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Game on July 15, 2024 at 11:37, 6 players
1. 268 pts Chelsea
2. 224 pts LongJump22
3. 40 pts Zuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeimnqt   H6    24    24   qat
 2. ?aelnst   8H    74    98   trentals
 3. cdeeost   O1    86   184   cestodes
 4. aeegjnu   7L    40   224   ajee
 5. ?achirw   2H    92   316   archwise
 6. adeglno   J8    66   382   engaoled
 7. aegiops  13F    80   462   spoilage
 8. eeimnrt  15C    86   548   reminted
 9. dehknor   1D    60   608   hoked
10. aiilrrv  11E    40   648   arrival
11. beginsu   3B    76   724   beguins
12. aeiltxy   4A    43   767   taxi
13. efilnru  14I    28   795   relief
14. abdinow   2A    39   834   bow
15. adfnpuz  12A    54   888   zupan
16. demnooy  A12    54   942   zyme
17. dinoouy   K2    24   966   hyoid
18. fnortuv   L2    33   999   wof
19. inortuv   M1    32  1031   vint

Remaining tiles: ioruu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7125 FileChelsea     1  8:10  -763  268     1.8580 LongJump22  4  4:04  -807  224 
  2.8580 FileLongJump22  4  4:04  -807  224     2.8708 Zuincunx    1  1:27  -991   40 
  3.8708 FileZuincunx    1  1:27  -991   40     3.8758 Vuincunx    1  1:45  -991   40 
  4.8758 FileVuincunx    1  1:45  -991   40     4.8619 Quincunx    0  0:27  -997   34 
  5.8619 FileQuincunx    0  0:27  -997   34     5.8498 Xuincunx    0  0:55  -997   34 
  6.8498 FileXuincunx    0  0:55  -997   34            Group: advanced
                                             1.7125 Chelsea     1  8:10  -763  268 

On 1st draw, QAT H6 24 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: QAT H7 24, QAT H8 24
Other moves: QI H7 22, QI H8 22, MANET H4 20, MATIN H4 20, MEANT H4 20
QAT H7 24 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, T(R)ENTALS 8H 74 --- TRENTAL a series of thirty requiem masses [n]
Other tops: TAL(L)ENTS 8H 74, TA(L)LENTS 8H 74
Other moves: SALT(I)NE I2 73, LAN(G)EST 9C 72, LAN(K)EST 9C 72, L(E)ANEST 9C 72, AN(K)LETS 9B 71
TAL(L)ENTS 8H 74 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, CESTODES O1 86 --- CESTODE a tapeworm [n]
CESTODES O1 86 LongJump22

On 4th draw, AJEE 7L 40 --- AJEE off the straight [adv]
Other moves: JEE 7M 37, JEANED 6J 32, JEEL N5 29, GAUJES 3J 28, JAUNTEE L4 28
AJEE 7L 40 LongJump22, Zuincunx, Vuincunx

On 5th draw, ARCHWI(S)E 2H 92 --- ARCHWISE in the manner of an arch [adv]
Other moves: WHAC(K)IER J2 73, ARCHWI(S)E J1 69, JAWARI(S) M7 40, WHAR(F)IE 2I 40, CHAR(L)IE 2I 38
CHAW(E)RS 3I 34 Quincunx, Xuincunx

On 6th draw, ENGAOLED J8 66 --- ENGAOL to put in gaol [v]
Other moves: DANGLE 1D 38, DONGLE 1D 38, ANGLED 1C 36, GAOLED 1C 36, GLAND 1D 36
LONGED 1C 36 Chelsea

On 7th draw, SPOILAGE 13F 80 --- SPOILAGE something that is spoiled or wasted [n]
Other moves: ADIPOSE 15I 39, IGAPO 1E 38, PAISE 1D 36, POISE 1D 36, PSOAE 1D 36
GAPE 1F 35 Chelsea

On 8th draw, REMINTED 15C 86 --- REMINT to melt down and make into new coins [v]
Other moves: METERING 10C 63, REGIMENT 10H 63, RETIME 1D 41, EMETIN 1C 39, MERITED 15D 39

On 9th draw, HOKED 1D 60 --- HOKE to give false value to [v]
Other moves: HONKED 1C 54, HOKE 1F 53, HOKE 14D 52, HONK 1E 51, HANK H1 48
HONKED 1C 54 Chelsea

On 10th draw, ARRIVAL 11E 40 --- ARRIVAL the act of arriving [n]
Other moves: LARI 2C 21, LIRA 2C 21, LIRI 2C 21, VAIR 2B 21, VIGIA L11 20

On 11th draw, BEGUINS 3B 76 --- BEGUIN a man living monastic life without vows [n]
Other tops: BUNGIES 3B 76
Other moves: BEGUINS 9B 75, BUNGIES 9B 75, GUISE N10 32, BUNGIE 12A 29, BEINGS 9C 27
BEGIN 12A 24 Chelsea

On 12th draw, TAXI 4A 43 --- TAXI to travel in a taxicab [v]
Other tops: EXIT 4B 43
Other moves: EXILE 14J 38, HEXYL K2 36, LATEX 12A 35, YEX 12C 35, WAXY L2 34
YEX 12C 35 Chelsea

On 13th draw, RELIEF 14I 28 --- RELIEF aid in the form of money or necessities [n]
Other moves: ERF 9L 27, FIQUE 6F 27, TINFUL A4 27, TRIFLE A4 27, TURFEN A4 27

On 14th draw, BOW 2A 39 --- BOW to bend forward [v]
Other moves: DAW 2A 37, DOW 2A 37, NAW 2A 35, NOW 2A 35, WAD 2A 35
BOW 2A 39 Chelsea

On 15th draw, ZUPAN 12A 54 --- ZUPAN a governor of a zupa [n]
Other moves: ZUPA 14B 40, ZAP 6J 39, ZUPA 10B 37, ZAP 14B 34, FAZE D12 32

On 16th draw, ZYME A12 54 --- ZYME a ferment [n]
Other moves: ZOOM A12 45, OZONE A11 42, ZONE A12 39, ZOON A12 39, OMEN 13A 37
ZOOM A12 45 Chelsea

On 17th draw, HYOID K2 24 --- HYOID a bone of the tongue [n]
Other tops: HOODY K2 24, TOYON A4 24
Other moves: ONY 15L 23, OY 13C 23, YO 15N 23, YU 15N 23, IN(R)O I6 22

On 18th draw, WOF L2 33 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: WONT L2 25, WORN L2 25, WORT L2 25, FOR 14D 22, FOU 14D 22

On 19th draw, VINT M1 32 --- VINT to strip of grapes [v]
Other moves: INTI M2 26, INTO M2 26, OINT M1 26, VIRTU 10B 25, VIN M1 24

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