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Game on July 13, 2024 at 15:52, 9 players
1. 566 pts Inkey
2. 476 pts ArcticFox
3. 220 pts Chelsea

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?celoty   H8    80    80   acolyte
 2. ?efinrt  15H   113   193   snifter
 3. aadenrt  13H    70   263   tartaned
 4. aehnotv   O7    36   299   novated
 5. bdegirs   N2    84   383   bridges
 6. aiklory   1L    60   443   kyar
 7. adeeimm  12K    31   474   amide
 8. abghips  11K    46   520   habit
 9. eglopru  10F    25   545   proleg
10. aegjnnu  11B    30   575   gauje
11. ehilnou   3G    82   657   unholier
12. ceemosv  12D    42   699   mosey
13. adenrst   B8    74   773   dragnets
14. cefilpu   H1    45   818   penful
15. inostvw   A4    45   863   visto
16. eiooquw   5J    30   893   equid
17. ainowwz   2J    64   957   za
18. ciinowx   6J    61  1018   xi
19. cinooww  13E    24  1042   wo

Remaining tiles: cinoow

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.7872 FileInkey       8 11:45  -476  566     1.9741 Pacific     0  1:50  -931  111 
  2.7091 FileArcticFox   4 12:29  -566  476            Group: expert
  3.7199 FileChelsea     2  7:05  -822  220     1.8672 LongJump22  2  1:57  -859  183 
  4.8672 FileLongJump22  2  1:57  -859  183     2.8728 Zuincunx    0  1:25  -979   63 
  5.9741 FilePacific     0  1:50  -931  111     3.8820 Wuincunx    0  1:55  -979   63 
  6.8728 FileZuincunx    0  1:25  -979   63     4.8699 Vuincunx    1  0:42 -1006   36 
  7.8820 FileWuincunx    0  1:55  -979   63     5.8619 Quincunx    1  1:12 -1006   36 
  8.8699 FileVuincunx    1  0:42 -1006   36            Group: advanced
  9.8619 FileQuincunx    1  1:12 -1006   36     1.7872 Inkey       8 11:45  -476  566 
                                             2.7091 ArcticFox   4 12:29  -566  476 
                                             3.7199 Chelsea     2  7:05  -822  220 

On 1st draw, (A)COLYTE H8 80 --- ACOLYTE an assistant [n]
Other tops: TOC(K)LEY H6 80
Other moves: COTYLE(S) H4 78, COTYL(A)E H4 78, TOC(K)LEY H2 78, (A)COLYTE H3 78, COTYLE(S) H2 74

On 2nd draw, (S)NIFTER 15H 113 --- SNIFTER a pear-shaped liquor glass [n] --- SNIFTER to sniff [v]
Other moves: INFL(A)TER 11E 90, REN(O)TIFY 12A 78, TREN(D)IFY 12A 78, (G)ENTRIFY 12A 76, FERNIE(S)T 14G 74
(S)NIFTER 15H 113 LongJump22
FINE(S)T 15D 69 Pacific
(S)NIFTER 15H 63 Zuincunx, Wuincunx

On 3rd draw, TARTANED 13H 70 --- TARTANED clad in tartan [adj]
Other moves: TARTANED 13E 61, DEAN 14J 25, DEAR 14J 25, TEADE 14G 24, ANTEED 14E 22
TARTANED 13H 70 LongJump22

On 4th draw, NOVATED O7 36 --- NOVATED
Other moves: HATE 12L 34, HONE 12L 34, HOTE 12L 34, HANTED O8 33, OVATED O8 33
NOVATED O7 36 Vuincunx, Quincunx

On 5th draw, BRIDGES N2 84 --- BRIDGE to connect [v]
Other moves: BEGIRDS I2 65, BRIDGES I2 64, BRIG(A)DES 8D 64, BRIDGE N2 30, (S)NIFTERS 15H 30
(S)NIFTERS 15H 30 Inkey

On 6th draw, KYAR 1L 60 --- KYAR a fibre obtained from coconut husks [n]
Other moves: OKAY 1L 48, KAY 1M 42, KORAI 1K 42, YAK 1M 42, RIYAL 1K 39
YAK 1M 42 Pacific
KORE 12L 32 Inkey

