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Game on July 14, 2024 at 02:00, 1 player
1. 105 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beelmqt   H4    20    20   betel
 2. deiiorr   G3    22    42   rorid
 3. dimoost   F4    35    77   modist
 4. ?adeino  10D    75   152   aneroid
 5. alnortz   8A    48   200   azlons
 6. acegkrt   A6    67   267   trackage
 7. dehinor   9I    78   345   hordein
 8. ?aefhln   N7    80   425   shinleaf
 9. aestvww  15L    47   472   west
10. egiortu   K2    68   540   groutier
11. aemstvy  14A    54   594   steamy
12. aeijlnp  M12    47   641   ajee
13. afilsvx  D12    44   685   flax
14. agnopuw   E5    43   728   pawn
15. aeinsvy   O8    38   766   any
16. egiinru  12D    63   829   figurine
17. enosuvv   D1    31   860   venus
18. abcioqu   1B    42   902   bivouac

Remaining tiles: iopqv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7326 Filesunshine12  1  5:21  -797  105     1.7326 sunshine12  1  5:21  -797  105 

On 1st draw, BETEL H4 20 --- BETEL a climbing plant [n]
Other moves: BETEL H8 16, BETEL H5 14, BETEL H6 14, BETEL H7 14, BEET H5 12

On 2nd draw, RORID G3 22 --- RORID dewy [adj]
Other tops: RORID I3 22
Other moves: BROIDER 4H 20, DIRER I3 20, IRED I4 20, IRID I4 20, RIDER G5 20
BIRRED 4H 18 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, MODIST F4 35 --- MODIST a follower of fashion [n]
Other moves: MODI F4 33, SODOM F4 32, MID F4 28, MOD F4 28, MOTIS F4 28
MODIST F4 35 sunshine12

On 4th draw, ANE(R)OID 10D 75 --- ANEROID a type of barometer [n]
Other tops: A(D)ENOID 10D 75, NAE(V)OID 10D 75, O(C)EANID 10D 75
Other moves: NAE(V)OID E7 73, ADENOI(D) 10D 71, (C)ODEINA 10C 71, ADONI(S)E 10A 70, A(M)IDONE I6 70
DAN E5 28 sunshine12

On 5th draw, AZLONS 8A 48 --- AZLON a textile fiber [n]
Other moves: AZONAL D10 32, ZA I6 32, ZONA 11B 32, AZLON 11J 31, TARZAN D9 30
AZO D10 24 sunshine12

On 6th draw, TRACKAGE A6 67 --- TRACKAGE the track system of a railroad [n]
Other moves: TRACKAGE A3 66, KARN E5 42, KERN E5 42, GRACKLE C3 40, CARN E5 34

On 7th draw, HORDEIN 9I 78 --- HORDEIN a simple protein [n]
Other moves: DIHEDRON J6 67, HENNIN E5 44, HERN E5 38, IRONED B10 33, RENNIN E5 32

On 8th draw, (S)HINLEAF N7 80 --- SHINLEAF a perennial herb [n]
Other tops: FLAN(C)HED L2 80
Other moves: FE(L)LAHIN N3 67, FEL(L)AHIN N3 65, FOREHAN(D) 5E 52, FOREHEA(D) 5E 52, FOREHEN(T) 5E 52

On 9th draw, WEST 15L 47 --- WEST a cardinal point of the compass [n] --- WEST to move towards the west [v]
Other tops: VASE 15L 47, VAST 15L 47, VEST 15L 47, WASE 15L 47, WAST 15L 47
Other moves: TAWSE 15K 41, WEAN E5 38, WHA 8M 38, AWES O12 37, SWAT O12 37

On 10th draw, GROUTIER K2 68 --- GROUTY surly [adj]
Other moves: TERNING E5 52, ROUTINE O4 42, REGION O4 40, TURION O4 37, GROIN O5 34

On 11th draw, STEAMY 14A 54 --- STEAMY covered with vapour [adj]
Other tops: MEATHE 8J 54
Other moves: EMYS 11C 43, MAYS 11C 41, EATHE 8K 39, ANY O8 38, MNA O8 38

On 12th draw, AJEE M12 47 --- AJEE off the straight [adv]
Other moves: JEE M13 43, LAPJE B2 36, LAPJE K11 36, PLANE 13C 35, PLENA 13C 35

On 13th draw, FLAX D12 44 --- FLAX the fibres of the plant linum [n]
Other moves: OXALIS H10 42, AXILS 15F 41, AXIL 15F 38, AXIS 15F 38, VARIX 3I 38

On 14th draw, PAWN E5 43 --- PAWN to deposit as security for something borrowed [v]
Other moves: WHA 8M 38, WHO 8M 38, PLONG 13C 37, PHO 8M 34, UPGANG 2I 32

On 15th draw, ANY O8 38 --- ANY one, no matter which [adj]
Other moves: NAIVELY C3 36, ENVY 15F 35, DAVY L9 34, YA B10 32, YE B10 32

On 16th draw, FIGURINE 12D 63 --- FIGURINE a small statue [n]
Other moves: URINED L4 29, PAWNING E5 28, ORIGIN H10 24, ERING 15F 23, GIEN L1 23

On 17th draw, VENUS D1 31 --- VENUS a shell or mollusc [n]
Other tops: VOES L1 31
Other moves: OVENS 15F 29, EVOS 15F 26, OVEN 15F 26, NEVUS D1 25, OVENS D1 25

On 18th draw, BIVOUAC 1B 42 --- BIVOUAC to spend the night in a makeshift camp [v]
Other moves: BURQA 3I 38, VOCAB 1D 36, CARIBOU 3I 28, QUINA 3A 28, QUINO 3A 28

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