeglsty  10D    28    52   geyest
 3. aefnrtw  11E    29    81   far
 4. ilmopst   5E    98   179   milepost
 5. ?adinnt   8A    77   256   antinode
 6. aacemox   4C    39   295   coax
 7. ?aanqtt  12A    54   349   qanat
 8. efiimrs   M3    91   440   misfire
 9. ?aachvw   8J    45   485   wharve
10. aekotuw  A12    39   524   quat
11. egilors  12G    72   596   gloires
12. ejnoruz   B6    36   632   zoner
13. dinotuu  11J    23   655   donut
14. addeeip   L1    30   685   adept
15. beiorvw   1J    36   721   reavow
16. acdeiin  14A    32   753   aidance
17. behiklr  15G    41   794   hiker
18. bilnooy  14J    31   825   yob
19. eilnouu   C4    22   847   clout

Remaining tiles: eijnu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7326 Filesunshine12  1  1:59  -792   55     1.7326 sunshine12  1  1:59  -792   55 

On 1st draw, BEIGEL H4 24 --- BEIGEL a hard ring-shaped roll [n]
Other moves: BEIGE H4 22, BELIER H4 22, BILGE H4 22, GERBIL H4 22, BEIGEL H3 20

On 2nd draw, GEYEST 10D 28 --- GEY great [adj]
Other moves: STYLE 10H 26, TYGS 10E 26, EYES 10E 25, LYES 10E 25, STYE 10H 25
STYLE 10H 26 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, FAR 11E 29 --- FAR at or to a great distance [adv] --- FAR to remove to a distance [v]
Other tops: FAE 11E 29, FAN 11E 29, FAT 11E 29, FEN 11E 29, FER 11E 29, FET 11E 29
Other moves: FLAWN 9G 28, FAWN 9C 27, FLAW 9G 27, FLEW 9G 27, FARLE 9E 26
FAN 11E 29 sunshine12

On 4th draw, MILEPOST 5E 98 --- MILEPOST a post with each progressive mile marked on it [n]
Other tops: POLEMIST 5E 98
Other moves: MILEPOST 8E 63, POLEMIST 8E 63, PLIMS 12A 30, PLIMSOL 9G 27, IMPOT 12A 26

On 5th draw, ANTIN(O)DE 8A 77 --- ANTINODE a region between adjacent nodes [n]
Other tops: ANTID(U)NE 8A 77, IN(U)NDATE 8A 77
Other moves: DANTIN(G) 12F 76, STANDIN(G) K5 66, NIDAT(I)NG 7A 62, N(I)DATING 7A 62, D(O)NATING 7A 61

On 6th draw, COAX 4C 39 --- COAX to cajole [v]
Other moves: COMIX F2 38, COXAE 4A 38, COX 4D 37, MAX 4D 37, EXAM 4L 36

On 7th draw, QANAT 12A 54 --- QANAT a system of underground tunnels and wells in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: QAN(A)T 12A 52, QA(N)AT 12A 52, Q(A)NAT 12A 52, Q(U)ANT 12A 52, QANA(T) 12A 51

On 8th draw, MISFIRE M3 91 --- MISFIRE to fail to fire [v]
Other moves: MISFIRES K3 63, FRAIMS B10 38, FRAMES B10 38, FRAIM B10 36, FRAME B10 36

On 9th draw, WHARV(E) 8J 45 --- WHARVE a round piece of wood used in spinning thread [n]
Other moves: AWA(T)CH N9 44, (T)HRAW 8K 42, WHAC(K) B10 40, AWHAT(O) L1 39, VR(O)W 8L 39

On 10th draw, QUAT A12 39 --- QUAT a pimple [n]
Other moves: KOTOW J2 30, AWAKE L8 29, AWOKE L8 29, AWAKE B10 28, HAWK K8 28

On 11th draw, GLOIRES 12G 72 --- GLOIRE glory [n]
Other tops: GLORIES 12G 72
Other moves: GLEIS 6B 29, GORIS 6B 29, GEARS B10 26, GLARE B10 26, LORIS 6B 26

On 12th draw, ZONER B6 36 --- ZONER one that zones [n]
Other moves: ZERO J2 33, ZONE B6 33, ZEA B10 32, ZOA B10 32, JEAN B10 29

On 13th draw, DONUT 11J 23 --- DONUT doughnut [n] --- DONUT to surround a parliamentary orator to impress TV audiences [v]
Other moves: NODI 10K 21, UDON 10L 21, UNDO 10K 21, DIN 10M 20, DIT 10M 20

On 14th draw, ADEPT L1 30 --- ADEPT an adept person [n] --- ADEPT highly skilled [adj]
Other moves: IDEATE L1 29, APED 13K 28, P**D 13I 28, APED 13H 27, DEEP 13K 27

On 15th draw, REAVOW 1J 36 --- AVOW to declare openly [v] --- REAVOW to vow again [v]
Other moves: WAIVE 1K 33, WAVER 1K 33, AVOW 1L 30, OWT C6 30, WEB 13I 30

On 16th draw, AIDANCE 14A 32 --- AIDANCE help [n]
Other tops: ADVECT N6 32
Other moves: ADVENT N6 26, AECIDIA 14A 24, ANTE C6 23, ACEDIA 14A 22, IDEA 13H 21

On 17th draw, HIKER 15G 41 --- HIKER one that hikes [n]
Other moves: HIKE 15G 38, HERB 15F 36, KERB 13L 33, RHEBOK J1 33, HERB 15G 32

On 18th draw, YOB 14J 31 --- YOB a hooligan [n]
Other moves: NOBLY 14J 30, YONI 14J 30, YON 14J 29, YO 14J 28, YO 6J 28

On 19th draw, CLOUT C4 22 --- CLOUT to hit with the hand [v]
Other moves: OUT C6 18, ZULU 6B 18, UNI 13A 17, EINE 9J 16, NIXIE F2 16

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