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Game on July 14, 2024 at 13:25, 6 players
1. 296 pts Chelsea
2. 226 pts LongJump22
3. 44 pts Zuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abeiorx   H8    44    44   borax
 2. acdekno   G7    40    84   coked
 3. dellosu   I3    75   159   duellos
 4. ?aeirrs   5E    78   237   carieres
 5. eeiortw   L1    26   263   wriest
 6. ?aennsy   E5    68   331   cayennes
 7. degggno   1J    33   364   gowned
 8. aegiorz   8A    72   436   graze
 9. aeimoot   D8    38   474   zooea
10. ahiimst   J9    80   554   samithi
11. efhinou   1H    39   593   ungowned
12. adeilrt   N1    72   665   elaterid
13. beeinvy  15H    45   710   veiny
14. abeflnt   O7    44   754   fable
15. aefhmvw  C11    36   790   wham
16. iopttuu  15A    28   818   upo
17. cegiiqt   C7    27   845   qat
18. fginopu   2B    83   928   poufing
19. ceeittv  13A    22   950   viae
20. ceiijtt   D1    38   988   jute

Remaining tiles: ciit

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7164 FileChelsea     0 11:02  -692  296     1.8613 LongJump22  2  4:24  -762  226 
  2.8613 FileLongJump22  2  4:24  -762  226     2.8681 Zuincunx    1  0:58  -944   44 
  3.8681 FileZuincunx    1  0:58  -944   44     3.8881 Wuincunx    1  1:27  -944   44 
  4.8881 FileWuincunx    1  1:27  -944   44     4.8827 Vuincunx    1  1:48  -944   44 
  5.8827 FileVuincunx    1  1:48  -944   44     5.8619 Quincunx    0  1:41  -949   39 
  6.8619 FileQuincunx    0  1:41  -949   39            Group: advanced
                                             1.7164 Chelsea     0 11:02  -692  296 

On 1st draw, BORAX H8 44 --- BORAX a white crystalline compound [n]
Other moves: BOXIER H4 36, BORAX H4 34, BOXER H4 34, BOXIER H3 32, BOXIER H7 32
BORAX H8 44 LongJump22, Zuincunx, Wuincunx, Vuincunx

On 2nd draw, COKED G7 40 --- COKE to change into a carbon fuel [v]
Other tops: CAKED G7 40
Other moves: KADE G9 39, KANE G9 37, KENO G9 37, NOCAKE G5 37, NAKED G7 36
KADE G9 39 Chelsea, Quincunx, LongJump22

On 3rd draw, DUELLOS I3 75 --- DUELLO the art of dueling; a duel [n]
Other moves: DUELLOS I2 65, LOSED I7 29, LOSEL I7 27, DOSE I7 24, SLUED I10 23
DUELLOS I3 75 LongJump22
LODES I5 22 Chelsea

On 4th draw, (C)ARIERES 5E 78 --- CARIERE career [n]
Other moves: (K)ERRIAS J2 77, DARRAI(N)ES 11G 68, RERAIS(E)D 3B 68, RURA(L)ISE 4H 68, R(E)RAISED 3B 68
DARRAI(N)ES 11G 68 LongJump22
(M)ISER I11 17 Chelsea

On 5th draw, WRIEST L1 26 --- WRY contorted [adj]
Other moves: REWET 4K 24, TOWER 4K 24, TOWERED 3C 24, TOWIE 4K 24, WEETS L1 24
WITE I11 24 Chelsea

On 6th draw, (C)AY(E)NNES E5 68 --- CAYENNE a hot seasoning [n]
Other tops: (C)AYENN(E)S E5 68, (C)YAN(I)NES E5 68
Other moves: ANY(O)NES M6 62, NAS(C)EN(C)Y E2 59, SEA(C)(U)NNY E2 59, ANYW(H)EN 1I 36, ANYW(I)SE 1I 36
YARNS 2J 32 Chelsea

On 7th draw, GOWNED 1J 33 --- GOWN to dress in a gown (a long, loose outer garment) [v]
Other moves: ENDOW 1H 27, OWNED 1K 27, GORGED 2J 26, GEOD(E) 8A 24, WEND 1L 24
WEND 1L 24 Chelsea

On 8th draw, GRAZ(E) 8A 72 --- GRAZE to feed on growing grass [v]
Other tops: GRIZ(E) 8A 72
Other moves: AGRIZED 3C 56, ZEROS 12A 48, ZOEAS 12A 48, ZORIS 12A 48, RAZE(E) 8A 42
ZEA H1 39 Chelsea

On 9th draw, ZOOEA D8 38 --- ZOOEA the larval stage of crabs [n]
Other moves: MAN 9C 26, MAZE D6 26, MON 9C 26, MOZE D6 26, MOZO D6 26

On 10th draw, SAMITHI J9 80 --- SAMITHI (Hindi) a political organization [n]
Other moves: ISARITHM B5 67, SAMITHI C7 52, IHRAM 2J 44, MATSAH 6A 34, MATSAH F1 34
HAMS 13A 33 Chelsea

On 11th draw, UNGOWNED 1H 39 --- GOWN to dress in a gown (a long, loose outer garment) [adj] --- UNGOWN to unfrock [v]
Other moves: HONE K10 31, NIFE K10 31, FAH 6D 30, FAH F4 30, FINE 13A 29
FAH F4 30 Chelsea

On 12th draw, ELATERID N1 72 --- ELATERID a click beetle [n]
Other tops: DILATER 2B 72, LARIATED C4 72
Other moves: LATERAD C7 33, REDIA K10 32, RETIA K10 29, IDEA K11 28, LATERAD C3 28

On 13th draw, VEINY 15H 45 --- VEINY full of veins [adj]
Other moves: INBYE O8 42, BYDE 8L 39, ENVY O8 39, BENDY 8K 36, INBY O8 36
IVY O8 36 Chelsea

On 14th draw, FABLE O7 44 --- FABLE to compose or tell fictitious tales [v]
Other moves: FETAL O5 42, FETA O5 39, FAB O7 38, FETAL O7 38, ALEFT O8 36

On 15th draw, WHAM C11 36 --- WHAM to hit with a loud impact [v]
Other moves: FAVE 13A 35, HAVE 13A 35, HAWM C7 35, WAVE 13A 35, WHAE 13A 35

On 16th draw, UPO 15A 28 --- UPO upon [prep]
Other moves: OUTPITY L9 24, IMPOT 14B 22, OUTPUT M8 22, POI B13 22, POT B13 22

On 17th draw, QAT C7 27 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: GITE K10 25, GET K10 21, GIT K10 21, GAE 13B 19, TICE F12 19

On 18th draw, POUFING 2B 83 --- POUF to give a puffed shape to the hair [v]
Other moves: UMPING 14B 34, GIF K10 30, FOP B13 29, GUMP 14A 29, UFO K11 27

On 19th draw, VIAE 13A 22 --- VIA a way [n]
Other tops: EVICT N11 22, TETE K10 22, TITE K10 22
Other moves: VAE 13B 21, COVET C1 20, TIVY L12 20, VEE 3A 20, VIE 3A 20

On 20th draw, JUTE D1 38 --- JUTE a strong, coarse fiber [n]
Other moves: JETTY L11 30, TITE K10 22, TITI K10 22, JOE C1 20, JOT C1 20

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