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Game on July 16, 2024 at 05:48, 11 players
1. 526 pts fatcat
2. 151 pts LongJump22
3. 59 pts SQUAW1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beginop   H3    24    24   epigon
 2. aeiimrz   G5    58    82   mazier
 3. ?adeily   3F    82   164   eyeliads
 4. deijort   2B    41   205   jerid
 5. ?celqsu   K1    86   291   quackles
 6. aelnntv   F6    47   338   vale
 7. adenrtw   1G    42   380   tranq
 8. aefgnou   3A    31   411   oaf
 9. adiopsx   4A    51   462   xis
10. aemottw   8K    39   501   smowt
11. cefnoot   O3    64   565   confetto
12. aeehnor  N10    47   612   hereon
13. aaelntw   A3    42   654   oxalate
14. adioopw  M11    39   693   dowp
15. beegnoy  O13    52   745   boy
16. adegrtu  10F    25   770   trudger
17. aehinnt   I6    34   804   inned
18. abiirsu  H10    33   837   urbias
19. aiiksuv  10A    33   870   skua
20. ghiituv  B10    26   896   kight

Remaining tiles: iuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6439 Filefatcat      2 12:01  -370  526     1.8389 LongJump22  2  3:57  -745  151 
  2.8389 FileLongJump22  2  3:57  -745  151     2.8658 Zuincunx    1  1:31  -844   52 
  3.7764 FileSQUAW1      2  0:58  -837   59     3.8557 Quincunx    0  1:05  -866   30 
  4.8658 FileZuincunx    1  1:31  -844   52     4.8729 Wuincunx    0  1:23  -874   22 
  5.7118 FileChelsea     0  3:36  -849   47     5.8758 Vuincunx    0  1:48  -874   22 
  6.8557 FileQuincunx    0  1:05  -866   30            Group: advanced
  7.7723 Filemoonmonkey  1  1:38  -870   26     1.7764 SQUAW1      2  0:58  -837   59 
  8.8729 FileWuincunx    0  1:23  -874   22     2.7118 Chelsea     0  3:36  -849   47 
  9.8758 FileVuincunx    0  1:48  -874   22     3.7723 moonmonkey  1  1:38  -870   26 
 10.7692 Filequeen66     0  0:37  -883   13     4.7692 queen66     0  0:37  -883   13 
 11.7705 FileMycophot    0  0:59  -883   13     5.7705 Mycophot    0  0:59  -883   13 
                                                    Group: intermediate
                                             1.6439 fatcat      2 12:01  -370  526 

On 1st draw, EPIGON H3 24 --- EPIGON an inferior imitator [n]
Other tops: BIOGEN H4 24, PIGEON H4 24
Other moves: BEGIN H4 22, BEING H4 22, BINGE H4 22, BINGO H4 22, BOGIE H4 22

On 2nd draw, MAZIER G5 58 --- MAZY full of confusing turns and passages [adj]
Other moves: MAZER G5 57, MAZE G5 55, ZIRAM G7 50, ZAIRE G7 48, ZEA G7 46

On 3rd draw, EYELIAD(S) 3F 82 --- EYELIAD an amorous glance [n]
Other moves: EYELIAD(S) 3H 80, (B)EADILY F8 78, (H)EADILY F8 78, (R)EADILY F8 78, D(R)EARILY 10C 71
DA F6 28 fatcat

On 4th draw, JERID 2B 41 --- JERID a wooden javelin [n]
Other moves: JEDI L1 40, TIMIDER 5E 40, JAGER 6F 31, JAGIR 6F 31, EEJIT 9G 30
JEDI L1 40 fatcat

On 5th draw, QUAC(K)LES K1 86 --- QUACKLE to quack [v]
Other tops: CLAQUE(R)S K1 86, LACQUE(R)S K2 86, LACQUE(Y)S K2 86
Other moves: SQUELC(H) I8 83, L(I)QUESCE 9C 82, C(O)MIQUES 5E 80, QUELC(H)ES 9A 79, C(O)MIQUE 5E 76
QIS J2 32 fatcat

