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Game on July 14, 2024 at 11:02, 11 players
1. 466 pts vendanges
2. 312 pts Chelsea
3. 196 pts sicilianc5

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. einortv   H4    26    26   virent
 2. aclprsu   5F    74   100   spicular
 3. ?aelnop   8A    80   180   napoleon
 4. eegimtt   6J    28   208   mite
 5. adeikoo   4L    39   247   kaid
 6. aehnouy   O1    39   286   hoyden
 7. cdeorwz   M3    54   340   warez
 8. deeeiot   O1    48   388   hoydened
 9. beiiort   7K    27   415   biz
10. ?birtuw   N1    31   446   abri
11. aiosttu   C5    62   508   utopiast
12. adghitw  12C    90   598   tightwad
13. eeeorux  13H    44   642   oxer
14. deemnos  14F    34   676   donee
15. afmnosy  15D    70   746   foams
16. efgiils  13A    34   780   efs
17. aaelnuy  A12    33   813   yean
18. aelnruu  15J    26   839   neural
19. eegilrv   A2    66   905   levering
20. acgiqtu   N8    40   945   acquit

Remaining tiles: gijoo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6893 Filevendanges   2 17:59  -479  466     1.8613 LongJump22  2  3:49  -813  132 
  2.7167 FileChelsea     1  8:39  -633  312     2.8681 Zuincunx    1  1:08  -897   48 
  3.7862 Filesicilianc5  2  7:17  -749  196     3.8820 Wuincunx    1  1:25  -897   48 
  4.7728 FileMycophot    2  7:33  -749  196     4.8827 Vuincunx    1  1:43  -897   48 
  5.7771 Filemoonmonkey  2  7:43  -749  196     5.8619 Quincunx    1  1:58  -897   48 
  6.7767 Filequeen66     2  8:18  -756  189            Group: advanced
  7.8613 FileLongJump22  2  3:49  -813  132     1.7167 Chelsea     1  8:39  -633  312 
  8.8681 FileZuincunx    1  1:08  -897   48     2.7862 sicilianc5  2  7:17  -749  196 
  9.8820 FileWuincunx    1  1:25  -897   48     3.7728 Mycophot    2  7:33  -749  196 
 10.8827 FileVuincunx    1  1:43  -897   48     4.7771 moonmonkey  2  7:43  -749  196 
 11.8619 FileQuincunx    1  1:58  -897   48     5.7767 queen66     2  8:18  -756  189 
                                                    Group: intermediate
                                             1.6893 vendanges   2 17:59  -479  466 

On 1st draw, VIRENT H4 26 --- VIRENT green [adj]
Other moves: VINER H4 24, VIREO H4 24, VOTER H4 24, ENVIRO H3 20, ENVIRO H4 20
VINER H4 24 vendanges

On 2nd draw, SPICULAR 5F 74 --- SPICULA a needlelike structure [adj] --- SPICULAR pertaining to a spicula [adj]
Other moves: SPECULAR 7F 69, UPRISAL 5E 36, UPAS G6 24, PAULS G7 23, PAUL G7 22

On 3rd draw, NAPOLE(O)N 8A 80 --- NAPOLEON a type of pastry [n]
Other tops: NAPOLE(O)N 8H 80, NAP(O)LEON 8H 80
Other moves: NAP(O)LEON 8A 77, (F)OREPLAN M3 76, (J)ALAPENO L4 74, O(V)ERPLAN M2 72, PERON(E)AL M3 72
POLE 4L 24 vendanges

On 4th draw, MITE 6J 28 --- MITE a small arachnid [n]
Other moves: MIG 6J 27, GEM 4J 25, MEET 4L 24, METE 4J 24, METE 4L 24
MEG 4L 22 vendanges

On 5th draw, KAID 4L 39 --- KAID a North African chief [n]
Other tops: KAED 4L 39
Other moves: KADE 4L 37, KADI 4L 37, KAIE 4L 35, KED 4L 33, KID 4L 33
KADI 4L 37 vendanges

On 6th draw, HOYDEN O1 39 --- HOYDEN to act like a tomboy [v]
Other moves: HANDY O1 36, HEADY O1 36, HYNDE O1 36, PHONEY C8 36, HAUYNE 4A 34
HOYDEN O1 39 LongJump22
DOYEN O4 27 vendanges

On 7th draw, WAREZ M3 54 --- WAREZ illegally copied computer software which has had its protection codes de-activated [n]
Other moves: HOYDENED O1 48, ZED 7G 45, ZEE 7G 43, DOZER 7B 39, DOZE 7B 36
ZED 7G 45 Chelsea, LongJump22
ZEE 7G 43 vendanges

