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Game on July 18, 2024 at 14:05, 7 players
1. 245 pts Chelsea
2. 129 pts LongJump22
3. 50 pts Quincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?efgiii   H4    24    24   fidge
 2. aeilnos   9E    68    92   anisole
 3. ahilnor   6E    70   162   rhodinal
 4. ?abeehr   8G    75   237   beheader
 5. adeirsz   O3   117   354   izards
 6. adinoty   8A    38   392   toady
 7. aeepuvw   2M    38   430   vaw
 8. adeegpt   E5    48   478   drayage
 9. eeinrtw   N8    36   514   rewrite
10. ceglotu   C7    30   544   cagoule
11. afimoru  11H    76   620   auriform
12. abceilp  H11    36   656   apace
13. einpttu  G11    33   689   tup
14. enoostv  15L    44   733   vest
15. deiijnt   5K    40   773   jet
16. binosxy  D12    50   823   onyx
17. bdeilst  15A    39   862   ibex
18. diilors   M2    27   889   volts
19. dimnnou   D1    23   912   duomi
20. iknnqrt   2B    38   950   trunk

Remaining tiles: innq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7180 FileChelsea     1  7:49  -705  245     1.8571 LongJump22  3  2:33  -821  129 
  2.8571 FileLongJump22  3  2:33  -821  129     2.8688 Quincunx    1  1:03  -900   50 
  3.8688 FileQuincunx    1  1:03  -900   50     3.8708 Wuincunx    1  1:23  -900   50 
  4.8708 FileWuincunx    1  1:23  -900   50     4.8681 Zuincunx    1  1:26  -911   39 
  5.  -  FileXuincunx    1  1:45  -900   50     5.8603 Yuincunx    1  1:49  -911   39 
  6.8681 FileZuincunx    1  1:26  -911   39            Group: advanced
  7.8603 FileYuincunx    1  1:49  -911   39     1.7180 Chelsea     1  7:49  -705  245 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Xuincunx    1  1:45  -900   50 

On 1st draw, FI(D)GE H4 24 --- FIDGE to fidget [v]
Other tops: FEIG(N) H4 24, F(O)GIE H4 24, F(U)GIE H4 24, G(R)IEF H8 24
Other moves: FI(R)IE H4 22, G(R)IEF H4 20, FI(D)GE H8 18, F(O)GIE H8 18, F(U)GIE H8 18

On 2nd draw, ANISOLE 9E 68 --- ANISOLE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ANISOLE G7 66, ANISOLE G8 61, ANISOLE I8 61, GASOLINE 7H 61, NO(D)ALISE 6F 61

On 3rd draw, RHO(D)INAL 6E 70 --- RHODINAL an aldehyde found in citronella, used in soaps and perfumes [n]
Other moves: LONGHAIR 7E 67, RHINO 8K 38, HALON 8K 32, HILAR 8K 32, HORAL 8K 32

On 4th draw, BEHEA(D)ER 8G 75 --- BEHEADER one that beheads [n]
Other moves: BAREHEA(D) E8 74, BEHEA(D)ER K8 74, HARA(M)BEE E8 74, HIREAB(L)E G8 70, BLEA(C)HER J8 66

On 5th draw, IZARDS O3 117 --- IZARD a type of ibex [n]
Other tops: AZIDES O3 117
Other moves: DARZIS O3 90, DAZERS O3 90, DAZES O4 90, SIZED O8 90, ZERDAS O3 90

On 6th draw, TOADY 8A 38 --- TOADY to engage in servile flattering [v]
Other moves: DAINTY 10A 35, TOADY 10B 35, TODAY 8A 35, TODAY 10B 34, ATONY 10B 33
DAY 10D 30 Chelsea

On 7th draw, VAW 2M 38 --- VAW the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet [n]
Other moves: PAV 2M 36, PAW 2M 36, PEW 2M 36, AW 2N 30, PAV 5K 26
PEW 5K 26 Chelsea

On 8th draw, DRAYAGE E5 48 --- DRAYAGE transportation by dray [n]
Other moves: GAPED 10C 29, GEEZ 4L 28, PAGED 10C 28, TAPED 10C 28, APED 10D 27
PAD 5K 22 Chelsea

On 9th draw, REWRITE N8 36 --- REWRITE to write again [v] --- WRITE to form characters or symbols on a surface with an instrument [v]
Other moves: ENTREZ 4J 30, TAWNIER C7 30, WEENIER M7 30, NERTZ 4K 28, WRITE D1 27
WRITE D1 27 Chelsea

On 10th draw, CAGOULE C7 30 --- CAGOULE a light anorak [n]
Other moves: CATELOG C7 28, LUTZ 4L 26, COGUE D1 25, CULOTTE 13I 24, GOETIC 12J 24
TOLE O12 22 Chelsea

On 11th draw, AURIFORM 11H 76 --- AURIFORM ear shaped [adj]
Other moves: FARM O12 52, FIRM O12 52, FOAM O12 52, FORM O12 52, FARM 15L 50
FIRM O12 52 Chelsea

On 12th draw, APACE H11 36 --- APACE swiftly [adv]
Other tops: ABACI H11 36, CAPIZ 4K 36
Other moves: PIBAL 5G 32, ABELIA 5J 28, PLICATE 13I 28, CABLE D1 27, CAPLE D1 27
APACE H11 36 Chelsea

On 13th draw, TUP G11 33 --- TUP to copulate with a ewe [v]
Other moves: INEPT B10 30, PUTZ 4L 30, TITUP D11 29, TITUP 5G 28, POTGUN 10B 26
PUTZ 4L 30 Chelsea

On 14th draw, VEST 15L 44 --- VEST to place in the control of [v]
Other moves: VOLES 12A 37, VOLTS 12A 37, MOONS O11 31, MOOSE O11 31, MOOTS O11 31

On 15th draw, JET 5K 40 --- JET to spurt forth in a stream [v]
Other moves: JILT 12A 38, DITZ 4L 28, JEDI I3 28, JONG 10B 28, JEDI D2 27
JET 5K 40 LongJump22

On 16th draw, ONYX D12 50 --- ONYX a variety of quartz [n]
Other moves: OXY D12 39, BOOGY 10B 38, SIX D11 36, SOX D11 36, BOXY I1 32
ONYX D12 50 LongJump22, Quincunx, Wuincunx, Xuincunx

On 17th draw, IBEX 15A 39 --- IBEX a wild goat [n]
Other moves: DITZ 4L 38, SITZ 4L 34, ILEX 15A 33, DESI 12K 25, BESTI D1 23
IBEX 15A 39 LongJump22, Zuincunx, Yuincunx

On 18th draw, VOLTS M2 27 --- VOLT a unit of electromotive force [n]
Other moves: PARODIST 13G 24, DOLOS 12A 21, LILOS 12A 19, DO 14A 17, DSO F12 17

On 19th draw, DUOMI D1 23 --- DUOMO a cathedral [n]
Other moves: MO B10 22, DIM 12M 21, MO 14A 20, MONGO 10B 20, DUNNO D1 19

On 20th draw, TRUNK 2B 38 --- TRUNK the main stem of a tree [n]
Other moves: INK C1 31, DRINK 1D 30, KIND 1A 27, QI G3 26, QUIRK 2C 20

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