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Game on July 17, 2024 at 17:43, 5 players
1. 558 pts Inkey
2. 528 pts sunshine12
3. 171 pts Pacific

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?elnrtu   H8    64    64   neutral
 2. cdelmor  13F    82   146   clamored
 3. dekostt  15D    57   203   doeks
 4. ?aeegit   8H    77   280   negative
 5. aeegirv  11D    98   378   ergative
 6. dfinstu   D5    76   454   unsifted
 7. beefirs   L1    82   536   briefest
 8. aabeins  14J    43   579   benis
 9. ainprty   F4    68   647   partying
10. adiortu   K3    27   674   adit
11. aalmoqr   C2    38   712   qorma
12. ailoopt   1I    33   745   potboil
13. aeinoww  15L    34   779   enow
14. aghjnoy   8A    42   821   haji
15. aaghowy   B6    42   863   hoagy
16. celnowz  14B    57   920   cloze
17. aanuvwx   2H    58   978   wax
18. aainuuv   2B    26  1004   aqua

Remaining tiles: inuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.7927 FileInkey       5 15:00  -446  558     1.9769 Pacific     1  3:08  -833  171 
  2.7326 Filesunshine12  2 18:18  -476  528            Group: advanced
  3.9769 FilePacific     1  3:08  -833  171     1.7927 Inkey       5 15:00  -446  558 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:37  -967   37     2.7326 sunshine12  2 18:18  -476  528 
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:11  -974   30            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  chunk88     0  0:37  -967   37 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:11  -974   30 

On 1st draw, NEUTR(A)L H8 64 --- NEUTRAL one that is impartial [n]
Other tops: LE(C)TURN H3 64, LE(C)TURN H4 64, LE(C)TURN H6 64, LE(C)TURN H7 64, LE(C)TURN H8 64, LUT(H)ERN H2 64, LUT(H)ERN H3 64, LUT(H)ERN H4 64, LUT(H)ERN H6 64, LUT(H)ERN H7 64, LUT(H)ERN H8 64, NEUTR(A)L H2 64, NEUTR(A)L H3 64, NEUTR(A)L H4 64, NEUTR(A)L H6 64, RUNLET(S) H2 64, RUNLET(S) H3 64, RUNLET(S) H4 64, RUNLET(S) H7 64, RUNLET(S) H8 64, RUN(D)LET H2 64, RUN(D)LET H3 64, RUN(D)LET H4 64, RUN(D)LET H6 64, RUN(D)LET H7 64, RUN(D)LET H8 64, TRUN(D)LE H2 64, TRUN(D)LE H3 64, TRUN(D)LE H4 64, TRUN(D)LE H6 64, TRUN(D)LE H7 64, TRUN(N)EL H2 64, TRUN(N)EL H3 64, TRUN(N)EL H4 64, TRUN(N)EL H6 64, TRUN(N)EL H7 64, TRU(N)NEL H2 64, TRU(N)NEL H3 64, TRU(N)NEL H4 64, TRU(N)NEL H6 64, TRU(N)NEL H7 64, TRU(N)NEL H8 64, (B)LUNTER H2 64, (B)LUNTER H3 64, (B)LUNTER H6 64, (B)LUNTER H7 64, (B)LUNTER H8 64, (G)RUNTLE H2 64, (G)RUNTLE H3 64, (G)RUNTLE H6 64, (G)RUNTLE H7 64, (G)RUNTLE H8 64
Other moves: LE(C)TURN H2 62, LE(C)TURN H5 62, LUT(H)ERN H5 62, NEUTR(A)L H5 62, NEUTR(A)L H7 62
TRUN(D)LE H5 62 Pacific

On 2nd draw, CL(A)MORED 13F 82 --- CLAMOR to make a loud outcry [v]
Other moves: C(A)ROMED 13G 30, C(A)ROMEL 13G 28, C(A)ROLED 13G 26, (A)MORCE 13H 24, CROMED G4 23
CROMED G4 23 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, DOEKS 15D 57 --- DOEK an African cloth [n]
Other tops: STOKED 15H 57
Other moves: STOKE 15H 51, TOKES 15D 51, TSKED 15G 51, DESK 15F 48, KEDS 15E 48
STOKED 15H 57 Pacific, Inkey
KOS 15F 42 sunshine12

On 4th draw, NEGATI(V)E 8H 77 --- NEGATIVE to veto [v]
Other moves: AIG(R)ETTE 11B 66, AIG(R)ETTE 11C 66, (F)IGEATER K6 66, AGE(N)ETIC F6 64, EGA(L)ITE G2 62
NEGATI(V)E 8H 27 Inkey
GATE 12J 22 sunshine12