On 8th draw, HOYDENED O1 48 --- HOYDEN to act like a tomboy [v]
Other moves: EPIDOTE C7 24, DEI N2 23, PIOTED C8 20, PODITE C8 20, DOTE 7B 18
HOYDENED O1 48 LongJump22, Zuincunx, Wuincunx, Vuincunx, Quincunx
DEI N2 23 Chelsea

On 9th draw, BIZ 7K 27 --- BIZ slang for business [n]
Other moves: BORTIER 6B 25, ORIBI 9A 23, REBIT 9B 23, PROBIT C8 22, OB N1 21
BIZ 7K 27 vendanges
OB N1 21 queen66
BEE 7G 15 Chelsea

On 10th draw, (A)BRI N1 31 --- ABRI a bomb shelter [n]
Other moves: W(A)I N2 28, W(O)UBIT G7 27, W(O)UBIT(S) G7 27, W(O)UBI(T) G7 26, W(O)UB(I)T G7 26
W(A)I N2 28 moonmonkey, Mycophot, sicilianc5
WEB 7G 23 Chelsea, vendanges

On 11th draw, UTOPIAST C5 62 --- UTOPIAST one who looks for perfection in society [n]
Other moves: TITANOUS A4 59, SAUTOIR 6B 19, PATIOS C8 18, PATOIS C8 18, PISTOU C8 18
SIT I8 17 Chelsea

On 12th draw, TIGHTWAD 12C 90 --- TIGHTWAD a miser [n]
Other moves: WIDTH D1 37, WHID D10 36, WHIG D10 36, WHIR 6E 35, AGHA B8 34
WIDTH D1 37 sicilianc5, Mycophot, queen66, moonmonkey
WHAT D10 34 Chelsea
HI B10 28 vendanges

On 13th draw, OXER 13H 44 --- OXER an ox-fence [n]
Other moves: EXO 13H 43, WEXE H12 42, EX 13H 39, OX 13H 39, REDOX J10 31
OXER 13H 44 moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66, sicilianc5
EXO 13H 43 Chelsea
WEXE H12 42 vendanges

On 14th draw, DONEE 14F 34 --- DONEE a recipient of a gift [n]
Other tops: MENSED L10 34, MONDES 11I 34
Other moves: DSO 13B 32, EMS 13A 32, MES 13A 32, MODES 11I 32, MONDE 11I 32
WOOD H12 24 vendanges

On 15th draw, FOAMS 15D 70 --- FOAM to form foam (a light, bubbly, gas and liquid mass) [v]
Other moves: *F*YS 15D 65, FAYS 15E 59, FOYS 15E 59, MAYS 15E 56, MOANS 15D 56
FAYS 15E 59 vendanges

On 16th draw, EFS 13A 34 --- EF the letter F [n]
Other tops: FES 13A 34, IFS 13A 34
Other moves: FLEGS L9 30, GIS 13A 30, ALF B8 29, FLEGS B2 29, ELS 13A 28
FLEGS D1 28 sicilianc5, queen66, Mycophot, moonmonkey

On 17th draw, YEAN A12 33 --- YEAN to bear young [v]
Other moves: AY 14A 28, NY 14A 28, YA B10 28, YE B10 28, YU B10 28
YEAN A12 33 moonmonkey, vendanges, Mycophot, Chelsea, queen66, sicilianc5

On 18th draw, NEURAL 15J 26 --- NEURAL pertaining to the nervous system [adj]
Other moves: SLAE 11C 21, SLUE 11C 21, URENA B2 20, AUE 11E 19, FAE B13 18
SLAE 11C 21 Chelsea

On 19th draw, LEVERING A2 66 --- LEVER to move with a lever (a rigid body used to lift weight) [v]
Other tops: REVELING A2 66
Other moves: VELIGER M9 30, VERGE B2 29, VIRGE B2 29, GRIEVER M9 26, VILER D1 26
VILER D1 26 Chelsea, sicilianc5, queen66, Mycophot, moonmonkey
VIRGA N11 18 vendanges

On 20th draw, ACQUIT N8 40 --- ACQUIT to free or clear from a charge of fault or crime [v]
Other moves: CASQUE F3 37, QUASI F2 36, QUIST F2 36, SQUEG F5 35, QATS F2 33
SQUEG F5 35 vendanges
QAT 10B 32 Chelsea

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