On 6th draw, VALE F6 47 --- VALE a valley [n]
Other moves: VAT F6 44, LAVE F6 35, NAVE F6 35, LAV F6 32, LEANT I5 32
SLAVE 8K 27 fatcat

On 7th draw, TRANQ 1G 42 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: SWARD 8K 39, SWARE 8K 36, SWART 8K 36, SWEAR 8K 36, SWEAT 8K 36
DRAWER D1 24 fatcat

On 8th draw, OAF 3A 31 --- OAF a clumsy, stupid person [n]
Other moves: FANE 3A 29, FONE 3A 29, NEF I7 29, OF 3B 29, PANCE 4H 28
FANG E9 22 fatcat

On 9th draw, XIS 4A 51 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: XI 4A 44, PISO 4A 41, PSOAI 4B 36, DISA 4A 35, PAX 4D 35
XIS 4A 51 fatcat

On 10th draw, SMOWT 8K 39 --- SMOWT a small person [n]
Other moves: SWEAT 8K 36, OSMATE 8J 33, SMOTE 8K 30, MAMIE 5E 26, AMOWT J6 24
WEM E9 22 fatcat

On 11th draw, CONFETTO O3 64 --- CONFETTO a small piece of paper thrown at a wedding [n]
Other tops: CONFETTO O2 64
Other moves: NEF I7 29, PONCE 4H 28, FOE 9M 26, COOF 4K 25, TRONC 10F 25
FOE 9M 26 fatcat

On 12th draw, HEREON N10 47 --- HEREON upon this [adv]
Other moves: HEARE N10 45, HEROE N10 45, HERON N10 45, HONER N10 45, HONOREE M7 30
HORN N10 28 fatcat

On 13th draw, OXALATE A3 42 --- OXALATE to treat with an oxalate (a chemical salt) [v]
Other moves: WANE 15L 33, WANT 15L 33, WENA 15L 33, WENT 15L 33, AWA O13 31
WANT 15L 33 fatcat

On 14th draw, DOWP M11 39 --- DOWP the buttocks [n]
Other moves: POWND 15K 36, WAND 15L 36, WIND 15L 36, WOAD M10 35, WOOD M10 35
WIND 15L 36 fatcat
WAND 15L 36 LongJump22

On 15th draw, BOY O13 52 --- BOY a male child [n] --- BOY to act a female role as a boy [v]
Other moves: NOY O13 44, ENGOBE H10 35, OY O14 35, OBE L11 30, YOB L10 30
BOY O13 52 fatcat, LongJump22, Zuincunx

On 16th draw, TRUDGER 10F 25 --- TRUDGER one that trudges [n]
Other moves: DARG 10A 24, DATER 10A 24, DERAT 10A 24, DRAG 10A 24, DREG 10A 24
TRUDGE B9 22 Wuincunx, Vuincunx
GRATED E9 20 fatcat

On 17th draw, INNED I6 34 --- IN to gather in harvest [v]
Other moves: INN I6 30, UNEATH H10 30, HAIN 11H 29, PANCE 4H 28, AHENT B6 25
UNEATH H10 30 LongJump22, Quincunx
THIN B9 17 fatcat

On 18th draw, URBIAS H10 33 --- URBIA cities collectively [n]
Other moves: AIRBUS 11A 25, URBIAS 11A 25, RIB L10 24, ABRIS 11B 23, BAURS 11B 23
URBIAS H10 33 LongJump22
BARS 11C 21 fatcat

On 19th draw, SKUA 10A 33 --- SKUA a predatory seabird [n]
Other tops: KIVAS 11B 33
Other moves: SKA 10A 32, SKI 10A 32, KIVA 11C 31, KVAS 11C 31, KAE 7M 28
SKI 10A 32 Chelsea
KAE 7M 28 fatcat

On 20th draw, KIGHT B10 26 --- KIGHT a bird of prey (kite) [n]
Other moves: UH 11J 23, GHAUT D8 22, GHI 11C 22, HUI N4 22, GHI G13 21
KIGHT B10 26 SQUAW1, moonmonkey
HIT 11C 19 fatcat
HI 11D 15 Chelsea
VIG 13G 13 queen66, Mycophot

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