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Game on July 16, 2024 at 11:12, 6 players
1. 207 pts Chelsea
2. 164 pts LongJump22
3. 90 pts Wuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adelnrv   H4    26    26   verlan
 2. adfilou   4H    24    50   vifda
 3. eeinotu   5J    21    71   eine
 4. abelprw   6J    41   112   wear
 5. anoptuw   3L    20   132   twp
 6. ?afloos  10B    73   205   loofahs
 7. bdmoorx   D6    52   257   boxroom
 8. degoors   8A    36   293   grex
 9. ?aacgoq  13A    30   323   cags
10. aehimoy  A11    48   371   mochy
11. adeipsu   F6    65   436   diapause
12. acikqsu   C4    38   474   quake
13. ehiloss  14E    78   552   isohels
14. abcdejr  15G    40   592   bed
15. aeilntu   D1    32   624   etui
16. aeeoort  13I    21   645   reate
17. acdginr   8H    92   737   arcading
18. einntvy  12L    34   771   envy
19. iilnott  O12    21   792   yont
20. ijlnotu   1A    33   825   jute
21. iilnotz   J8    34   859   coz

Remaining tiles: iiilnt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7155 FileChelsea     3  5:11  -652  207     1.8408 LongJump22  4  3:18  -695  164 
  2.8408 FileLongJump22  4  3:18  -695  164     2.8729 Wuincunx    1  2:34  -769   90 
  3.8729 FileWuincunx    1  2:34  -769   90     3.8758 Vuincunx    1  2:37  -769   90 
  4.8758 FileVuincunx    1  2:37  -769   90     4.8658 Zuincunx    2  2:41  -770   89 
  5.8658 FileZuincunx    2  2:41  -770   89     5.8557 Quincunx    1  2:31  -776   83 
  6.8557 FileQuincunx    1  2:31  -776   83            Group: advanced
                                             1.7155 Chelsea     3  5:11  -652  207 

On 1st draw, VERLAN H4 26 --- VERLAN a variety of French slang using back-to-front words, eg meuf for femme [n]
Other tops: VANED H4 26, VERNAL H4 26
Other moves: VELAR H4 24, VENAL H4 24, DAVEN H4 22, DRAVE H4 22, LAVED H8 22
VERNAL H4 26 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, VIFDA 4H 24 --- VIFDA meat hung and dried without salt [n]
Other moves: AFOUL G7 21, AFIELD 5E 20, DEFOUL 5G 20, FAILED 5D 20, FEODAL 5G 20
VIFDA 4H 24 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, EINE 5J 21 --- EINE eyes [n]
Other moves: EEN 5J 19, EON 5J 19, EINE 3J 18, OINT 3J 18, TEEN 3I 18

On 4th draw, WEAR 6J 41 --- WEAR to be dressed in clothing [v] --- WEAR to abrade [v]
Other tops: WEAL 6J 41
Other moves: BRAW 6G 34, BREW 6G 34, WE 6J 34, AREW 6G 32, RAW 6H 31
WEAR 6J 41 LongJump22
WEAL 6J 41 Zuincunx

On 5th draw, TWP 3L 20 --- TWP stupid [adj]
Other moves: UPTOWN G9 19, UPTOWN I9 19, NOWT 3L 18, POWAN G8 18, TOWN 3L 18

On 6th draw, LOOFA(H)S 10B 73 --- LOOFAH a tropical vine [n]
Other moves: LOOFA(H)S G8 65, LOOFA(H)S I8 65, FOOS(B)ALL 7B 63, FOOS(B)ALL 7A 62, S(E)AFLOOR 6A 62
LOOFA(H)S 10B 73 LongJump22

On 7th draw, BOXROOM D6 52 --- BOXROOM a room for storing boxes [n]
Other moves: BOXROOM C9 42, BOXROOM D9 42, OXFORD E8 34, BOOM 9C 29, BOXROOM C5 27
BOXROOM C9 42 Wuincunx, Vuincunx