On 7th draw, AMIDE 12K 31 --- AMIDE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: MEME 12L 30, MEME N10 30, MIME 12L 30, MIME N10 30, MADE N10 28
AMIDE 12K 31 Inkey
MADE N10 28 ArcticFox

On 8th draw, HABIT 11K 46 --- HABIT to clothe or dress [v]
Other moves: HAP 11K 38, BAH 11K 37, PAH 11K 37, SHAG 11J 37, HAG 11K 35
HABIT 11K 46 Inkey
HIDE N10 31 ArcticFox

On 9th draw, PROLEG 10F 25 --- PROLEG an abdominal leg of certain insect larvae [n]
Other tops: LOUP M4 25, PROLOG 10F 25
Other moves: GROUPY 12C 24, PURGER 3I 24, GROPER 3I 22, GROUPED 5H 22, GROUPER 3H 22
PURGER 3I 24 Inkey
PROLER 3I 22 ArcticFox

On 10th draw, GAUJE 11B 30 --- GAUJE a fellow [n]
Other tops: JANNY 12D 30, JENNY 12D 30
Other moves: JEUNE J6 28, JUGA 11C 28, AJEE 14E 27, JAGER 3J 26, JANE 11C 26
JENNY 12D 30 Inkey
JANE 11C 26 ArcticFox

On 11th draw, UNHOLIER 3G 82 --- UNHOLY not holy [adj]
Other moves: HONEY 12D 46, HOE 12D 36, HON 12D 36, NOH 12D 33, HA 10N 29
HONEY 12D 46 Inkey, ArcticFox

On 12th draw, MOSEY 12D 42 --- MOSEY to saunter [v]
Other moves: MOC 12D 38, EMOS 12C 36, VENOMS H1 36, OSMIC 4K 34, COMS 12A 33
MOSEY 12D 42 Inkey, ArcticFox

On 13th draw, DRAGNETS B8 74 --- DRAGNET a net for trawling [n]
Other moves: ENDARTS 4A 70, STANDER 4A 70, STRANDED 5G 70, TRANSUMED D6 63, (S)NIFTERS 15H 30
(S)NIFTERS 15H 30 Inkey, ArcticFox, Chelsea

On 14th draw, PENFUL H1 45 --- PENFUL the amount of ink a pen can hold [n]
Other tops: CLIPE A4 45
Other moves: PENCIL H1 39, LIEF A7 37, FICE A5 36, FLIC 4L 36, FLIP 4L 36
CLIPE A4 45 Chelsea
PENCIL H1 39 ArcticFox
PICE A5 33 Inkey

On 15th draw, VISTO A4 45 --- VISTO a view [n]
Other moves: VINO A5 30, WINO A5 30, (S)NIFTERS 15H 30, FINOS 4H 29, TWO A6 27
VISTO A4 45 ArcticFox, Inkey
(S)NIFTERS 15H 30 Chelsea

On 16th draw, EQUID 5J 30 --- EQUID an animal of the horse family [n]
Other moves: QUID 5K 28, QUOD 5K 28, WE 2J 28, WO 13E 24, WOO 4J 23
WE 2J 28 Inkey, ArcticFox
SUQ 15B 22 Chelsea

On 17th draw, ZA 2J 64 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: WIZ M7 42, ZOEA 2F 40, ZOOEA J2 36, OZONE J1 34, ZILA 6F 33
ZA 2J 64 Inkey, ArcticFox
ZOL 6F 32 Chelsea

On 18th draw, XI 6J 61 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: LOX 6H 51, XI C13 38, NIXIE 14D 28, EXON J5 27, EXO J5 26
XI 6J 61 Inkey, Chelsea
LOX 6H 51 ArcticFox

On 19th draw, WO 13E 24 --- WO woe [n]
Other tops: WIN M7 24
Other moves: WO 7I 19, SWOON 6A 16, WOE 2F 16, SCOW 6A 15, INFO 4F 14
WO 13E 24 ArcticFox
WIN M7 24 Inkey

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