Game on July 12, 2024 at 09:48, 7 players
1. 359 pts Chelsea
2. 274 pts LongJump22
3. 99 pts Zuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 24 24 


G5 24 48 


F4 42 90 


I2 71 161 


1H 45 206 


11D 78 284 


2I 57 341 


K6 59 400 


13I 26 426 


M7 66 492 


14G 59 551 


15A 79 630 


B10 74 704 


D8 40 744 


8A 39 783 


E5 31 814 


J5 34 848 


8K 33 881 


B4 34 915 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Chelsea 2 10:25 -556 359 1.8733 LongJump22 3 3:41 -641 274
LongJump22 3 3:41 -641 274 2.8686 Zuincunx 2 1:24 -816 99
Zuincunx 2 1:24 -816 99 3.8781 Wuincunx 1 1:27 -856 59
4. -
cccc2246 1 1:43 -841 74 4.8717 Vuincunx 1 1:49 -856 59
Wuincunx 1 1:27 -856 59 5.8530 Quincunx 0 1:14 -885 30
Vuincunx 1 1:49 -856 59 Group: advanced
Quincunx 0 1:14 -885 30 1.7301 Chelsea 2 10:25 -556 359
Group: not rated
1. - cccc2246 1 1:43 -841 74
On 1st draw, SAURY H8 24 --- SAURY a marine fish [n]
Other tops: AR(R)AYS H8 24, AS(T)RAY H7 24, A(B)RAYS H8 24, A(R)RAYS H8 24, SA(L)ARY H7 24, SU(D)ARY H7 24, SU(G)ARY H7 24, SU(N)RAY H7 24, SY(N)URA H3 24, S(C)AURY H7 24, YAARS H4 24, YAR(F)AS H4 24, YAR(T)AS H4 24, YUR(T)AS H4 24
Other moves: ARS(E)Y H8 22, AR(R)AY H8 22, AR(T)SY H8 22, AS(S)AY H8 22, AS(W)AY H8 22
On 2nd draw, SERIF G5 24 --- SERIF a fine line used to finish off the main stroke of a letter [n]
Other tops: RECCY 12D 24
Other moves: REIF G6 23, SEIF G6 23, FERRIC 11E 22, FERRIC 11F 22, FIERY 12D 22
On 3rd draw, KAWED F4 42 --- KAW to cry like a crow [v]
Other moves: PAWED F4 40, LAWED F4 38, AWED F5 37, KAWED F2 36, WAP F6 36
On 4th draw, COTYPES I2 71 --- COTYPE a taxonomic type [n]
Other moves: COTYPE H1 62, ECTOPY H1 56, COYEST H1 45, COPSY I5 37, CYTE I8 37
On 5th draw, REALM 1H 45 --- REALM a kingdom [n]
Other moves: REMAIL 1H 42, UREMIA 1G 42, LEMUR 1H 39, MAILER 1E 39, MAULER 1E 39
On 6th draw, (C)OLORANT 11D 78 --- COLORANT a pigment or dye [n]
Other moves: MOT(I)ONAL L1 70, ORTOLAN(S) 11G 64, (P)ORTOLAN 11F 64, (P)RONOTAL 11G 64, CLOOT(S) 2I 28
(S)ALOON M1 17 Chelsea
On 7th draw, CHIELS 2I 57 --- CHIEL a young man [n]
Other moves: CHIEL 2I 37, HIRSEL L8 34, HIRSLE L8 34, HES E5 33, LECH 2G 32
CHIELS 2I 57 Chelsea
On 8th draw, ORIENTED K6 59 --- ORIENT to acquaint with details of a situation [v]
Other moves: OROIDE 3G 23, DEI 3K 21, DE E5 20, DO E5 20, DRINK 4B 20
DO E5 20 Chelsea
On 9th draw, BADGER 13I 26 --- BADGER to pester or harass [v]
Other moves: BANNER J9 25, BA E5 24, BADGE 13I 24, BE E5 24, RAGG L12 23
BA E5 24 Chelsea
On 10th draw, VANIT(I)ED M7 66 --- VANITIED full of vanity [adj] --- VANITY inflated pride in oneself [adj]
Other tops: VAN(I)TIED M7 66, VINTA(G)ED M7 66
Other moves: DIVA(L)ENT M8 62, D(O)NATIVE M6 62, VIAND(S) O8 43, DAVIT(S) O8 40, DIVAN(S) O8 40
D(O)NATIVE M6 62 LongJump22
DIVAN(S) O8 40 Chelsea
On 11th draw, FAIX 14G 59 --- FAIX faith [interj]
Other moves: APEX 14G 58, FAX 14H 58, FIX 14H 58, WAX 14H 58, WEX 14H 58
FAIX 14G 59 LongJump22, Zuincunx, Wuincunx, Vuincunx
FAX 14H 58 Chelsea
On 12th draw, TONTINE 15A 79 --- TONTINE a form of collective life insurance [n]
Other moves: NONETTI 13A 72, TONTINE 13A 72, INTENT 15D 37, TOE 15H 30, NONET 15D 29
TONTINE 15A 79 LongJump22
TOE 15H 30 Chelsea, Quincunx
On 13th draw, ZOCALO B10 74 --- ZOCALO the public square in a Mexican city or town [n]
Other moves: ZEAL 14B 54, ZOEA 14B 54, ZA E5 52, ZO E5 52, AZO 14A 50
ZOCALO B10 74 LongJump22, cccc2246
ZO E5 52 Chelsea
On 14th draw, JUI(C)ER D8 40 --- JUICER a juice extractor [n]
Other moves: JUI(C)E D8 38, MUJIK 4B 36, JURA C7 31, AR H14 30, IMARI 8K 30
JUI(C)ER D8 40 Zuincunx
AR H14 30 Chelsea
On 15th draw, BENJ 8A 39 --- BENJ narcotic hemp [n]
Other moves: MOBE L4 26, MOTE 3L 25, BE E5 24, BENT 15I 24, BO E5 24
On 16th draw, DOP E5 31 --- DOP to dip [v]
Other moves: IGAPO 8K 30, GEOID 3K 29, VIDE L4 25, DOPE L4 24, GOPIK 4B 24
DOP E5 31 Chelsea
On 17th draw, UH J5 34 --- UH used to express hesitation [interj]
Other tops: EH J5 34
Other moves: WHET L5 26, HEW L4 23, HET L6 22, WET L6 22, EH H4 21
On 18th draw, IMAGE 8K 33 --- IMAGE to form a likeness of mentally [v]
Other moves: VITE L4 29, WITE L4 29, EMIT 3K 28, WITE 3L 28, MITE L4 27
On 19th draw, TOQUE B4 34 --- TOQUE a close-fitting woman's hat [n]
Other moves: QAT L4 33, QUOIT 3G 33, WAIT 3L 28, TWA 3K 27, TWO 3K 27
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