On 8th draw, GREX 8A 36 --- GREX a group of plants with a common hybrid ancestor [n]
Other moves: GOOSED 13A 35, GODSO 13A 33, ROOSED 13A 33, DEGS 13A 31, DOGS 13A 31
GOOSED 13A 35 Quincunx

On 9th draw, CAG(S) 13A 30 --- CAG short for cagoule, a light anorak [n]
Other tops: COG(S) 13A 30
Other moves: AC(H)AGE C3 29, CO(W)AGE C3 29, (B)OCAGE C3 29, (S)OCAGE C3 29, AQ(U)A C12 28
COG(S) 13A 30 Chelsea

On 10th draw, MOCHY A11 48 --- MOCHY damp [adj]
Other moves: AHOY 11B 43, HOYA 11C 43, MOYA 11C 40, ACHY A12 39, HOY 11C 39
MOCHY A11 48 Quincunx, Zuincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx
MACHE A11 39 Chelsea

On 11th draw, DIAPAUSE F6 65 --- DIAPAUSE to undergo dormancy [v]
Other moves: DIAPAUSE F8 63, DIAPAUSE 8F 62, PESADE C3 31, POAS 11C 28, DOES 11C 25

On 12th draw, QUAKE C4 38 --- QUAKE to shake or vibrate [v]
Other moves: SAICK 14F 37, QUASI E2 34, SAICK N6 33, QUAI E3 32, CAKE C5 30
QUAKE C4 38 Chelsea

On 13th draw, ISOHELS 14E 78 --- ISOHEL a line on a map connecting points receiving equal sunshine [n]
Other moves: ELHI D1 38, HOI D2 34, HI D3 32, SLISH 14F 32, SLOSH 14F 32
HI D3 32 Chelsea

On 14th draw, BED 15G 40 --- BED to provide with a bed (a piece of furniture used for sleeping) [v]
Other tops: BAD 15G 40
Other moves: BAR 15G 36, BEARD 13I 33, DAE 15G 32, RAD 15G 32, RED 15G 32
BAD 15G 40 Chelsea

On 15th draw, ETUI D1 32 --- ETUI a case for holding small articles [n]
Other tops: ANTI D1 32, LATI D1 32, TALI D1 32, UNAI D1 32
Other moves: ANI D2 28, EQUAL 4B 28, LEI D2 28, TAI D2 28, TUI D2 28
EQUAL 4B 28 Chelsea

On 16th draw, REATE 13I 21 --- REATE water-crowfoot [n]
Other moves: OATER 15K 20, ORATE 15K 20, TREE 13H 20, HAO 14A 19, OOR 2M 19

On 17th draw, ARCADING 8H 92 --- ARCADING shops in an arcade [n]
Other moves: ACRID 12I 36, DARIC 12K 32, GRADIN 12J 32, CNIDA 12J 31, AGRIN 12I 30

On 18th draw, ENVY 12L 34 --- ENVY to covet others' possessions,looks etc. [v]
Other moves: TENNY 12K 33, TINNY 12K 33, VENEY 1A 33, YEN N6 33, YEVEN 1A 33

On 19th draw, YONT O12 21 --- YONT position beyond [prep]
Other tops: ETIOLIN 1D 21, YONI O12 21
Other moves: ENTOIL 1D 18, ELINT 1D 15, ELOIN 1D 15, ENLIT 1D 15, ETTIN 1D 15

On 20th draw, JUTE 1A 33 --- JUTE a strong, coarse fiber [n]
Other tops: JOLE 1A 33
Other moves: JUNTO 11I 30, JAB 6B 28, JOTUN 2B 28, JILT 11I 25, JOIN 11I 25

On 21th draw, COZ J8 34 --- COZ a cousin [n]
Other moves: ZIT 12H 30, ZIP N1 28, ZIN 11J 27, ZIT 11J 27, ZOL 11J 27

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