On 5th draw, ERGATIVE 11D 98 --- ERGATIVE a certain grammatical inflection [n] --- ERGATIVE denoting a certain grammatical case [adj]
Other moves: ERGATIVE L4 74, RIVAGE 14A 37, RAGEE 12H 25, RAGER 12H 25, REGAR 12H 25
RAVE 12L 23 Inkey
VEGA 14A 19 sunshine12

On 6th draw, UNSIFTED D5 76 --- SIFT to pass through a strainer [adj] --- UNSIFTED not sifted [adj]
Other moves: UNSIFTED 9B 71, UNSIFTED I2 71, UNSIFTED O2 63, FIND 12L 33, FIDS 12L 31
FIND 12L 33 Inkey, sunshine12

On 7th draw, BRIEFEST L1 82 --- BRIEF short [adj]
FERES 14J 52 Pacific, Inkey
LIFER 14H 37 sunshine12

On 8th draw, BENIS 14J 43 --- BENI the sesame plant [n]
Other moves: SABINE 14A 32, ABASE 12K 30, ABASE 14B 30, ABIES 12K 30, BABIES 1J 30
BEIN K3 30 Inkey
BANE 12L 25 sunshine12

On 9th draw, PARTYING F4 68 --- PARTY to attend a social gathering [v]
Other tops: PARTYING J1 68
Other moves: PYIN K3 39, PYIN E5 35, YIP K4 35, ATRIP K2 34, PARITY 2J 34
PARITY 2J 34 Inkey
BRAY 1L 27 sunshine12

On 10th draw, ADIT K3 27 --- ADIT a mine opening [n]
Other tops: ARID K3 27, DOIT K3 27, RIBAUD 1J 27, TROD K3 27
Other moves: DRAT M3 25, ABORD 1K 24, ORAD M3 24, ORBITA 1J 24, RUBATI 1J 24
ARID K3 27 Inkey
ABORD 1K 24 sunshine12

On 11th draw, QORMA C2 38 --- QORMA (India) a mild curry [n]
Other moves: QAT 10B 32, ABOMA 1K 27, ABRAM 1K 27, BALM 1L 24, BARM 1L 24
BARM 1L 24 sunshine12
REM I7 16 Inkey

On 12th draw, POTBOIL 1I 33 --- POTBOIL to produce a literary or artistic work of poor quality [v]
Other tops: POLITY 8A 33
Other moves: APIOL B5 29, APO B5 27, APT B5 27, PAOLI B6 26, PAOLO B6 26
POLITY 8A 33 Inkey
APO B5 27 sunshine12

On 13th draw, ENOW 15L 34 --- ENOW enough [n]
Other tops: WAW 2H 34, WOW 2H 34
Other moves: AWE B5 33, AWN B5 33, ANEW 2G 32, ANOW 2G 32, AW B5 32
WOW 2H 34 sunshine12
ANEW 2G 32 Inkey

On 14th draw, HAJI 8A 42 --- HAJI a person who has made a hadj [n]
Other tops: HOAGY B6 42
Other moves: YOGH 14C 41, JAY 2H 38, JOY 2H 38, NOAH B3 38, AHOY B5 37
JOY 2H 38 Inkey, sunshine12

On 15th draw, HOAGY B6 42 --- HOAGY a long sandwich [n]
Other moves: YOGH 14C 41, AAH B4 35, AHOY 2G 35, AWAY 2G 35, AYAH 2G 35
AWAY 2G 35 Inkey
AHOY 2G 35 sunshine12

On 16th draw, CLOZE 14B 57 --- CLOZE a test of reading comprehension [n]
Other moves: COZE 14C 38, COZEN 14A 37, ZONE 2F 37, CLEW 2G 34, CLOW 2G 34
ZONE 2F 37 chunk88, Inkey, sunshine12
OW 2I 30 BadBoyBen

On 17th draw, WAX 2H 58 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other moves: AX 2I 54, VEX I7 42, WEX I7 42, AX M3 35, EX 9H 34
WAX 2H 58 sunshine12, Inkey

On 18th draw, AQUA 2B 26 --- AQUA water [n]
Other moves: VIN D1 23, AIN D1 17, VAN G3 16, VIA G3 16, VIN G3 16
AQUA 2B 26 Inkey
VIN D1 23 sunshine12

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