Game on July 15, 2024 at 19:57, 11 players
1. 202 pts LongJump22
2. 195 pts Pacific
3. 143 pts Papa_Sloth
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 24 24
2. 8B 61 85
3. E7 72 157
4. 13C 54 211
5. H11 57 268
6. D11 38 306
7. 11G 66 372
8. N10 44 416
9. O12 49 465
10. D1 83 548
11. 2A 72 620
12. 1G 39 659
13. K5 74 733
14. A1 45 778
15. O6 33 811
16. N1 83 894
17. L3 36 930
18. J4 24 954
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
1.8399 LongJump22 3 3:23 -752 202 1.9741 Pacific 3 5:14 -759 195
2.9741 Pacific 3 5:14 -759 195 Group: expert
3.7011 Papa_Sloth 0 5:05 -811 143 1.8399 LongJump22 3 3:23 -752 202
4.8658 Zuincunx 0 1:02 -909 45 2.8658 Zuincunx 0 1:02 -909 45
5.8729 Wuincunx 0 1:48 -909 45 3.8729 Wuincunx 0 1:48 -909 45
6.8758 Vuincunx 0 0:46 -920 34 4.8758 Vuincunx 0 0:46 -920 34
7.8557 Quincunx 0 1:08 -920 34 5.8557 Quincunx 0 1:08 -920 34
8.7692 queen66 1 0:32 -930 24 Group: advanced
9.7723 moonmonkey 1 0:49 -930 24 1.7011 Papa_Sloth 0 5:05 -811 143
10.7705 Mycophot 1 1:09 -930 24 2.7692 queen66 1 0:32 -930 24
11.7821 sicilianc5 1 1:27 -930 24 3.7723 moonmonkey 1 0:49 -930 24
4.7705 Mycophot 1 1:09 -930 24
5.7821 sicilianc5 1 1:27 -930 24
On 1st draw, FOULE H4 24 --- FOULE fulled cloth [n]
Other moves: POULE H4 20, PULAO H4 20, AFOUL H4 18, AFOUL H8 18, FLAP H5 18
FOULE H4 24 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, OSSICLES 8B 61 --- OSSICLE a small bone [n]
Other moves: COLOSSI 5E 36, FICOS 4H 20, FISCS 4H 20, FLICS 4H 20, FLOCS 4H 20
OSSICLES 8B 61 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, DIACONAL E7 72 --- DIACONAL pertaining to a deacon [adj]
Other moves: ACNODAL 5E 40, NODICAL E5 40, SCALADO C8 26, SCANDAL C8 26, CALANDO B2 24
DIACONAL E7 72 LongJump22
On 4th draw, BRAIZE 13C 54 --- BRAIZE a marine fish [n]
Other moves: BIZE D11 51, PIZE D11 51, BEZ D11 47, BIZ D11 47, ZAP D11 47
BRAIZE 13C 54 Pacific
ZEBRAIC F2 45 LongJump22
On 5th draw, EXE(R)T H11 57 --- EXERT to put into action [v]
Other tops: EXE(A)T H11 57
Other moves: THEEK H11 48, HE(L)IX 12H 45, KE(S)H H12 45, KHET(H) H11 45, KHET(S) H11 45
EXE(R)T H11 57 Pacific
HE(L)IX 12H 45 Zuincunx, Wuincunx
On 6th draw, MARAH D11 38 --- MARAH bitterness [n]
Other moves: HARAM D11 37, HM F10 34, HAOMAS I3 30, HO F10 30, MARAHS C3 30
HM F10 34 Vuincunx, Quincunx
On 7th draw, RESTRAIN 11G 66 --- RESTRAIN to hold back from action [v]
Other tops: RETRAINS 11G 66, TERRAINS 11G 66
Other moves: ANIS I10 35, ARIS I10 35, RAIS I10 35, TAIS I10 35, AIS I11 34
On 8th draw, KNOWN N10 44 --- KNOWN a mathematical quantity whose value is given [n]
Other moves: AWNING N9 36, OWNING N9 36, AWAKING L9 34, GNAW 12L 34, GNOW 12L 34
On 9th draw, WEEN O12 49 --- WEEN to suppose [v]
Other tops: WEEL O12 49
Other moves: GNOW 12L 32, ENOW 12L 28, WOOL 12L 28, WOON 12L 28, AGLOW L11 26
WEEN O12 49 Pacific
On 10th draw, DEPE(C)HES D1 83 --- DEPECHE a message [n]
Other moves: DEPE(C)HES C1 78, HEALD 14B 37, H(E)ALD 14B 34, PH(O)H 15A 33, IDEE M11 32
On 11th draw, ALIENAGE 2A 72 --- ALIENAGE the state of being foreign [n]
Other moves: ILEA M11 29, DEALING 1D 27, GALENA O5 27, LAGENA O5 27, LEADING 1A 27
NAGA O7 21 Papa_Sloth
On 12th draw, AMIGO 1G 39 --- AMIGO a friend [n]
Other moves: MEAD 1A 37, MIAOU 1H 36, AMIE 1G 33, AMIGO 1H 33, MAGE 1H 33
EXO 12G 24 Papa_Sloth
On 13th draw, ROGATORY K5 74 --- ROGATORY requesting information [adj]
Other moves: AUTOGYRO 6G 66, GOARY O6 36, GOATY O6 36, GOOPY 3A 36, GOORY O6 36
YA 1A 32 Papa_Sloth
On 14th draw, JABOT A1 45 --- JABOT a decoration on a shirt [n]
Other moves: OBJET 2J 41, JADE A1 39, JAB A1 36, JATO A1 36, QAT A1 36
QAT A1 36 Papa_Sloth
On 15th draw, NITRY O6 33 --- NITRY containing nitre [adj]
Other moves: TINY O7 30, TRY O8 27, RIYAL 14A 23, RYAL 14B 21, TYIN I3 20
TINY O7 30 Papa_Sloth
On 16th draw, FEUTRED N1 83 --- FEUTRE to set in a rest [v]
Other tops: REFUTED N1 83
Other moves: FAUTED L10 39, REFUTE L4 35, DIF F12 33, FAURD L10 33, IDEE M11 32
On 17th draw, QUEP L3 36 --- QUEP expressing derision [interj]
Other moves: QUOP B6 35, QUEP J3 33, PIQUE 3K 32, QUIPU 3J 32, PREZ G10 24
QUOP B6 35 Pacific
On 18th draw, VID J4 24 --- VID short for video [n]
Other moves: DIV B4 20, ID J5 20, VIAL 14B 18, DI 9H 17, ID 9G 17
VID J4 24 queen66, moonmonkey, Mycophot, sicilianc5
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